The Board of Arnold Schwarzenegger to the man with depression make you smile

An anonymous internet commentator sought the motivation of Schwarzenegger in 2018 and he did not disappoint.

Arnold SchwarzeneggerPast decades to be the hard guy par excellence. But in recent years, it has become a beloved figure in the many pockets of the Internet, largely because of its unique blend of humor, sweetness, and a good dose of not taking too serious. And no moment encapsula this second quality plus a particular moment on reddit in 2018. While participating in an "Ask Me Anything" Q & A, Redditorwith depression presented aRequest for motivation From the building body turned movie star become politician.

"I know this is proxengism but, I've been depressed for months anddid not hit the gym Meanwhile, "the commentator wrote. Mr. Schwarzenegger, can you please tell me get off my lazy *** and hit the gym? I swear of all the expensive I waiting that I get out and go ".

This specific demand can be read and wait for the former governor of California to respond in kind, playing the hard terminator character who brought her celebrity and fortune. But Schwarzenegger took a different and much softer tone in his answer, which is likely to bring a real smile to your face.

"I'm not going to be difficult on you," he writes. "Please do not be so difficult on yourself. »

"We all go through challenges, we all go through a failure," he continued, adding that "life is sometimes a workout. But the bottom line is that you get up. Just move a little. Ride out of bed and make pulls orgo for a walk. Just do something. One step after another. "

Schwarzenegger finished hisMotivation speech saying to man with depression: "I hope you feel better and come back to the gym but do not beat yourself, because it's just useless to speak it does not give you closer to the gym... "

"And," he concludes, "Do not be afraid ofask for help. Good luck."

The Redditor responded and said:

I do not joke, I come jumped from the bed when I received this notification. Arnold, thank you from the bottom of my heart to take the time to answer.

I dress up and go to the gym, I'm going to do one on 5 × 5 routine (squats, overhead, deadlift) to get it and break it from it.

THANK YOU !!!!!!! 💪 ♥

I wish everyone to read this comment could know how good it is to have Arnold Schwarzenegger personally give you the encouragement, I feel overwhelmed (in good sense) and as cliche that it may seem, I have tears of joy in my eyes.

But he does not end there. The next day, a Saturday no less, Schwarzenegger replied, "I'm proud of you how are you! »

After sharing some details of his workout, the Redditor said he would be sure to pay before. "After your motivation message, my mood was high," he writes. "I did my best to spread this positive energy to everyone around me. »

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