Here is the film theaters will be safe, according to experts

The reopened cinema theaters will need security measures to protect the members of the coronavirus public.

For months, film theaters have been clogged, leaving people toMovies at home at home. Many of us miss the experience of sitting in front of the big screen with a bucket of popcorn and surround sound. And more pressures, theater owners and staff miss their income. As parts of the countrybegin to reopen In stages, some theaters have already begun to welcome audiences again, while others await hesitation. But at this point, the issue of potential members of hearing is lower than the cinema breakdown, and more when they will be safe again.

Among the cinemas that reopened is Evo Entertainment, aTexas-based theater chain. On May 4, EVO reopened two of their theaters in Kyle and Schertz, Texas, a limited audience.Mitchell Roberts, CEO of the Evo Entertainment Group, took advantage of the governor of TexasGreg Abbott's April 27 order thatApproved cinema theaters to start reopening In the state starting on May 1, up to 25% of the maximum capacity of the sites.

Roberts says he and his team were preparing for reopening while the theaters were closed. "Our team has created a global reopening plan and bought the tools and has implemented changes to our necessary sites to ensure the increased security and health of our team members and guests to reopening", a- he said.

Many of the changes implemented by Roberts will likely be reproduced in other film theaters because they start the road to the reopening: "The elimination of the box office and moving towards ticket purchases online and in self-service, implementing order services for concessions and dynamics. Seats spaced in theaters, implementing a 10-foot spacing between guests using ground markers in all common areas, taking staff and guestsTemperature controls at the entrance in the place of the EVO, [and] requiring and providingFacial masks For the staff and use of customers during locally. "

The governor and the protocols put in place were sufficient for Roberts to feel convinced that Evo "provides a safe cinematographic experience for those who visit". Many theaters, however, are still skeptical about organizing the audience, even in the states where they are legally capable of doing so. According toThe New York Times, someTheaters are eager to reopen And the risks becoming stigmatized as dangerous spots if they are related to an epidemic. In addition, with the next share of new films not planned in mid-July, theaters could potentially lose more preemptive opening money than if they were closed.

Movie theater

Chris Escobar, who owns the plaza theater in Atlanta, saidThe New York Times that he would not follow the state guidelines on reopening. "When we do [reopen], it will not be because of political pressure. It will be because the major public health experts say that our lives are no longer in danger," he said. He did. echo the concern of coronavirus infections related to his theater.

It seems that larger chains, like AMC, Regal and Cinemark, also have a prudence error. CEO AMCAdam Aron said from the beginning, "theHealth and well-being of guests and CMA employeesAnd all Americans have priority above all. »CEO of CINEMARKMark Zoradi HopingStart reopening some places Effective July 1, but he has brought various scenarios based on government regulations.

Experts have different opinions about when it will be careful to return to cinemas, but we will soon be able to learn early reopinitions of selected theaters. In the meantime, potential members of audience may not feel too eager to come back. According to COVID-19 Impact of Azurite Consulting on the business survey, many Americans aredoes not want to resume their past recreation activities until acoronavirus vaccine is available.

As more theaters are preparing to reopen, they will have a lot of work to do to keep healthy customers - and to make them feel safe. AsAlison Kozberg, general manager ofConvergence of the house of art, told the NPR: "The reopening could actually require a substantial amount of investment on the part of the theaters ... it would require buying new equipment and new hygiene products toKeep the theater clean and safe In accordance with the guidelines to mitigate the propagation of COVID. For some theaters, this cost could be prohibitive.

You can expect to see moreCinema theaters reopened Mid-summer in different parts of the country, but do not expect your experience to be the same as in front of the coronavirus pandemic. Asgo to concerts andout with friends, even without government restrictions, certain security measures will need to be taken to prevent potential epidemics - and the dreadedSecond wave of coronavirus. And for more information on how the cinema theaters will have to change, consult these5 things you will never see again with cinema after coronavirus.

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