23 great ways to conquer negative thinking

Release your mind!

It does not matter if you are the average person of the planet or his holiness, the Dalai Lama, the negative thoughts will find a way to boining in your daily life. (After all, we are alone human!) You may have a bad revision of the performance and that you can not stop you from asking for what it could have on your career trajectory. Or maybe you have won a few kilos on vacation and you can not help but blame you to get on these additional calories. It could even be a clumsy meeting at the cafe that you continue in your mind.

According to the results of an international study conductedConcordia University94% of adults are dealing with intrusive,Negative thoughts. And while you may not be able to stop these thoughts from happening, there are many things you can do to keep these unpleasant ideas from your overwhelming thought process.

No matter what weighs heavily in your mind, it is important not to let these diagrams of negative thinking have a harmful effect on other aspects of your life, which leads to stress and anxiety over time . Fortunately, it is not necessary for it to be. The next time you find yourself in a whirlwind of negative thoughts, try one of these 23 ways to conquer them.

Dedicate a few minutes of time to solve your stress

woman writing in journal {Conquer Negative Thinking}

It might seem contradictory, but a simple way to conquer the negative thought is to put aside time to respond to these thoughts. A strategy is to designate 10 minutes a day for a negative thought time,Julie Kantor, PhD, a psychologist and a management consultant, suggestedStrong. "When you have a negative thought during the day, it will be judte it and tell you that you will look at it during NTT," she says. "Over time, you will gain control and negative thinking will stop . "

Buy flowers

Flowers {Conquer Negative Thinking}

The simple act of choosing a bouquet of flowers and putting them in a sunny window couldRaise your mood in a way, little else can. AStudy University Rutgers I found that when the participants received one of the three gifts - a candle, a basket of fruit or a bouquet flower, they reacted the most truly to the flowers. Three days later, the recipients of flowers felt even happier than their peers of the study.

Play a tetris game

Tetris {Conquer Negative Thinking}

If your negative thoughts are the result of living on something outside your control, it could help enter a traffic state. An easy way to do that? Tetris. A recent study published in the journalEmotion found that the classic game could serve as usefulAdaptation mechanism For people who are waiting for potentially changing news. The researchers discovered that while playing, the game inducing the flow can not mitigate anxiety, it can reduce negative emotional levels and improve the levels of positive.

Monitor your new consumption

Watching the News {Conquer Negative Thinking}

Negative news emissions can affect your emotions more than you might think, especially if you tuner in the morning. A2015 study I found that viewing only three minutes of negative news in the morning makes viewers 27% more likely to report to have a bad day from six to eight hours later. People who looked at transformation stories - those that offer solutions instead of non-staircase and dark-sloom-reported to have a good day of 88% of the time.

Discard your negative thoughts to the gap-literally

Waste basket {Conquer Negative Thinking}

If you have depressing thoughts or anxiety, which will simply not disappear, write this thought on a piece of paper and throw it in the nearest trash container. WhenResearchers from the University of Ohio State If topics have done this exercise, they found that people physically remove their thoughts have helped to discard them emotionally.

If you want to take an extra step, you can do which winning actress OscarAnne Hathaway made to handle his feelings. As she is revealed in interviews, when she feels overwhelmed with negative thoughts, she just writes them on paper, then fixes this paper on fire. Yes, a little dramatic, but she swears it works!

Change your goal to a solution

Woman Thinking at a Cafe {Conquer Negative Thinking}

"Thoughts are like mantras," saysJustin Baksh, an authorized mental health advisor and clinical director of mental health atFoundation Wellness Center. "If you leave negative thoughts rumine, if you let them exist, they will become facts."

When it comes to conquering negative thinking, Baksh suggests that "what you need to do is make the development of the problem". For example, Baksh says that one of the most common negative thoughts he hears is along the lines of "I am so submerged and stressed with finances". In this case, he suggests replacing this thought with "I will be more observer ofmy spend Habits and more useful with "-in other words savings, exchanging the old regret for a successful future goal.

Take 20 minutes to write your thoughts and feelings

Man Writing {Conquer Negative Thinking}

Take a time of your day to note the detailed notes on your negative thoughts could actually modify the thoughts themselves, according to a study published inThe oncologist.In the study, the researchers at the University of Georgetown found that after three weeks of logging for only 20 minutes per day, 54% ofCancer patients reported having changed thoughts (negative to positive) on their illness.

Separate yourself from your thoughts

weight loss motivation

Most people can agree that they are much better for advice to friends they do not follow the suggestions of others. However, if you use this realization to your advantage, you may be able to conquer your own problems simply by giving tips onyour Negative thoughts as if they were someone else. By a study published inResearch and behavioral therapy, This method of questioning called Socratic interrogation - has been demonstrated to reduce the symptoms of depression by providing patients with apparently less intimate way of dealing with their problems.

Kiss neutral thinking

Satisfied worker {Conquer Negative Thinking}

When negative thoughts are the only thing that occupies your mind, it is not quite easy to convince you to think positive instead. That's why the coach of the relationshipVikki LouiseRecommends turning to neutral thoughts instead of pure positivity. "Working on thoughts you do not believe is a waste of time," she says. "Thinking" I have a job "is neutral, credible and feel so much better than" I hate my job ". Of course, you will not jump your way at work every day, but you do not cry in the Stands of the bathroom. "

Watch a fun video

woman laughing while reading a book {Conquer Negative Thinking}

Use humor to transform your negative thoughts into something less depressing. By a study published in theInternational Research Journal Humor, Looking at simply a 15-minute humorous video can increase feelings of hope and allow positive thoughts to replace negative negotiations.

Get sufficient amounts of sleep every night

man sleeping on his stomach with his arms wrapped around a pillow - sleeping positions

Although everyone suffers from a fugitive negative thought from time to time, it's the people whoDo not sleep enough who struggle to really conquer the negative thought, according to a recent study published in theJournal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. For the results of the research, people who get a sleep insufficient characterized by constant disturbances and a short duration - have more difficulty to divert their attention from upset and negative negative information compared to those who sleep deeply.

Concentrate on the feelings of gratitude

expressing gratitude can make you instantly happy

Gratitude is a powerful weapon in the battle against negative thinking. WhenPsychologists of the University of Miami had subjects write a few sentences every week - with somefocus on gratitude, Some focusing on aggravation, and some focusing on events that have affected them without emotional emphasis - they found that those who wrote what they were grateful to have been more optimistic and presented a greater feeling of well-being compared to the other two groups.



Because the GUT microbiot plays a role in the way humans think, act and feel a daily dose of probiotics in your routine could help you conquer negative thinking. It is according to a study published inBrain, behavior and immunity, What found that people taking probiotics for four weeks have been able to ruminate less on negative thoughts and feelings.

Do not feel bad to be sad

pensive, sad, thinking {Conquer Negative Thinking}

Do not be fighting for negative thoughts. Everyone goes through periods of torment from time to time - and according to a study published in thePersonality Journal and Social Psychology, People who are honest with themselves on their negative thoughts and emotions tend to experience fewer themselves.

Catch the food with a friend

Eating Lunch with a Friend {Conquer Negative Thinking}

"Sharing food is one of the best ways to be connected and search for comfort," saysMary Brooks, M.ED.,A certified integrated nutrition coach and owner and creator ofSUSTAINABLE NUTRITION."Just the idea of ​​waiting impatiently it provides an emotional joystick for your day. The happiest crops and societies make eating and preparing a daily celebration."

Examine the proof

never say this at work

Do not just take your negative thoughts at the face value and accept them as undeniable facts becauseyouBelieve them. Instead, you should "challenge negative thinking by examining the evidence," saidCara maksimow, LCSW, CPC, An authorized clinical social worker in New Jersey. Once you realize that it is not real facts or data to support these unpleasant thoughts, it will be much easier to convince you really that you think with your heart and not your head and overcome negative thinking.

Think about someone you like

Couple In Bed {Conquer Negative Thinking}

When negative thoughts come in your way, certified life coachYearrecommends changing your concentration to something in your life that makes you happy, likeyour family or your spouse. "By changing your goal," she says, "you turn your energy from focusing on the things that lead you to something else. Changing your goal will change your motivation."

Get sunlight

Woman Getting Sunlight {Conquer Negative Thinking}

The easiest prescription for a better mood? A little sun. "Sometimes the feeling of going out is less of our circumstances and more on our biological rhythms being unleashed," says Brooks. "Lack of sunlight, especially in winter, can make you feel glum." If you suspect that a decrease in sunlight is responsible for your bad mood, then Brooks suggests "spending your first minutes from the day in natural light". Even something as simple as standing on the outside for a few minutes or opening the blinds can "put your vitality" and conquer negative thinking.

Surround yourself of positivity

two women hugging {Conquer Negative Thinking}

Negative thoughts feed on the greatest negativity - so when it comes to overcoming your pessimism, you will want to surround yourself with positive people. And "even if you can not physically do that happen, you can always find articles, books and targeted videos positively online," saysMERIDITH HANKENSON ALEXANDER, a motivational speaker and the author ofSky is the limit. "What we focus on the tendency to develop, then when your mind feels that negative traction, head the" shiny objects "that will keep you in mind where you really want."

Take a pause of social media

Person Using Twitter on the Phone {Conquer Negative Thinking}

Undoubtedly,social media Is one of the biggest culprits in negative thinking, and therefore to disengage from all social platforms contributing when your mind is filled with negative thoughts. "Consume with respect to creation is one of the easiest ways to reverse our sense of non-sufficiency or negativity," says Brooks.

Instead of scrolling on Twitter or Instagram, Brooks suggests doing something that urged you and nourishes your soul, as writing a poetry or read a book. "By turning your own indoor compass rather than feeding with people you barely know is good mental medicine."

Read some inspiring quotes

woman doing yoga affirmations

These inspiring quotes that each adolescent waste feeds on each teenager could be repertoctral, but they can actually help you eliminate negative thoughts. "If you spend time every day to read inspiring quotes, there is a good chance that you are filled with motivation, hope and positive dreams," saysPatrick Di Vietri, Director of therapy servicesHope therapy and wellness center. And even if you do not want to remind you to read an inspiring quote every day, all you have to do is follow some Instagram Happy-Go-Lucky accounts to get your daily dosage of good-good content. Gift via your newspapers.

Pet a dog

cute dog comforting an owner {Conquer Negative Thinking}

Enter a flower shop nearby and sniff a few roses. Stop what you do and spend a few minutes paying attention to caressing yourCat or dog. Listen - listen really your favorite piece of music. Why? "Negativity is so easy when we are overloaded and focused on cognitive tasks," says Brooks ", so you should circulate your creative juices by taking a small deviation that is 100% sensory."

Practice positivity - Even when you are in a good mood

Happy Woman {Conquer Negative Thinking}

"The most important and neglected way to combat negative thoughts is to practice positive thoughts," saysGinamarie Guarino, LMHC,An authorized mental health advisor. "Be sure to think about positive moments, situations, interactions and mood will help you reduce the frequency of negative thoughts and strengthen your ability to combat negative thoughts when they occur."

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