It's when Disney World could reopen

Disney was closed for two months. Here's how long it's going to be 'until you can hang the main street.

It's been almost two months since it was time to say goodbye to all our company at Walt Disney World. The Florida Orlando, Florida-based theme park has been closed since March 16th. When the famous house of mouseannounced closure, it was planned to be "at the end of the month". But of course, it's not the way the churros have dropped. Disney Amusement Park has been closed to customers for nearly nine weeks now, delaying tons of spring holidays and leaving many tears. But there may be hope for Mickey again. This week, during a quarterly gains call, Disney announced that hisFirst theme park to reopen post-coronavirus Will be Shanghai Disneyland, who will open his friendly doors on Monday, May 11 11. Although Disney CEOBob Chapsekdid not revealWhen Walt Disney World Stateside will reopenWe now have some clues.

Shanghai Disneyland was theFirst Disney Theme Park to Close On January 25, which means that when it breaks on May 11, it was arrested for 107 days. If Walt Disney World follows the same calendar, Disney fans at the USDY could see Minnie and Mickey in person at the last week of June or the first week of July.

"Although we have announced projects to reopen Shanghai Disney Resort, there is limited visibility at the time of the reopening and the conditions under which we can reopen the rest of our parks", Vice President and Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial OfficerChristine Mr McCarthy said on the same call. "However, we believe that the strength of our brands and our unwavering commitment to the invited experience are valuable assets that will serve us and our guests once we reopen."

Another positive sign for Disney fans: May 7, the Walt Disney World Resort announced that oneProgressive reopening of Disney sources-A outdoor dining and commercial complex attached to the park - would start on May 20, although there were no explicit news on Walt Disney World itself reopening.

Minnie and Mickey Mouse ride Disney Parks float

When Disney World Rouvre, it will not be the fans of the theme park have been experiencing and loved for almost 50 years. There are a lot of changes on the basis ofNew guidelines fixed by the working group on the economic recovery of the County of Orange. For example, Disney World will operate at half a capacity of the phase of one of its reopening and at a capacity of 75% in phase two. All employees and visitors will have to wear masks and there may be aVirtual "boarding group" queue system instead of these long lines that snake around the park.

With regard to Shanghai Disneyland, Chapek stated that China has requested that thematic parks did not exceed 30% of their maximum capacity to maintain social distancing practices. With Shanghai Disneyland's Max being 80,000, it's not more than 24,000 people in the park at a time. But Chapek said that Shanghai Disneyland would initially maintain the attendance "far from being just to have our training wheels" and be extremely careful.

In addition, Shanghai Disneyland employees and visitors will have to wear masks. The execution characters will not carry the face coatings, but they will be kept remotely from visitors. Therefore, evenIf Walt Disney World Rouvre this summer, Do not expect goofy hugs or autographs or pluto at any time soon! And for more information on travel changes after the coronavirus, here is13 things you can never see about planes again after coronavirus.

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Categories: Travel
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