12 rainbow hair color ideas for rock this spring

You no longer need a real reason to go crazy with your hair colors and it is also nice to have colored hair without being a huge statement or a way to rebel against anything.

Rainbow hair becomes fundamentally translated over the last decade. It started like something that only alternative children would be brave enough to do and these days, you can not shock people anymore with colorful hair. I think it's for the better. You no longer need a real reason to go crazy with your hair colors and it is also nice to have colored hair without being a huge statement or a way to rebel against anything. That said, rainbow hair has transcended his name. We do not want to say real rainbow colors when we talk about rainbow hair. It is a combination of different bright colors or even pastel combined in a hairstyle. There are also a lot of ways to make rainbow hair now that you can definitely find the one that works for you. The beauty of rainbow hair is that you can choose the colors that work better with your skin hue and it also looks like hair of all lengths and textures. Let's take a look at 12 rainbow hair ideas for rock this spring.

1. PASTELS Rainbow
A whole rainbow might seem a little hard if you have never tried it before, but I think everyone will agree that this pastel variation of rainbow hair is just quite shilling for the first Chronometers. It's cute and playful without being too much in your face.

The oil is a variant of rainbow hair that works perfectly for those who prefer blue and purple tones and as a bonus, it works on black hair, so you do not have to go blonde in the first place. It's also an excellent choice for those who slow down silver hair right now, but want to add some color.

3. Hidden rainbow
It's a perfect rainbow hair idea if you do not want to be the center of attention at any time. This hidden rainbow allows you to make a statement when you make a ponytail or a half-updo, but you can stay Normy the day you wear your hair.

4. cold tonic pastels
Maybe my favorite variation of rainbow hair is cold tonic pastels. The Blues and the Purles just look so magical and I think it's the best hair type for spring. Ok, you can add a pink key to that too. Do not you think this hair will complete every spring dress you have?

5. Rainbow roots
A new intelligent idea for rainbow hair is rainbow roots. In this way, you only blanch and color the roots of your hair, which seems like your natural root develops in rainbow colors. It's also a cool way to spice up things for those of you who are naturally blond, but you tend to go for dark colors. It would be the most funny way to hide your roots.

6. Top layers only
By choosing only to make the upper layers of your hair in rainbow colors, you allow a lot more creativity with the rest of your hair. This type of rainbow hair will be good with dark and colorful hair, and of course, the money will also look like a background color.

7. Rainbow feathers tincture
The stained ends of the rainbow complaint are the safest bet there. You can enjoy crazy colors and play with different shades, and you do not even need to compromise all your hair. It will probably wash and fade in pastels barely visible, but even if it does not change and you change your mind, you can always cut the ends.

8. Bangs rainbow
If you have a bag (or like the British to call it - a bangs), you might be a little sick of having to styler in the same way every day. Why not give him a colored upgrade? Rainbow Bambing also looks amazing with pastel and natural hair, so you have no reason to choose the chicken. It's just your bangs that you can color them at any time.

9. CURLS Rainbow
That's what I spoke when I said that rainbow hair is beautiful on any hair length and texture. In my humble opinion, rainbow hair is even better on the loops. It's just more fun and playful, no matter the size or big of your loops.

10. Arc-in-sky subcut
A compromise alone is no longer exciting. But do the rainbow and suddenly, it's like a breath of fresh air. I think it seems particularly nice when you integrate various geometric shapes.

11. Colorful Bob
The rainbow hair is also superb on the lobes and bobs. You can do just the underside of your hair or just ends if you do not want to go rainbow all the way. Anyway, the result will be absolutely beautiful and a head turner for sure.

12. Rainbow prism
One of the most recent trends in rainbow hair is Prism's hair. The idea is to color only small sections of your hair to make it look like your hair catching light through a prism. Who needs Instagram or snapchat filters when you can permanently get this effect with just hair dye.

Categories: Beauty
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