20 myths of health of worst men who would not quite die

It's time to separate fictional facts when it comes to the truth about how to maintain your health.

When it comes to going to the doctor, men rose clearly short compared to their female counterparts. In fact, according to a long study of the year led by disease control and prevention centers (CDC), women were33% more likely than men to visit a doctor in a period of one year. In addition, the CDC found that the PhD visits for items such as annual reviews and preventive measures was 100% higher for women than for men. Why do men hate registration on the status of their overall health as much? For a multitude of reasons, but anything, but anything, do not go to the doctor helps to explain why there is so much conflict - and often simply an inaccurate information without distinction aboutThe health of men. So, whether for yourself or a man of your life, read it to help put an end to these long-time men's health myths. And for similar lies for the opposite sex, check30 health myths of worst women who will not die.

The baldness comes from the pool of your mother's genes.

balding man wearing a mask

The myth that hair loss comes from the side of the mother's mother is still stubbornly suspended. Although male baldness is linked to hereditary reasons, it can be transmitted fromon each side of the family, not just mom. And for the problems you are more likely to experience your aging, discover40 health risks that explode after 40.

Wear a hat will make you bald.

Happy man on the beach wearing a hat

It is not very useful that this myth has gained traction - a regular donation of hats could be considered to cut your scalp and your hair fresh air and sunlight, or the hat fabric can rub against Your paste, make a naked place.But no hat will not cause baldness.

"I had people who asked me about it and I can understand why they think it's true"Hayley Goldbach, MD, an UCLA health dermatologist, saidTime In 2019. "I think the short answer is that the [hat wearing] is probably not a real concern."

Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in men.

doctor with sad patient

Although near that, this common myth is not entirely true. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), "prostate cancer is the most common cancer in American men,Except for skin cancersAnd for things that make your chance to develop a serious illness, check30 things you had no idea could cause cancer.

And you have to get a prostate review of all time.

Man talking to his doctor

It should not happen every year, but the ACS recommends that men at average risk of the disease should begin to be filtered at 50 years. For those who are higher, the screening process should begin a few years ago around 40 years. or 45, depending on the level of risk. Talk to your doctor about the frequency you should be checked after that.

Eating more protein means you build more muscle.

Powder Supplement Anti-Aging

Sorry guys. Protein will only help you develop muscles if you are training for strength. According to webmd, "adding more protein but no more calories or exercises to your dietwill not help you build more muscle massBut this can put your other body systems under stress. And for the means to settle without going to the gym, discover21 easy ways to get more exercise every day.

The protein must be consumed just after a workout.

Man drinking protein shake after workout

For the average gym, it is not essential to immediately mix a big Shake protein and slam just after having finished doing pumping iron. It's quite the opposite, says nutritionistSusan Bowerman, Rd. "Force training athletes should aim to expand protein consumption equally even above meals and snacks throughout the day," she says.

Cut calories means weight loss.

weight losse, counting calories, Worst Men's Health Myths

Just because you slash your daily calorie consumptiondoes not mean that you will lose weight. Take it from the CDC, who says, "Eating fewer calories does not necessarily mean eat less food. To be able to cut calories without eating less and having hungry, you must replace some higher caloric foods with lower foods in the calories and fill out. In general, these foods contain a lot of water and are high in fiber. "

Men do not need sunscreen.

Sunscreen, 40s

Guys often feel the need to brush solar uptake, but skin cancer is most likely to come to men - in fact, the American Cancer Society says that the most common cancer type found in men, even more than prostate cancer. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Older men are always lower than younger men.


OK, it's true that your bones will weaken and your muscles fade as you get older, but you can seriously delay this loss of vitality by remaining active. So, continue a coherent exercise routine and stop challenging your body, regardless of your age.

More shaving means more hair.

black man shaving in the mirror

Another oldie, but goodie, is the idea that the more you shave, the thicker and faster your hair repels. (Breastfeld, Anyone?) But that's anotherFalse made based on defective observations-The hair you shave is the dead part of the hair, so it has no effect on what happens to the little life under the skin.

Depression is only for the weak.

Man experiencing anxiety and depression wife helping him

It's incredible that modern men still cling to the idea that crying and being depressed is destined for lower individuals, but they do it - and they are wrong.Depression is a disorder This strikes men and women.

Sleep to help you catch a lack of Shuteeye.

middle aged latino man sleeping on his stomach

You run a hard work week, stay at the late office, then go to your friends in the wee hours and you find yourself about five hours of sleep one night. Then, the weekend comes and you sneez for 10 hours at a time, think it will compensate your weekly loss. Not true. In fact, a Harvard Medicine School Studysays it's almost impossible to catch up with lost sleep.

Preferred foods are not part of a healthy diet.

Man eating squares of chocolate

Do not think that simply because you have been put (or put yourself) a new strict diet to help you take away your big belly that you can not still have some of your favorite junky. AGood weight loss plan Includes cheating meals to help you psychologically and physically. I do not do it more than once a week.

You must live at the gym to be healthy.

Instructor and student workout at gym after pandemic reopening. They work hard with weights to stay in shape

The pressure to be lean and muscular like a movie star or a blanket model for a fitness magazine can be intense for some guys, which leads them to think they must be in the gym 7 days a week for time. But unless your work is a fitness model, be healthy and strong, you do not have to live at the gym.

Squats are bad for you.

man squatting , Worst Men's Health Myths

When you have finished correctly, the Squat back is one of the best movements to enhance the strength and balance of the body while working all your body, triggering the engraving of grease and the release of testosterone. HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL SENDS THAT THE"Simple squat" is one of the most important exercises you can do.

Vaccinations are for young men.

syringe dipped into vial of vaccine on blue background

Many guys think about vaccinations like something for babies or sick people, and they are generally correct, but there are injections that everyone should be age or sex. Influenza vaccinations are useful for all and decrease all the symptoms if you get the bug, and everyone should get a tetanus shot every 10 years. And once you get older (65 earlier) get aPneumonia and shingle vaccine is a good idea.

Every man snores.

man in bed lies over 40

Snoring is just what guys do, right? Not exactly.

From time to time, it is perfectly normal for guys and girls to snore during the night, either because of the start of allergies or diseases, sleep position or time change. But persistent and problematic snoring can be a sign of dangerousSleep disorders like sleep apnea, what UPS yourrisk of developing heart disease and high blood pressure.

Carbohydrates are bad.

Carbs!!!! Worst Men's Health Myths

You need to eat carbohydrates to maintain your energy levels. In fact, they should be tIt main source of your body's energy when consumed as part of a healthy diet. This is especially true if you work to lose weight. You can make them time for optimal use - Try breakfast and after a workout.

You only use 10% of your brain.

doctor holding a brain

The grand-chief of all myths of health, the idea that you only use 10% of your brain's ability attacked for years, even among some doctors.

But there is no evidence or a study to give credipy to this stupid myth because we know that different parts of your brain are accessible at any time and it's an energy pork - the brain is only 3% of our weight but usesUnpreplaces of our energy.

Low carbohydrate beers will not give you a belly of beer.


Drinking beers of lower light bright beers, you take fewer calories and carbohydrates for each beer, but you're stillConsume calories, nutrients and alcohol.

All these can contribute to weight gain, especially dense energy alcohol, which is about compared to what fat packs, gram grams and lighter taste can mean that you drink More on the night, deny all benefits.

Categories: Health
Tags: medicine / Myths / wellness
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