50 subtle health symptoms that you should never ignore

Your symptoms can be silent, but that does not mean you should be.

Most doctors deserve their weight in medical degrees agree that, by maintaining a balanced diet, leading aactive lifestyleand planningRegular instructions, you are on the right track of health. But the truth is that healthy life can only do so many things - the best option is to know our body well and to recognize when something is not correct. Unfortunately, it's easier if to do - because in these first stages, when the intervention is generally the most successful, theSigns of serious health problems are also the most subtle.

That you have noticed changes to your mood, sleep diagrams, weight or even your writing, recognize themAlmost silent symptoms In time, you can tell yourself in potentially serious diseases. In fact, it could even save your life.

The scratch skin

woman itching her elbow, subtle symptoms of serious disease

The itchy skin is generally quite simple, frequently extracted from a reaction to external irritants, drought, or even a minor sunburn. However, in some cases, the skin of itching is revealing deeper systemic conditions related to yourkidneys and liver. According to this 2015 study of theBritish newspaper of general practiceThe skin of itching can indicate renal failure, blood diseases, including lymphoma and leukemia and liver diseases such as primary gall cirrhosis.

If you feel that the frequent need to scrape, but there is no visible cutaneous rash, it's time to talk to your doctor about the possibility of a more serious underlying issue.

Rib pain

man with stomach pain, subtle symptoms of serious disease
Yakobchuk Videosla / Shutterstock

According toDisease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC), One in three people will develop shingles of their lives and about one million cases of shingles are diagnosed in America each year. But despite its prevalence, one of its main symptoms is very often neglected: coast pain.

"Often, patients think they hurt a coast or have a renal infection because they have pain above the region, in fact, these are the first stages of shingles", explainsDr. Kristine Arthur, MD, a certified board of the board at the Medical Center of the Orange Co-coolcare in the Valley of La Fontaine, California.

Neck stiffness

Woman with her Hands on her Neck, subtle symptoms of serious disease

Although the stiffness of the neck can come from affections as omnipresent thanstress, bad posture, or a simplemuscular Suffers, it can also be something much more harmful. According to a 2011 study in the journalCurrent Comments in Musculosy Skeletale Medicine, The neck stiffness can also indicate a degenerative cervical spine disorder, which affects up to two thirds of the population of their lives.

If it is not treated, this can lead to permanent nerve damage, the compression of the spinal cord, paralysis and in rare cases, death. So, if your neck pain will not disappear, ask for a professional.

Changes in your personality

angry couple laying in bed, better husband

Of course, you can expect fluctuations in your day mood by day, depending on what's going on in your life, but if you or people around you notice abrupt personality changes that are not preceded by A major change of life, it may be because of a medical cause.

According toMerck Manuel, a doctor can help you assess whether the culprit is a mental health problem, a side effect of drugs, the by-product of a neurological health problem, or the result of another concern for body health, such as low blood glucose, a thyroid problem, even lupus.

Articular pain

man holding his elbow because of tennis elbow pain, subtle symptoms of serious disease

Many of us assume that joint pain constitute only a natural part of the aging process and, for this reason, we tend to neglect to call the doctor when this symptom presents. But joint pain can seriously limit your mobility and your 2018 global health report in the journalGeriatric nursing suggests that "higher levels of mobility limitation were strongly associated with negative health outcomes". In other words, whatever the cause, the maintenance of mobility is the key to your overall health and well-being.

The study explains that more than 30% of mature adults are classified as having "limited mobility", increasing the risk of falls from demography, poor psychological health and obesity, which in turn increase their risk of diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancer and a range of other serious health problems. If in doubt, ask yourdoctor About your joint pain before doing a toll on your overall health.


forgetful woman against a gray background, subtle symptoms of serious disease

Everyone is forgetful sometimes. CornDr. Verna R. Porter, Neurologist and Director of Alzheimer's Disease Program at the Saint John Health Center in Santa Monica, California, explains why people should be aware of the moment when this forgetfulness can be a sign of dementia.

Wear suggests that a decline on two intelligence capacities - a language, abstract reasoning, judgment or memory can be a sign of dementia. So be sure to get in touch with your doctor if these symptoms affect your daily life.

Changes in handwriting

Woman writing in notebook, subtle symptoms of serious disease

If you notice changes in yourwriting-In major changes in your signature - you can detect a subtle symptom of neurological disorder. In particular, handwriting changes can be the result of Alzheimer's disease, brain tumors and Parkinson's disease. While Alzheimer's tumors and tumors are more likely to be associated with an increasingly illegible grama writing, a 2017 study in the newspaperClinical practical movement disordersExplains that Parkinson patients generally pronounce micrographs or write in a smaller printing.

In fact, many wills and wills have been successfully challenged on the basis of handwriting - where a party claims that a signature style change indicates that the deceased was no longer a healthy mind when writing terms of the document.

Right lower stump pain

woman on couch clutching stomach, subtle symptoms of serious disease

The most common explanation of abdominal pain is digestive problems, but if the pain is contained in the lower right corner, you can watch something much more serious: appendicitis.

According to a 2015 study inThe Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic AssociationAppendicitis can frequently fly under the radar due to the subtletility of the level of pain to certain patients; A patient in the above-mentioned study described his pain as a 2/10 before being precipitated at the hospital for emergency appendectomy! If you notice this symptom, it's time to call the doctor - even if the pain feels manageable for the moment.

Hot weather cramps or during the exercise

man discouraged with working out and exercising, subtle symptoms of serious disease

"In the simplest terms, the heat disease arises when the central temperature of the body reaches a threshold of operation and is unable to cool", explainsDr. Bert Mandelbaum, a specialist in sports medicine and orthopedic surgeon and author ofVictory in: Capture your victorious spirit.

"WhileexerciseOur body temperature increases and must be brought back to normal and the body naturally makes it transpired. But when you add extremely warm weather conditions, moisture and intense exercise, it becomes much more difficult for sweat to evaporate and that body temperature can start increasing normal limits. Although the cramps do not require a call to the doctor on his own, it is a reminder that you should slow down before pushing to the point of heat.

Persistent pelvic pain or pressure

woman with stomach pain, subtle symptoms of serious disease

"Unfortunate truth is that there are no symptoms or" early "signs specific to ovarian cancer," explainsDr. Steve VasilevThe medical director of integrative gynecological oncology at the John Wayne Cancer Institute in Santa Monica, California. However, in cases where women once later diagnosed the disease putting life in danger, pelvic pain is at the top of the list of experienced current symptoms.

"The best advice is based on knowing your body and appreciate subtle changes," says Vasilev. "Referral for reassessment if symptoms persist or get a second opinion."

Painful bloating

woman bloated experiencing bloating problems, subtle symptoms of serious disease

Sometimes bloating is caused by something as simple as the PMS, a heavy meal, or even a case of food poisoning. But if you are a woman who experiences regular and painful bloating apart from your menstrual cycle, you might encounter a symptom of endometriosis, a painful condition that can cause infertility.

Dr. Sherry RossThe MD, the OB / GYN and the women's health expert at the Saint John Providence Health Center, explains that women living bloating should also be looking for other symptoms that can help identify endometriosis, In particular, painful problems or urinary problems, pain in lower limbs, thoracic pain and difficulty to conceive.

Bleeding between periods

Period calendar, subtle symptoms of serious disease

The light bleeding between periods, also called Spotting, are considered a normal part (if a little rare) of ovulation and can be counted with fluctuations in estrogen levels. But according to Ross, heavier bleeding between menstruation may also be a sign of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCO), a condition that affects five to 10% of women and can cause infertility and atrocious pain. "Your periods can happen every two weeks, every three to six months, or once a year," she explains. Ross recommends a trip to the doctor if your rules arrive more frequently than every 21 days, or if you spend more than 45 days between them.

Excessive bruise

Woman with a Bruise

While the skin becomes thinner with age and grease clouds, it is not unusual to discover that you are getting more easily than you used it. But according to theMAYO ClinicThis can also indicate a larger issue if you notice that bruises are important, often only have any known or which have come suddenly. In these cases, these Black and Blues may indicate hemophilia or disability for thesome blood Crotter.

This could be due to abnormal blood platelets or a problem of a set of proteins called "coagulation factors". People with antecedents of excessive bruises or bleeding should talk about a doctor about it, otherwise they are otherwise the risk of dangerous internal bleeding.

Pain in your calves, arms or hips

Woman with leg pain, subtle symptoms of serious disease

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a dangerous and sometimes dangerous condition - and a condition that is often undiagnosed, according to theU.s. Ministry of Health. DVT occurs when a patient experiences a blood clot in a deep vein, most often in the calves of a person (although he can also occur in weapons or hips). This can lead to a pulmonary embolism if it travels the blood and creates a blockage in the lungs. That's why you should always take it seriously if you notice tenderness, swelling, redness or pain in areas where the DVT is most commonly struck.

Dry eyes

Older Man Rubbing His Dry Eyes, subtle symptoms of serious disease

Dry eyes can sometimes be the result of aging, a side effect of drugs or related to a change of time. But surgical neuro-oculologist based on CaliforniaDr. Howard R. Krauss warns that it can also be a sign of macular degeneration, which is the leading cause of irreversible loss of vision in people over 60 years old. Although there is currently no treatment that can fully restore the vision of macular degeneration, there are drugs that can slow down the process and prevent additional vision loss.

Changes in vision and increased clumsiness

vision test at the eye doctor for a woman, subtle symptoms of serious disease

Changes in vision can be a normal part of aging, or the number of too manyscreen time in a toxicomane era. But the problems of vision can also indicate the serious but subtle neurological effects of tumors, according toDr. Santosh KesariNeuro-Oncologist, Neuroscientific and Chairman of the Department of Translational Neuroscience and Neurotherapies at the John Wayne Cancer Institute. This is why it is important to ensure not only the vision of flagrant or visibly visually impaired, but also for an increase in clumsiness or accidents that may indicate a slightly under-functioning view.

"Patients may or may not be aware of the loss of vision with brain tumors," he explains. "They can continue to face things on the body side related to the loss of vision and / or have repeated car accidents on the side of the loss."

Yellow eyes

older woman getting eye exam, subtle symptoms of serious disease

If you notice that the whites of your eyes do not seek white lately lately, it's time to call the doctor and ask for a projection for jaundice. While jaundice itself does not necessarily need to be treated in adults, the fundamental cause could be something much more harmful, such as hepatitis, bile calculations or tumors, according to theCleveland Clinic. And if this yellowing is accompanied by a fever or abdominal pain, make sure you see you immediately.

Involuntary weight loss

man tugging at the waistband of his pants, subtle symptoms of serious disease
Shutterstock / Dragon Images

In theory, many people, there would be nice to see these numbers on the scale down without any effort - but if yourweightloss Can not be explained by changes in your diet or exercise plan, this symptom could indicate a lot of underlying health problems. According toMAYO ClinicSudden and unexplained weight loss could mean cancer, heart failure, HIV, Parkinson's disease, tuberculosis, diabetes and more. Whatever the cause, you will want to go to the bottom of it with the help of a health professional.

Sudden weight gain

woman buttoning waistband of pants, subtle symptoms of serious disease
Shutterstock / Nina Buday

Similarly, fast weight gain without changing in your consumption or exercise habits can be a source of concern. Yes, most weight gains can be explained by an increase in calories, less physical activity in your daily routine, or the normal slowdown in its metabolism, which arrives with age - not necessarily a more serious medical condition. But this could also be linked to hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome or problem with your digestive tract, according toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL.

Feel full

man feeling full not hungry

If you find that eating small quantities leaves you with the feeling of a full stomach, this can be a subtle sign that something is disabled in your esophagus or stomach: in particular, gastro-oesophageal reflux (GERD), the stomach ulcers, and sometimes, pancreas or stomach tumors, depending on theMedical University of South Carolina. In these cases, the sensation of early satiety comes from having a physical obstruction that pushes your food higher in your digestive tract - so do not ignore this sudden reduction from your hunger signals.

Shortness of breath after eating

Man Eating a Hamburger, subtle symptoms of serious disease

Shortness of breath must always be a red flag. But if you encounter this particular symptom after eating, chances are you have one of the two things: a foodallergyor hiatal hernia. A food allergy should be a tendency to take immediately, especially if it is the first meeting with which you had a new food, because things have the potential to quickly impose itself in case of anaphylaxis.

Hiatal hernia is an often unsecured condition in which the hemorne stomach across the diaphragm. "In very large paraesophageal hernias, the stomach can grow on the diaphragm or compress the lungs contributing to a shortness of breath", according to theMedical College of Wisconsin. The fact that you feel symptoms to all sounds meaning an intervention will probably potentially need a surgical procedure.

Night sweats

woman sleeping in a bed, subtle symptoms of serious disease

If you wake up in the night soaked insweat Even if you keep the thermostat, you will not want to ignore this symptom. According to a 2012 study in theAmerican Council Journal of Family Medicine, Sweating could be the result of a range of conditions, including nervous system disorders, spinal cord problems, trauma and abnormally high levels of carbon dioxide in your blood. It can even be the result of untreated anxiety, so be sure to talk to your doctor if this symptom arises.

Sudden snoring

older woman sleeping, subtle symptoms of serious disease

If you have never been particularly likely to snore, but you (or your partner) did you notice a change, you can view the first signs ofto sleepapnea. Sleep apnea is a condition in which your breathing stops and starts repeatedly during sleep, leaving you vulnerable to fatigue, high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, etc. If you find that you snoring strong, suddenly wake up, you waste when you wake up, you feel tired even after sleeping a normal number of hours or a very dry mouth in the morning, they can all be signs that It's time to talk to a doctor.


man doing work at a kitchen table and yawning, subtle symptoms of serious disease

Between careers, family commitments, friendships and other responsibilities, many of us are too far away these days. This makes it so difficult to say the difference between the mill in the handexhaustion And something much more serious. According to a 2015 report of theMedical instituteAbout 836,000 to 2.5 million Americans suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome (also called myalgic encephalomyelitis) but have not been diagnosed. If you think your exhaustion is more than the result of some too many late nights, talk to your doctor before your symptoms get worse.

Disturbances of sleep

man awake in bed at 2 AM, subtle symptoms of serious disease

Disturbances of sleep can occur for many reasons:stress, anxiety or physical discomfort can trigger an unwanted awakening in the best sleepers. But sometimes, the white nights indicate a more serious problem - and the possible causes manage the range of respiratory problems with thyroid disease in Parkinson. If changes to your sleep habits make it difficult for the end of the day, a doctor can help you determine the cause.

Pain from the lower back on one side

lower back pain, subtle symptoms of serious disease

If you feel pain on one side of your back, do not ignore it - it could be a kidney stone.

"The pain arises when the stone moves from the kidney in the ureter, the small tube that transports the urine of the kidney to the bladder", explainsDr. S. Adam Ramin, MD, urological surgeon and medical director of urology cancer specialists in Los Angeles, California. "If the stone blocks the passage of the urine in one or both of these tubes, the urine will start to save in the bladder, causing swelling and pain, which can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, acute pain And cramps in the lower back and abdomen - which usually enter into waves while the body tries to get rid of the stone and an intense desire to urinate. "

Frequent headaches

unhappy african american young woman touching her head and suffering from headache, subtle symptoms of serious disease

Although headaches can occur for a wide range of reasons and are not always caused by an alarm, they can also be a sign of a tumor. "Headacheare very common and difficult to associate with the tumor, but the changes in frequency, type or intensity of headaches should specify the neurological assessment, "explains Kesari." Headaches are generally due to the size of The tumor and the growth rate. Larger tumors and faster growth tumors cause an increase in pressure in the brain, resulting in the activation of pain receptors on brain coverings, which causes evils. of head. "


Woman on the Street Holding Her Head and Feeling Dizzy, subtle symptoms of serious disease

People tend to empower dizziness and vertigo in the same category and use interchangeable words, but these two similar feelings may indicate totally different underlying conditions. While the lightness generally means that you are dehydrated, hungry, especially or experienced an unpleasant side effect of a drug, the vertigo are frequently associated with more serious concerns, such as dizzying, tumors, stroke and the cerebral accidents and the vertigo. Infections or domestic diseases.

According to a 2011 study published in the journalClinical practical neurology, one of the key symptoms that practitioners seek to distinguish the two are an oculomotor anomaly. In other words, sign your fingers in front of your face. Does that seem to you as if you have more than five fingers on your hand? If so, do not ignore this symptom - it's time to call a doctor for a full assessment.

Chest pressure

heartburn or chest pain for a man clutching his chest, subtle symptoms of serious disease

"Most people wrongly believe that heart attacks are always accompanied by serious thoracic pain. It is not true," says the cardiologist based in CaliforniaDr. Richard Wright. "Although it is possible to have severe chest pain during cardiac injuries, mostly, signs and symptoms are more subtle."

So, what do people really feel? "An oppressive discomfort and a heavy feeling that they do not call" pain ", most often in the center of the chest," says Wright. Call a doctor immediately if you feel a chest pressure, or aemergency line if you suspect a heart attack.

Irregular heart rate

man with chest pain, subtle symptoms of serious disease

If you notice a floating feeling in your chest, do not wait to go to the doctor. According toDr. Shephal Doshi, Director of Cardiac Electrophysiology at the Saint John Providence Health Center, this symptom is a key indicator of atrial fibrillation (AFIB) - a condition that can lead to blood clots,featuresand heart failure.

"The American Heart Association estimates that nearly 3 million Americans currently have a atrial fibrillation," said Doshi. "In general, common symptoms include fatigue, symptoms of fast or irregular cardiac action, pallets, feathers and shortness of breath, just to name a few."

Bleeding when you have dental silk

Black Woman Smiling and Flossing, subtle symptoms of serious disease

If you view signs of gum disease, including red or swollen gums, bleeding while brushing orfiltration, cowardlythe teethStack gums or wounds of the mouth, it's time to bite the ball and finally see a dentist. This begins like gingivitis - a form of plaque accumulation that irritates gums - can lead to an erase disease and, according to a 2006 study published in the newspaper.OdontologyEraser's disease is linked to increased risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, respiratory disease and osteoporosis.

Dry eyes and mouth

tongue, subtle symptoms of serious disease

Do not ignore your symptoms if you encounter the combination of dry eyes and mouth. Although each of these symptoms is quite unoffishous, a pairing of the two may be an indication ofSJOGREN syndromeA self-immune disease that affects your mucus membranes and your glands. The Sjögren generally accompany more serious conditions, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, so make sure to tell your doctor if you treat these symptoms.

Changes to your sense of taste and your smell

something smells Embarrassing Things

A 2017 study in theNewspaper of neuroogastroenterology and motilityconfirmed what those with gastro-oesophagian reflux (GERD) are already known - when you suffer from GERD,food Just do not taste or feel the same thing. Many with Gerd's report have declined with pleasure while eating and changing their experience is correlated with the severity of their condition. If you notice that your proven culinary staples start attaste a little, or flavors are a shadow of what you remember to be, do not ignore this symptom.

Sudden weakness

man with leg pain, subtle symptoms of serious disease

Although physical weakness can be the result of nerve damage, muscular or skeletal degeneration, or neuromuscular disorder, Kesari warns that in some cases this can also result from a tumor.

"If a brain tumor is in the frontal lobe motor cortex or affects the engine fibers, it is neurons and channels that control the muscles - then patients can have a weakness from one end," explain-T -he. "This usually indicates the location of the tumor." To determine if your physical weakness is if your physical weakness is this worst case or not, consult a doctor of your sudden force change.

Insatiable thirst

old man drinking water after exercising, subtle symptoms of serious disease

Diabetes The symptoms are often subtle, which is why experts believe that there are millions of non-detected cases of diabetes in America today. Type 2 diabetes is particularly difficult to identify because of the gradually the symptoms present, which makes crucial to infiltrate in your body and be in line with minor changes. At the top of theThe list of Mayo Clinic Possible symptoms of diabetes is an extreme thirst and frequent urination, especially if they are accompanied by other symptoms, such as fatigue, weight loss, blurred vision, swollen gums, slow healing wounds or hunger increased.

Bumps in breast tissue

woman checking breast, subtle symptoms of serious disease

On paper, finding a size in your chest may seem like an obvious red flag. But the reality is that in mostwomenThe breast tissue is naturally lumpy, which can make anomalies much more difficult to detect than people perform.Dr. Richard Reitherman, the medical director of breast imaging at the Memorialcare Tits Center at the Medical Center of the Orange Coast of La Fountain Valley, California, points out that "the conclusions can be perceptible in one position" and there is no thing that you should search.

"The masses may feel like a hard marble and be mobile, or be less defined and not mobile or fixed," he says. The key is to frequently do home exams, plan annual mammograms and immediately contact your doctor if you notice something new.

Bumps in the armpit zone

Armpit lump, subtle symptoms of serious disease

Dr. Janie Grumley, a breast surgical occolor, Director of Margie Petersen's Milk Center at the Saint John Providence Center and Associate Professor of John Wayne Cancer Institute, said that women should also be on the lookout for subtle bumps of the armpit . Even small indolistic pieces can be a sign thatCancer has affected the lymphatic nodes.

Breast sensitivity

woman checking breast, subtle symptoms of serious disease
Shutterstock / 9nong

Although the hormonal changes related to menstruation or pregnancy frequently provoke breast sensitivity, Reitherman explains that women should keep an enthusiastic eye on this symptom, especially if it is accompanied by changes in nipples, including in color or in texture. Do not be afraid to let your doctor know that what you live is not normal for you. Reitherman says it is important to get to the root of your symptoms with "monitoring imaging reviews and doctor visits, or a biopsy consultation with a specialist."

Growth of mammary tissue in men

man with breast tissue and belly, subtle symptoms of serious disease
Shutterstock / Prasan MAKSAEN

Gynecomastia, or the growth of mammary tissue in men may be the result of normal hormonal changes and is generally not an alarm cause by itself. However, in some cases men experience this physical change as a result of other diseases, which is why you have to mention your doctor - especially if you have noticed other shifts in your body. According toMAYO ClinicExpanded breast fabric may be the result of hypogonadism (categorized as any condition that interferes with testosterone head production), adrenal or pituitary tumors, hyperthyroidism, renal failure or hepatic impairment.

Pain in your higher quadrant right

older woman in pain, holding her stomach, subtle symptoms of serious disease

While any pain in your abdomen can be the result of a serious illness, the pain in the higher right quadrant (RUQ) must always invite a call to the doctor because it can indicate something from a hepatic abscess to hepatitis C .

According to a 2018 study published in the journalRadiotographic, one third of patients initially diagnosed with acute cholecystitis (the most common culprit for RUQ pain) then found another cause underlying their discomfort. This is another reason you should always call a doctor instead of ignoring this symptom or trying to handle the pain yourself.

Pain between the shoulder blades

shoulder pain, frozen shoulder, asian woman at physical therapy, subtle symptoms of serious disease

Typically, the bile calculations are identified when patients complain of a pain to stab in the top of the abdomen. But gastroenterologistDr. Rudolph Bedford Warns that people should also be aware that sometimes discomfort can have even higher, between the shoulder blades.

"Biliary calculations are the product of cholesterol and bile, which can lead to infection, irritation and inflammation," he explains. "The elimination of the gallbladder is one of the most common surgeries of the US.S. is the main treatment to eliminate gallstones." Unfortunately, too often, this symptom is maplevated to a back injury, resulting in a deferred treatment and unnecessarily prolonged pain.


woman belching, subtle symptoms of serious disease
Shutterstock / Nicoleta Ionescu

Not only unpleasant for you and those around you, it can also be a sign of a major digestive problem, according to Bedford. If paired with vomiting, sore throat, stomach burns, cramps or intestinal problems, plan to consult a doctor. Bedford says that the most common causes of digestive problems are irritable intestine syndrome, celiac disease, diverticulitis, bile calculations and ulcerative colitis, which guarantee medical intervention.

Peeing when you laugh or sneeze

man holding lap, subtle symptoms of serious disease

If you suffer from urinary incontinence, you may be tempted to ignore it embarrassment. But Ramin notes that he is very common: "millions of women deal with the question of bladder control at a time of their lives," he says.

The good news? This does not mean that you will end up with adult layers. According to Ramin, making dietary and lifestyle changes, you can find the bladder control that you have already lost - but the first step calls a health professional.

Nausea with Abdominal Pain

commonly misspelled words

While the full nausea can be a symptom of everything, from food poisoning to pregnancy, nausea associated with abdominal pain - especially the pain that worsens after eating - should never be ignored. You could be experimentalpancreatitis, which occurs when your pancreas is inflamed by your digestive enzymes. Other symptoms include unexpected weight loss, a sensitivity in the abdomen and changes in your intestinal fluctuations. Unfortunately, serious complications can cause untreated pancreatitis, including infection, renal failure and respiratory problems. It is also considered a risk factor for pancreatic cancer, so that a full job of a doctor is careful.

Numbness in your hands or your feet

man's feet, subtle symptoms of serious disease

It may be tempting to ignore the tingling or numbness in your hands andfeet-It does not really hurt, after all. But this symptom could indicate a range of problems, some of them serious and the only way to govern these is using a doctor. If you are lucky, the tingling can be the result of vitamin deficiency, which you should be able to easily tackle food changes or supplements.

However, numbness and tingling are also frequently associated with diabetes and some renal conditions, and these symptoms may even be the result ofcertain types of cancerIncluding spinal cord tumors, myeloma, prostate cancer, acute lymphocyte leukemia and advanced lung cancer.

Loss of libido

older man not sure if he wants to have sex, subtle symptoms of serious disease

According toNHS Scotland, loss oflibido Affects one in five men - and many more women - during their lives. It can be the result of a range of medical problems, hormonal changes, psychological and emotional factors and relationship problems. Whatever the cause of your lowered sex drive, it deserves your attention if it affects your life.


walking on a balance beam, did you know facts

The approach of your step almost resembles the signing of your body, so the difficulties and start-up changes can contain doctors of neurological problems. According to Kesari, changes in yourwalking Habits or capabilities are "generally related to the frontal lobe, or cerebelum". It explains that in the case of a tumor in this area, people can feel imbalance or irregular behaviors. You will want to consult a doctor for a complete neurological screening if you notice this symptom.


Hand tremor, subtle symptoms of serious disease

Patients with tremors are frequently diagnosed with a nervous disorder called essential tremor (and).The Mayo Clinic Indicates that the essential tremor is "not generally considered a dangerous condition", although symptoms tend to be worse and more difficult to handle over time. But, according to a 2006 study published in theJournal of the American Medical Association (Jama), 37% of the study participants - all were diagnosed with and were really badly diagnosed and were then judged in Parkinson or Dystonia (an involuntary disorder of muscle movement). That's why the tremors are reasons not only to call a doctor, but also a sufficient reason for a second opinion.

Unequal posture

woman and doctor looking at an x ray of a spinal injury, subtle symptoms of serious disease

According toDr. Neel Anand,A professor of orthopedic surgery and director of spinal trauma in the center of the vertebral column of Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, California, an unequal posture - meaning unequal shoulders, uneven hips, a back asymmetry, or your Head resting - probably scoliosis. "One in 40 people will be touched by scoliosis and anyone at any age is at risk," he explains. "Although there is no age cut, signs and symptoms occur most often before puberty, when the body feels a growing push." It exhorts that if the spinal curvature is greater than 25 degrees, or if the patient experiences daily discomfort, the treatment is probably necessary.

Moles of irregular shape

woman having mole examined, subtle symptoms of serious disease

If your skin is subject to freckles or benign moles, looking for irregular signs indicating that melanoma may want to look for a needle in a hay boot. That's why theCDC Divided it as simply possible: you just have to remind you of your A-B-C-D-E: asymmetry, border, color, diameter and evolution.

Any mole who has a shredded edge or an irregularity, an uneven color, is bigger than peas, or is changing is worth checked. And, as a general rule, any significant change in your skin should never be ignored, consult your doctor for a complete projection if you see a sudden suspicious point. And reduce your risk of this point becoming serious, discover these20 habits that increase your risk of skin cancer.

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