27 common anti-aging tips you should forget immediately

To really return the clock, purge this "wisdom", stat.

As you find more wrinkles and signs of your distress on your body, the inevitable panic sets in: you get older. It seems that since the moment when the human race has discovered that they were not going to live forever, a crowd of anti-aging products andHome remedies (Your Nana's skin has not aged a 40-year-old day because it has eaten ice every day!) Began to infiltrate each market. And, with so many promising products and advice to reverse or stop the signs of aging, how do you know which one do you believe in reality?

Fortunately, luckily for you, it's not a good order to cut through the noise and analyze the tips, in particular, do not go around. To help you get started, we have gathered some of the most common extracts of advice, at the end of the day, Bunk. Once you purge this so-called "wisdom" of your repertoire, you will be on the path of ethereal skin, shiny skin for years to come.

Water can plunge your skin.

woman drinking a glass of water Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

DermatologistFayne Frey, the consumption of drinking water is essential to your health, but does not actually provide extra moisture to combat the aging of your skin. In fact, there is no substantial search that even shows that drinking more than your fair share of water will array your skin with anti-aging benefits. (Just to be clear crystal, although: do not take this to drink less water. Paste with the eight glasses recommended per day, which benefits from your health to your energy at your energy levels.)

The better the product, the better.

Woman Applying Lotion Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

It's just - rather than buying an anti-aging product based on its price (which you will definitely reflect the quality of the article), zero in the ingredients that each product contains. To make sure you catch thebest possible product of the shelf, First read the concentration of the key ingredients (a higher concentration is better) and the manufacturer (make sure it is a mark you recognize or have at least playback.unbelievable Opinion on) to make sure it is a quality investment.

Get a face of blood make your skin younger.

Blood Facial Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

The lesson taken from this myth: do not believe in anti-aging treatments that sound too good to be true. If you are not familiar with this procedure, often called the "Vampire FaceLift", here's how it works. Basically, some tubes of your own blood are drawn, spun in a centrifuge until it separated into different components, then the blood plasma is injected into your face. Although this procedure is popular (celebrities like Kim Kardashian boast regularly on its advantages), according to the Patti Flint Plastic Surgeon, there is no real evidence that shows that this invasive solution really works at all.

"The bad news is that nothing is really lifted, unlike the name of the procedure involves. In addition, there is no medical evidence that proves that this procedure has sustainable effects. There are some Starlets who profess the Wonders of these treatments, but no scientific studies showing a significant advantage, "she says.

Alternate shower temperatures will rejuvenate your skin.

Woman in the shower Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

Although some can the benefits of using alternating temperaturesin the showerThere is actually no evidence that saves the benefits of this hot hot method.

A bird poison face will brighten your skin.

Woman Getting Facial Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

Just a few years ago, the Internet buzzed from this new type of facial, containing feces of Rossignols on the island of Kyushu, Japan. Nevertheless, those who seek a cure for their aging skin are turning to that, uh,interestingAlternative, despite small scientific evidence to prove that fecal materials contain anti-aging properties. Have many spas offering this treatment say it can help brighten and restore the skin, most scientists have not yet prove that and only notice the ability of the face to make the skin look scintillating for a day after the application.

The cucumber slices will eliminate bags under your eyes.

Cucumber Slices on Eyes Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

For most cases, a spa trip would be almost incomplete without the application of cucumbers on the eyelids. And, while cucumbers can temporarily reduce eyes and redness around the eyes, the antioxidants they contain will not work to eliminate these dark circles before your eyes, according toDr. Gregory Nikolaidis, a dermatologist based on Austin. So, while this luxury of cherished spa can be a great way to reduce swelling around the eyes, its magic powers are only short.

Facial exercises help to fight Ridingling.

Woman Doing Facial Exercise Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

No, facial exercises do not prevent your skin fromdrain. In fact, they often do more harm than good, withsome dermatologists Even indicating that repeated facial contortions exacerbate existing wrinkles. As it turns out, there is no exercise that can prevent the depletion of collagen in your face.

A facial oxygen will plunge your skin.

Oxygen Facial Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

For this facial, the participants are sprayed with a machine containing a pressure of oxygen under pressure, says to instantly moisturize the skin. While celebrities like Madonna once consider this facial a miraculous worker, many beauty and scientific experts are still skeptical about his long-term impacts on the aging process. Like Dr. Christopher B. Zachary, President of the Department of Professor and Dermatology at the University of California, Irvine, School of MedicineRecount The New York TimesThere is little evidence that supports the positive effects of oxygen under pressure on the skin. "The concept that high pressure oxygen would do anything to help the skin is so uncontrollable to be risically," he said.

It is better to use each product in a line of care of the anti-aging skin.

Woman Applying Serum to Skin Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

Although the "plus more" method may seem like a favorable approach when it comes to preserving the dynamism of your skin during your old one, it is important to remind you that these skin care products still contain ingredients likely. To drain the precious moisture of your skin, no matter how the ingredients can be natural. The use of more than two or three different products on your face will only dry your skin, leaving you even more subject to age-related imperfections.

You should use retinol every day.

Woman Applying Retinol Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

Since retinol is an incredibly powerful powerful source of collagen vitamin A for your skin, it is better to use it only several times a week in order toAvoid drying your skin,said Emmy Graber, MD, a dermatologist and Assistant Professor of Dermatology at the University of Boston Medicine School. However, if you are really looking to take advantage of the effects of this cream, you can start by applying only a pea size value to the skin, to reduce the possibility of redness and diversion skin.

You can make effective anti-aging treatments with articles from your kitchen.

DIY Facial Mask Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

While the household remedies seem to be more biological, and therefore better for you, it turns out that many of them could contain allergens and ingredients that work against your skin. Thus, rather than spending the afternoon making a homemade concoction for your skin, make a quick trip to the store to find all the ingredients of products already manufactured and tested by professionals.

Aging is determined by your genes.

mother smiling with her adult daughter Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

Although yes, aging is determined by your genetics, the habits you develop during your life can also reproduce or prolong your life, as well as dictate your quality of life. For example, smoking, lack of exercise and eating unhealthy food will weaken the defenses in the body that are there to protect you from diseases that prevent you from living a long and happy life.

Moisturizers prevent aging.

Man Applying Moisturizer Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

While many older women (my mother included) say that a certain moisturizer of the brand helped the skin more graciously, Dr. Michelle Levy, a Dermatologist based in Toronto, knows that it's a false idea. "Unfortunately, the notion that the moisturizers on their own wrinkles are a myth (these women were probably genetically blessed). Unless your moisturizer contains a sunscreen or other known active ingredients to mitigate the aging of the skin. 'Do not prevent wrinkles ",noted. Ultimately: Your moisturizer does not contain any properties that will prevent the aging of your skin.

Limit the amount you smile will prevent wrinkles.

Man Frowning Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

Upon arrival, these wrinkles around your mouth are not the result of a life of excessive smile. Like Dr. Anthony Rossi, a dermatologist at Kettering Kettering Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterRecount TIME magazine, the fault does not lie with your facial expressions - it is instead all because of the decrease in your elasticity of your skin. Following the aging process of your skin (as well as genetic factors), wrinkles around your mouth are inevitable.

Delete makeup before the bed prevents wrinkles.

Woman using makeup wipe Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

Although it may be partly true, many dermatologists agree that the withdrawal of your makeup before your bed guarantees that your skin has the chance to breathe - and not that this act will really keep your skin younger. In fact, your skin will always be exposed to free radicals of your environment, whether they are trapped or not in your makeup. So the idea that wearing your makeup maybe an eight overtime could cause significant damage to your skin is not precise.

Avoid stress to avoid grove.

Stressed out man Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

Although it has been proven that stress brings us less gracefully than others more to peace, David Fisher, pediatric teacher at Harvard Medical Schoolreveal American scientist that thegray process is much more complicated, as many different factors, linked to both genetic and lifestyle, can contribute to early greyness. Although it is known that stress can affect the survival of melanocytes (the stem cells that give our hair its pigment), scientists have not yet binding stress and gray hair.

Antioxidants can reverse aging.

Frozen Berries in a bowl Antioxidants Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

First, be clear, nothing can reinsert the aging process. Over the past two years, it seems that each publication is quick to find the advantages of antioxidants, such as resveratrol, for example, that many think can reverse signs of aging. However, as displayed by thisto study Published inThe physiology logIt would be necessary to consume amounts of mass of antioxidants in order to harvest their advantages. So, if you find yourself hard to introduce more heavy antioxidant foods into your diet, simply know that you will never consume enough to reverse the signs of aging that are inevitable.

Hormone supplements can prevent age fragility.

Testosterone Shot Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

While Dhea,a hormone produced by your adrenal glands, Can be a healthy hormonal complement to treat a number of conditions such as Crohn's disease and infertility, it can be a dangerous option for those who simply seek to return the clock on aging,according to Experts of the hormonal health network. In fact, when it is right for the health of immunity, this hormone supplement can really throw the levels of hormones in your body, which requires women to produce more testosterone and that men produce more estrogen. In addition, there was no proven link between hormone supplements and improved immunity to the aging process.

Cut calories will prolong your life.

Dieting Woman Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

Good news for those who hate to stick to the schemes: it turns out that the Cup of Calorie does not have any proven effect on your life. Although many new studies are trying to prove that a restricted calorie diet can have positive effects on the aging process, Dr. Luigi Fontana, a medical research teacher at the University of Washington in St. LouisrevealLiving science that how organizations change nutrients are a more likely factor that contributes to aging - whichcan not be changed by a diet.

Cup carbohydrates will extend your life.

Eating Pasta Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

In the world of healthy life, there seems to be a misconception of carbohydrates. In fact, you can see the mistrust of this food group with the creation of a number of low carbohydrate or carbohydrate regimes that claim that the absence of carbohydrates will do good. Flash News: Our Bodiesneed Crabs. This does not mean that transformed carbohydrates are not bad for you, because, in fact, they are - but including a healthy quantity of whole grains, unrefined carbohydrates (like those fruits and vegetables) will keep your body in Good health and happy well in your golden years.

Storage of protein mass quantities will keep your body young and strong.

Protein Powder Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

Just over the last decade, an overwhelming amount of protein and bar supplements hit the market and consumers buy on what they sell. Despite the common belief that consuming more protein will make the body young and strong, no matter what age, there is a limit to the amount of protein you should consume - and it's less than you think. In fact, the recommended food allocation for the protein is 0.4 grams per body of body weight, which, in a 150-pound person, amounts to 60 grams a day. Eat a chicken breast, then you have filled your protein food allocation for the day.

Paste on low intensity workouts if you have more than 50 years.

older women exercising Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

It's not because you are officially "on the hill" does not mean that you can not work as you did in twenty. In fact, maintain an active and painful training regime,according to The Mayo Clinic can actually help reverse some of the effects of aging in your body. Researchers actually found that people over the age of 65 participated in high-intensity interval training experienced a reversal of age-related muscle deterioration. In short: do not like your exercise routine simply because you get older.

Dietary supplements can slow down the aging process.

Dietary Supplements Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

While yes,food supplements Work to keep your body in good health, take them alone will not do anything to reverse the aging process. Perhaps, when it was a healthy diet, exercise and great genetics, it could be differentiated from speaking, in terms of anti-aging effects.

You do not need to wear solar screen in winter.

Woman Applying Sunscreen Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

For your skin, it is better toSlaty on sunscreen Regardless of the season, even during the winter, last New York Dendy EngelmanRecount Vogue. "People used to think:" What is the point of wearing solar screen in winter? "Especially in Manhattan, where you never see the sun. But now we know that even your office lighting, your phone screen can be harmful," she said.

Lasers can get rid of signs of aging on our skin.

Woman Getting Laser Facial Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

Although different types of lasers can erase sun spots and activating collagen, many patients believe that these laser treatments are a healing for their aging skin - when they are certainly not.According to Jenny Kim, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Dermatology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California in Los Angeles, these lasers can only do much to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. If you have more than 20 years of damage to your skin, a laser is not likely to provide a lot of relief.

Topical creams containing vitamin C can combat aging.

Vitamin C Cream Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

In addition, according to Dr. Kim, while topical creams containing vitamin C have the ability to combat the aging of your skin, be warned: creams containing vitamin C tend to destabilize very quickly, so it is so Preferable to buy reputation (reading: expensive) brand names. In terms of anti-aging products, this is the one that could be exceeded as well.

The preparation h can help eliminate the rag circles.

Woman Applying Eye Cream Anti-Aging Tips You Should Forget

The myth: this preparation h, when applied in the eyes, can help reduce or eliminate black circles before your eyes. The fact: according to Self Agazine, while limiting the blood vessels to temporarily stop pockets and redness, the risks by far outweigh the rewards, like the potential of his eyes and to damage them severely would create another question (much greater )

Categories: Health
Tags: aging / wellness
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