Rich men are twice as likely to have this mortal condition, the study finds

If you do more than that in the income, you may need to worry about your health.

Many people dream of wealthWhile others have already obtained more money than they could possibly use in a life. But sometimes it's really "more money, more problems". In fact, yourIncome can play a role in your health. According to new research, rich men are actually twice as likely to have that fatal state of health:Hypertension.

The Japanese study, which was presented at the 84th annual scientific meeting of the Japanese traffic company in early August, examined theRelationship between household income and blood pressure By observing 4,314 employees with day jobs - all started their work in 2012 withNormal blood pressure levels. Researchers divided workers into four groups, according to household annual income: less than about $ 48,000 (5 million Japanese yen), $ 48,000 to approximately $ 76,500 (8 million Japanese yen), $ 76,500 $ 95,500 (10 million Japanese yen), and then $ 95,500 or more per year.

Over a period of two years, researchers have found that men who have done more than $ 95,500 were twice as likely to develop high blood pressure than men in the lowest income category, which represents less than less than $ 48,000 a year. Men in the average income ranges have always had a higher chance to have higher blood pressure, but only about 50% more.

"Hypertension is aDisease related to the way of life, "Shingo Yanagiya, co-author for the study, said in a press declaration. "As a doctor considering these patients, I wanted to know if the risk varies according to the socio-economic class, to help us concentrate our prevention efforts."

Doctor taking a pulse at office

Arterial hypertension is extremely problematic from a health point of view. After all, uncontrolled arterial hypertensioncan cause multiple health problems, including a heart attack, a stroke, heart failure, renal disease or failure, loss of vision, sexual dysfunction, angina angina and peripheral artery disease, according to the American Heart Association .

Not only that, but arterial hypertension is also known as the "silent killer" because many people do not exercise any symptoms or warning signs to indicate thattheir health suffers. And that's why it's such a fatal condition. According to the World Health Organization, more than a billion peoplesuffer from overall high blood pressureAnd this is one of the main causes of premature death around the world, killing about eight million people each year.

However, the results of women in the study have not reflected the results of men. In fact, women with higher household income had actually tended to have ainferior risk of developing high blood pressure, depending on researchers.

"Our study supports this: men, but not women, higher domestic revenues weremore likely to be obese and drinking alcohol every day. Both behaviors are major risk factors for hypertension, "said Yanagiya.

To avoid this mortal condition, Yanagiya recommends to men to start controlling their behaviors by keeping alcohol consumption at moderate levels and engaged in better health, such as "healthy eating, exercising and controlling weight. " If you are curious to know what else can result in high blood pressure, read it. And for more men's health advice, discover17 silent signs of a heart attack of men can not afford to miss.

You are a bad sleeper.

Shot of a young man taking his blood pressure while sitting on the sofa at home

NotGet a good night's sleep Will not just tire you the next day. A 2019 study published in thePsychosomatic medicine Journal observed 300 men and women whohad no history of cardiac problems. Recording their blood pressure and sleep efficiency, researchers discovered that after two nights, bad sleepers had increased blood pressure during their bad sleep and the next day. And for more information on men's health, learn which50 signs of poor health men should never ignore.

You often eat late at night.

eating late health myths

Late feeding is bad for your blood pressure. According to a 2018 study led by the American Heart Association, consuming 30% or more calories of a day after 6 hours. resulted in a 23%higher risk of developing high blood pressure or hypertension. And for things about the health of men, you have to stop believing, it's the20 myths of health of worst men who would not quite die.

You do not get enough vitamin D.

Shot of a doctor checking a patient's blood pressure in a hospital

Lower levels of vitamin D have been linked to higher blood pressure. A 2014 study published inLancet and endocrinology diabetes Newspaper found that for every 10%Increased vitamin D levelsThere was a decrease of 8% of the risk of developing high blood pressure. And for more reasons might need your vitamin intake, check these20 surprising signs that you have vitamin deficiency

You do not do dental silk.

Closeup shot of a doctor checking a patient's blood pressure

Do not dental silk may have more implications than a severe conference of your dentist. A 2015 study published in the Journal of Payontology found Bad oral hygiene can actually lead to arterial hypertension . The moderate to severe gum disease led to a risk of high blood pressure from 22 to 49%. And for more useful content delivered directly into your inbox, Sign up for our daily newsletter .

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