20 signs that you are addicted to your smartphone

If your phone looks more like a member than a tool, you might simply be addicted.

Everyone knows that smartphones make life convenient. They facilitate the verification time, find a recipe, keep in touch with friends, follow the news or just see what Kim Kardashian had for breakfast. But for people with NOMOPHOBIA, smartphones cause more problems than they solve. Nomophobia is a moniker for addiction to smartphones, short for "No mobile phone phobia". It's addiction to good smartphone has become quite a problem that deserves its own word.

In fact, a study by the University of Derby revealedone in eight is addicted to their phones. And while the NOMOPHOBIA has not engaged inDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders However, the signs and symptoms of smartphone addiction range from psychological to physical and very real to these sufferings. The good news? It is easy to know if you are addicted to your smartphone and take steps to reach your size before becoming a bigger problem. And when you want to hit your habit from your smartphone, start with the11 easy ways to conquer your addiction to your smartphone.

You can not sleep

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Dependence smartphone has been linked to sleep problems. Research suggests that theblue lightYour phone emits can actually disrupt your sleep cycle, making it difficult to sleep. If you find that you can not stop looking at your phone before the time when you close your eyes, despite the fact that it can interfere with your sleep, you may be addicted to your smartphone. Instead scroll instagram every night, pick up some of20 nocturnal habits guarantees to help you sleep better.

You are worried

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Dependence does not mean you look great phone. It also comes with measurable symptoms that indicate that you have become dependent on your phone in a way that prevents your daily life. For some addicts, it means that the thought of not having their phone can cause them anxiety and go without his phone is not completely gone. If the notion of leaving your phone at home for the day sends you into a panic, master the art of calm your nerves with10 ways to better focus during meditation.

You are stressed by social media

Facebook friend request

If you constantly check your phone, you are more likely to be stressed by what happens on Facebook.Political arguments on Facebook Had a negative emotional effect on 42% of people who constantly look at their phone, as opposed to only 27% of people with smartphones healthier habits. Besides making you stressed, suburban Facebook is just one15 daily habits that kill your confidence.

You can not stand still without checking your phone

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The average Americancheck their cell phone 47 times a day, According to research from Deloitte. It is much much, and if you find yourself looking at your phone over and beyond this measure, you may suffer from NOMOPHOBIA.

You fail the test

Failed term paper

Worried about addiction smartphone? There is an online quiz for it. The quiz was created by the assistant professor of human computer interactionState University of New York at Oswego Caglar Yirdirim to help people determine if they have a case NOMOPHOBIA. A score of less than 20 means you are probably all right, but as your score increases, the amount your phone habits interfere with your life.

You lose time

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Do you frequently find yourself removing to reality and realize that you have lost in your phone for an extended period? Wasting time in reaching your phone when you are bored, could be a sign that you have a smartphone problem.

You're always distracted

Teens on Phones

Do you find any breaches of what your friends are up to, even if you are there with them? Give your phone as much attention as you find yourself ignore conversations and people around can be a sign of freezing to smartphone. In addition to this, the conversation is actually a useful workout for your brain, so when you go to your friends to check your Facebook, you miss an opportunity to keep your edit sharp. In fact, it's just one of17 daily habits that ruin your brain.

You can not stop checking

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The dependence of social media is not quite the same as smartphone dependence, but if you can not put your phone down because you look Facebook or Instagram, it can be a slope slippery leading directly to nomophobia. Get the jump on smartphone addiction by avoiding these15 Facebook habits that you have to break.

You text more than talking

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One of the many negative effects of smartphone dependence is that you can find yourself isolated from the real world. If you find yourself communicating with people via a text more often than face to face, it's probably time to disable the phone and catch a cup of coffee with a friend.

You scroll without scrolling

Man on phone at work

The spending hours of social media flows or websites as a zombie that craves loves instead of the brain is a sign that you have a problem of modifying how you use your phone. You might think that you look at your phone because you do not have "nothing better", but almost everything is better than killing time looking at your phone without good reason.

You feel ghost vibrations

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If you have a problem with a smartphone addiction, you probably know what we are talking about. You feel your vibrant phone, but when you check it, there is nothing there. This could be a sign that you are so eager to not use your phone as your body interprets other stimuli as message from your phone. This anxiety can also prevent you from being fully present with your family or friends.

You texts while driving

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Inability to stop doing something despite the negative consequences he can have on your health or your life is a classic addiction sign, and that's exactly what you send texts while driving. People whoText and driving Actually having a reaction time worse than those who drink and drive. If you can not distance your phone away while driving, you are a danger to you and for others on the road.

You have a physical discomfort

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In addition to making you anxious, when you are addicted to your phone and you do not have it on you, you can feel a real discomfort. Ato study I found that people who had confiscated phones experienced heart rate, blood pressure and feelings of inconvenience, while their cognitive abilities actually decreased when they heard their phone ring but could not answer them.

You can not leave the house without it

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If you are without your phone while you are on your way to run a simple race, do you have to go back and go home to get it? This type of attachment to a device is not healthy and could be a sign of nomophobia.

You waste too much time

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The average American spends somewhere between four and five hours each daylook at their phone. If you spend more time than that on your phone, you may have a problem.

You feel alone without it

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The overuse of your phone can lead to increased feelings of shyness or loneliness, caused in a small part of the isolation you feel when your world exists in a small computer that you hold in your hand. If you make yourself aware, even if you have maximized your Facebook friend, use your phone to call a friend instead of having published another status update.

You never eat alone

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When sitting for dinner with friends, is the first thing you make your phone on the table so you can keep an eye on it at any time? If this is the case, you leave your phone getting your relationship with your friends with your friends, who is a sign of dependency.

Your relationship suffers

Couple who can't sleep in a Sleepless City.

A shocking 9% of people admitted they haveUsed their phone while in the act with their partner. If it's you, stop it. There is no excuse to check Twitter for an intimate moment.

You act impulsively

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Smartphone addiction has been linked to an increase in impulsive behavior. Too much time on your phone can lead to aimbalance in your brain chemistry and has been linked to depression, anxiety, insomnia and impulsive behavior.

You can not leave

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Making multiple attempts to reduce how much you use your phone and have failed in a miserably way each time is a safe sign of the smartphone addiction. Instead of doing cold turkey, try Bonder until you reach your daily time goal. Having trouble dealing with withdrawals? Boot the usual for good using70 genius tricks to get instantly happy.

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Categories: Smarter Living
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