How many years of life we will all lose because of Covid, the study says

Researchers say pandemic coronavirus can reduce overall life expectancy for many countries.

TheCoronavirus Pandemic has changed his life in so many ways already. The masks are the new norm and most of us are a little moreCautious in our daily activities. However, coronavirus can not only change our life in the moment - it could also make long-term changes. In fact, a new study shows that Covid has the potential to shave years of our lives, reduce life expectancy in many parts of the world.

The study, published in thePlos a Journal on 17 September and led by the International Institute for Analysis of Applied Systems (IIASA), shows that the coronavirus pandemic will probably beresult in a reduction in life expectancy for many regions If infection rates continue to grow.

"Our study provides the first assessment of thePotential impact of COVID-19 on the life of the waiting period According to a range of prevalence rate scenarios over a period of one year, "Guillaume Marois, Principal Researcher for the study, said in a statement.

The life expectancy of the period measures the number of years an average person should live. Over the last century, life expectancy has increased considerably in many places around the world, through things such as improving health care, socio-economic conditions and education.

And some countries have higher life expectances than others, especially in developed countries such as the United States, whereLife expectancy is almost 80 years old, according to the disease control centers and prevention (CDC). However, coronavirus could potentially cancel some of these progress.

Doctor talking to senior male patient in a home visit

The researchers found that even aCoronavirus prevalence rate of 2% Cause to cause a fall in life expectancy for countries where average life expectancy is already high, but impact increases with prevalence rates.

"At 10% prevalence, loss of life expectancy is probably more than a year in high life expectancy such as those in Europe and North America," Marius said. "At 50%, it would result in three to nine years of life lost in areas of high life expectancy. In the less developed regions, the impact is smaller since there is already a lower survival at older ages. "

The difference in life expectancy could be amazing, depending on how widespread covidation finally becomes. For North America and Europe, if the coronavirus prevalence reached 70%, people could lose more than onedecade in life expectancy at about 11 years. It would be like1918 influenza pandemic in the United States., which had a life expectancy of less than 70 years, according to the study.

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Fortunately, thatmay not be a long-term change. Marois says that "even in the most affected areas, life expectancy will probably recover once the pandemic is over." But that does not mean that it will not take time.

Sergei Scherbov, an IIASA researcher who has also worked on the study, explained that it took about 30 years of Europe to increase their life expectancy in just six years, from 72.8 years in 1990 At 78.6 years in 2019. and COVID-19 has the ability to return the values ​​to this issue "observed some time ago" in 1990, which means it can take 20 years of recovery.

"These scenarios" if "can give relevant information on policies on what could potentially arrive at life expectancy for different levels of prevalence, which vary with public health strategies to reduce and prevent the propagation of COVID -19 ","Raya Mutarak, co-author of the study, stated in a statement. "We show that if the virus spreads widely in the population, for example, in the absence of any lock and social distance actions, this could lead to a significant drop in the life expectancy of the period." And for more means, Covid modifies our lives,The pandemic made this change of much more common life.

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