50 regrets that everyone is over 50

Do not let the missed opportunities turn a life of regret.

Everyone has regrets in life, whether you are always on yourself not to catch this home ball in a baseball game or you would like to have chosen a different career. As you get older, instead of dissipating, these regrets tend to start accumulating - according to a 2016 survey by the Allianz life insurance company, 32% of respondents said theyMajor life decisions regretted They had done.

With the help of mental health professionals, we have gathered the greatest regrets that people are over 50 years old. And if you want to enjoy your time on Earth, check out the20 towers of therapists on the search for happiness.

Do not do more for others

people volunteering volunteer, over 50 regrets

AAltruism Can go very far when it comes to avoid regret later in life. The results of the Allianz survey suggest that more than one-fifth of people prioritize volunteering if they had more time.

"Contribute to the company by volunteering, supporting important causes, or somehow make a difference for the community or the state of the world is widely valued, [but] realize that they have nothing done significantly with their lives is a widespread regret, "says Resident of Postgraduate PsychiatryPatricia Celan, MD. And if you are looking forward to restoring, start with these33 small acts of kindness that you can do who are totally free.

Do not feed good relations

Couple in love smiling

Relationships do not always workAnd it is rarely easy on one of the parties involved. Unfortunately, many people realize too late that they could have done more so that their relationship is healthy.

"People regret how they treated their spouse, their parents or their children, whether it's a negligent treatment and dedicating or in an abusive way," Celan said. And for more information delivered in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Do not end up abusive relationships earlier

depressed young man sitting on couch and looking away while his wife shouting at him and holding credit card

Of course, all relationships are not good and many people are regretting the time they were wasting on partners whodid not valued them or were not abusive.

"People feel a regret of letting the relationship last as long as," says the therapist under licenseEric Patterson, LPC. "If they had to do everything again, they would put the relationship with the first indication of problems."

Do not ask for this person

disappointed on date man woman

You tell me about something that could have changed the course of your life is not abnormal for people over 50. Decades later, you can think about what would have happened if you had been brave enough to ask This cute classmate in high school.

Let the passion die

older couple fighting in bed men's health concerns over 40

Few relations can indefinitely keep the passion they had in their first weeks or their months, but it ends with serious regrets. According to the 2012 Northwestern Kellogg School of Management School, 18.1% of the study topics citedromantic relationships as the greatest source of regret. And if you want to improve your life, see these50 hacks of happiness entirely supported by science.

Be an inatile partner

upset older woman, over 50 regrets

When you are in your 60s, 70 and 80, it is unlikely that you were going to look with tenderness these nights that you spent at work at work while your partner tried to connect with you. "We can not go back to the clock and build better relationships," says Colorado-based psychologist and the Expert in Life TransitionsElisa Robyn, Ph.D.

To divorce

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Divorced Maybe the best choice for a couple, but it can also be a source of regret later if it is too hasty or too hostile. In a 2016 survey of AVVO, 27% of women surveyed admitted toregret their divorcesWhile 39% of men said the same thing.

Stay married for your children

Fighting Couple Having an Argument Lies Ex-Spouses

While abandoning your marriage too quickly can be a regret for some, many others are wishing that they had left a bad relationship earlier. Chartered Marriage and Family TherapistElisabeth Goldberg says that among his patients "wander is the first regret of people over 50 years old. "

And although many couples say they stay married for their children, Goldberg warns against doing it. "Divorce children often say they want their parents to be separated earlier," she notes.

Holding on Gardouges

older couple fighting, long marriage tips

Of course, it may feel good to protect yourself by taking a grudge after someone has hurt you, but chances to live to regret it later. Few people go to their serious thinking: "I'm so happy to stay angry with this person."

"We hold our own wounds and sorrows when we do not forgive," says Robyn. "Often, we forget what we were even upset or realize that in the scheme of life, it was a minor injury."

Do not prepare their children with independence

Teenager ignoring her mom who's trying to talk to her being a step-parent

Many parents find themselves regretting choices that they have made, but little to weigh on them as strongly as their lack of foresight when it comes toPrepare their children for adulthood.

"We are doing a lot of pamper with this generation and we forget to teach the skills of life," says therapistStacy Haynes, ED.D, LPC.

Do not spend more time with your children

dad reading a book to his young daughter, over 50 regrets

You have probably heard the old adage on parenthood: the days are long, but the years are short. In many cases, one of the greatest parents of regrets did not spend more time with their children when they were lucky.

"Many people regret to spend too much time at work and not enough time with [their] children," says Robyn. "We often focus on providing or maybe succeed, but forget that our families will not be with us forever."

Spend too little time with your parents

grandparents and mom with grandchildren, things that annoy grandparents

We have only a number of years to spend with our parents. Unfortunately, many people take these family ties for granted while their mothers and dads are still alive, only to regret it once they have been spent. "Many people are wondering later what they could havelearned from their parents, "says Robyn.

Try to respect the expectations of your parents

white family walking in field

Having a good relationship with your parents can be a wonderful thing. However, trying to respect their expectations, regardless of the personal cost, is a major source of regret in the lives of many people. According to the Allianz study, 35% of respondents admitted that they wanted to pursue more things they wanted to do, not just those expected from them.

"Have you ever wondered why some people have aMid-life life crisis at 50"Request to Robyn".

Be more romantic

older male couple, over 50 regrets

Relationships end for a variety of reasons, but few people will tell you that they wanted to have been less romantic after everything is said and done. In fact, skiping these little chances of showing someone how special they are with you with aromantic gesture is often a major regret later in life.

Do not find accomplishment

Sad black woman

Whether it's never to continue the good job or do not find a hobby that arouse your interest, a lack of execution is a major regret for many people.

"They might have allowed their limiting beliefs or the opinions of other peoples to be able to achieve their goals," says therapistEmma Demar, LMSW. "Therefore, they end up feeling like they have not lived their lives in a way that made them feel accomplished and really happy."

Be too difficult on yourself

aging man looking in mirror

Everyone can be self-criticized from time to time, but if you let these critics difficult to dictate the way you have lived your life, chances are you just regret it.

"The regret is that so much time was wasted to be your worst enemy instead of learning to love you," says Demar.

Does not look for help early

cheerful senior man in glasses waving hand while having video call

Whiledecide to get advice May be a difficult decision to do, many people regret not doing it earlier when they realize how much it improves his life.

"Most people expect them to be in a desperate place to look for help," says therapistWhitney Owens, LPC, MA. "Almost all customers tell me they want them to come earlier."

Quit school

Teacher stands in front of college students, closeup on hand, weird college classes

While the idea of ​​sitting in a classroom test room may not appeal to everyone, there is a lack of opportunities for education, it is actually a major source of regret for many people later in life. According to the search published inPersonality Bulletin and Social Psychology In 2008,Education was the number one category In which topics of study cited regret, compared to the career, romance, parents, self-improvement and leisure.

Do not accomplish more

older couple hiking, over 50 regrets

Although it is a subjective affair, many people find themselves regretted not reaching some achievements as they get older. "What disbelieves people in later life are the chances they did not take or the achievements they had not accomplished," saysKaren R. Koenig, M.ED., LCSW, a licensed psychotherapist, a motivational speaker and an international author in Sarasota, Florida.

In fact, according to a 2018 study published in the journalEmotion,72% of adults surveyedregret expressed on their perceived disability to respect their own ideal self-image.

Do not try to land this dream work

50 compliments

To be refused of a job never feels good. However, what is worse, in the long run, never tries at all. According to the Allianz survey, among a group of 3,000 Americans, 38% of the topics of study admitted that he wanted to have taken more career risks.

Work too much

silhouette of man in office working at desk as sun rises, married for money
Shutterstock / Neagonefo

Of course, it may seem that work constantly you will look where you want to go to your career. But, looking at their lives in their lives, few people say, "I'd like to have spent more than Saturday at the office."

As a palliative care nurseBronie Ware written on his blog,Work At the expense of a personal life is one of the most commonly cited regrets among the dying. "All men I fed deeply regretted to spend so many of their lives on the treadmill of a work existence," she notes.

Not save more

older woman shopping online, empty nest

It may not be fun or glamorous in the moment, but saving extra money could help you mitigate regrets in your last years. It turns out, the problems of money, including not saving enough for retirement, are among the greatest regrets that people later in life. A 2019 study by Natixis Investment Managers found that the average45 years wants to withdraw at 64 yearsbut saved only $ 166,328. This means that to retire with just under $ 1 million, they will have to save at least $ 42,000 a year.

Miss investment opportunities

divorce secrets

Do not hang the stock from Google when you were lucky? You're not alone. People tend to regret not making the most of their financial assets as they get older. "We often regret an undecided chance," says Robyn.

Do not take a vacation

habits to stay young {priorities after 50}

According to a 2014 study conducted by Glassdoor, the average US employee onlytakes about half of their time allotted at work. And those who do not use their hard-earned holiday time to get real R & Go feel the same way. When Priceline has published his balance of work on work on professional life in 2018, they found that 41% of people reported that "obligation" trips (that is, weddings, bachelor party. Baby Showers, etc.) wereAmong their great regrets When it came to the way they used their paid time.

Do not travel more

older woman on beach dating over 50

Travel can be an expensive habit, but those who stick close to the house are often regretting it later in life. In the Allianz survey, 56% of respondents reported having traveled if they were to do things again.

Not be more adventurous

Bungee Jumping

An adventurous spirit is something that is inherent in some and not others. But many people want to understand a way to exploit theirs. According to this allianz study, not being more adventurous has been cited as a regret of a quarter of the survey participants.

Be more spontaneous

Passport and plane tickets

Whether you have refused a last-minute Vegas vacation or your decision not to stand on stage at this concert, a lack of spontaneity is often a major regret in the line. "Have dear holidays really been a bad idea?" Demand Robyn.

Do not eat healthier

older man and woman eating, long marriage tips

As you get older, many people also feel disappointed not to take better care of themselves, especially with regard to their food choices. WHEREAS the diet is directly responsible for about678 000 deaths In the United States only every year, it is prudent to assume that many would opt for salads on the cheeseburgers if they could do things.

Do not do more to maintain your well-being

Doctor Checking Woman's Lungs

Your health is one of those things that you can rarely recover once it has disappeared, and for most people, it leads to serious regrets. According to a 1992 study published in theInternational Journal for Aging and Human Development13% of the topics of study admitted regret aboutDo not take better care of their health.

Let friends on

Two older women have drinks and read book together, one wears a hat indoors, long marriage tips

With work, family commitments and futile attempts to find time to sleep, it is not surprising that we have so little time for the social interactions we get older. However, try to keep these friendships while you can, or if you are likely to regret missing.

"It takes time for many people to realize how vital our friends are to our well-being," says Robyn. "When we face a crisis of life or we want to celebrate something wonderful, it is our friends who gather around us. Our long-term friends who know us well and share our story more than we get older. "

Miss the little moments

couple looking through photo album over coffee, things husband should notice

At that time, you went to this meeting instead of looking at your girl shining in her school game, or these nights you stayed when your friends came out and your friends came out? Do not be surprised if these lands on your regret list in your last years.

"There is a reason why we are talking about bucket lists," says Robyn. "We want to build memories that we can savor and experiences we shared with family or friends. Or maybe just memories that remind us that we have lived fully."

Do not know people better

older couples taking photo while drinking wine, over 50 regrets

Shyness is inherent in some of us. However, these fears retain us to meet new people and expand our social circles can face us later in life.

Do not excuse more

young girl hugging her mother, over 50 regrets
Shutterstock / vgstockstudio

And when you did something hurting another person, little feel better than offering aSincere apologies and have the other person accepts. Unfortunately, those who miss these opportunities often live to regret it.

Be unclear

lesbian mothers with adopted child, prepare children for divorce

Although many people tend to take their parents or family members for granted at the beginning of their lives, this feeling that you could have done more to express gratitude to a person who interests you is a major source of regret. late.

To worry about the opinions of others

woman looking at outfit in mirror

It is natural to worry about what others think of you, but all those whoconcerns about the opinions of others are likely to fall into your regret as you get older. Few people look at their lives and think: "I'd like to have left the opinions of others on my more decisions."

Do not stand for others

workplace meeting, over 50 regrets
Shutterstock / Fizkes

Most people can rethink at a time when they missed an opportunity to resist bullying. And when this missed luck means that someone else was injured, whether emotional, mental or physical pain - this regret can follow you during a life.

Or not standing for yourself

Older couple having an argument and fighting on the couch, over 50 regrets

The affirmation of affirmation is a skill that many people, unfortunately, learn too late in life. Omitting to get up for yourself and what you believe to finish often to be a major regret in those who lack confidence.

Put aside your passions

woman painting, over 50 regrets

Everyone can not make a living to do the thing they love and that should be expected. However, it does not mean that you will not regret it. According to Allianz data, 39% of respondents to the survey admitted to have regretted not to follow their passion later in life.

Muting your true personality

older man wearing orange floral shirt, over 50 regrets
Shutterstock / Ranta Images

Your personality bigger than life may not have a place in your button office work, but you hide who you really are to people who care about you rarely happy. Whether you are just toning who you really are or pretend or do not like things simply to avoid ridicule, you are required to regret it as you get older.

Ignore your instincts

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This tribute you had about this so-called "friend?" This feeling you should have moved into a new city when you were lucky? For many people, the decision not to listen to these intestinal returns as a major regret later in life.

Take life too seriously

phrases men over 40 should stop using

Take life too seriously rarely breeds the kind of happiness that most people aspire to have in their lives. If you can not find the case in your heart to have a sense of humor on even the biggest challenges you encounter in life, it could turn into a regret later.

Hierarchize practicality on pleasure

Kind Older Man Wearing a Hat Healthy Man - old people jokes

Of course, invoices must be paid and the food must be on the table. However, for many people watching in their lives, always put the practicality first and fun to the second tends to be a serious regret.

To be mean

man yelling into phone, over 50 regrets

Knowing that you made someone pleasure in their life can make someone feel good. Knowing that you were naughty to someone and did not take the necessary steps to fix it? It's a major source of regret for most people.

Do not enjoy your youth

friends painting fingernails together, over 50 regrets

They say that young people are wasted among young people and it is undeniably true. While you may have thought that you were colorless, unattractive, and not so much at age 18, in your last years, it is very likely that you will not regret not understanding that rapid metabolism or lack of responsibilities you have had as a young adult.

Not be more present

older couple ignoring each other on couch using smartphone and tablet, over 50 regrets
Shutterstock / Rosshelen

These hours you spentLooking at your phone instead of being present? Do not be surprised if you wish you had this time in your 50s and beyond.

Spend too much time worrying

old worried woman sitting on the couch, over 50 regrets

Anxiety and stressAre inevitable for many people, but it is unlikely that you have hit your last years and you want to have spent more time worrying about things about things. According to a 2016 report of freedom of mutual insurance, about40% of the population worries each dayBut few they wish they had lost more hours.

Ignore your personal happiness

sad, depressed, or tired man in his bed, over 50 regrets

Success is a goal, but it's not the sole purpose that people should work for. If you ignore your own personal happiness in the pursuit of success, or make others happy, chances are good that you will regret this decision once you have more than 50 years.


dressing well 50s

In our desire to be responsible adults, many of us, we aqueous to have fun in a lot of life. And although it can be nice to have this white picket fence and this nuclear family, never let your child play playing is a serious source of regret for many people.

Do not see someone before their death

Older Asian Man Lying in a Hospital Bed, over 50 regrets

Although our busy lives often have time spending time with the people we love, it's worth doing. Do not see someone before their death is a major regret for many people, and unfortunately, one of the few that can not be remedies.

Do not leave an inheritance

grandfather holding grandchild while grandmother looks on, things grandparents should never do

It is also difficult to know what people will say about you when you left. Nevertheless, many people will admit that not to consider their legacy was serious surveillance. That you want to have had children, I wish you have done more for the planet or that you just want to have been nicer in life, the thought that people could have less than melted memories of you - or even worse No memories at all. -Con fill a person with regret. Fortunately, at 50, you still have a lot of time to change your inheritance for good. And if you want to transform your life, see these 50 Changes of life to do after 50 .

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: aging / Over 50
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