10 secrets to avoid diseases of people who never fall sick

You want to know never to get sick? These tips will tell you in the right direction.

Whenever there is a bug going on, we all do our best to stay healthy. But it can feel like no matter how much we get thevaccine against influenza or how many times uswash one's hands, we always descend with something. And with thePandemic during coronavirus Taking a devastating toll around the world, people are more concerned about getting sick than ever. In this spirit, we have gathered advice from these people who manage to avoid the disease. Because this is better to get out of health advice than those who really do what they preach? Read on all the ways you can increase your chances of successful common diseases likecold and flu.

Note from the publisher: The following tips do not necessarily apply directly from best practices to follow during the coronavirus epidemic. For these specific guidelines, visit theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention.

Start your day with a cold shower.

man in shower, ways to feel amazing

Nate HalseyHas the bungee jumped in South Africa, which has become sliding in the French Alps and ran a relay race of 200 miles - but it does not spend almost no time in the hospital. So, what is his secret to stay healthy? AsGemstone explains in his book of 2012,The secrets of people who never fall sick, Halsey takes cold showers every morning in an effort to stay energized andKeep his strong immune system.

Apparently, it was on something: according to a study of 2016 published in thePlos one, When subjectshas taken cold showers In the morning for 30 days, they took 29% less illness than those who maintained their ordinary shower routine.

Maintain a healthy diet.

Older man eating a healthy salad in the kitchen

Thomas Edisonwas not one of the smartest people who have never lived, but also one of the healthiest. His secret? Diet. "People eat too much and drink too much. If doctors prescribed a diet instead of drugs, normal manshawns would disappear," said Edison 82 years oldIn an interview of 1929 In regards toHow to never get sick. "The regime is the secret of my health."

If you are not sure of this plan to follow specifically, try the Mediterranean diet. A 2014 meta-analysis published in the journalEndocrine, Metabolic and Immune Disorders - Drug Targets Note that it "could counter the effects of several inflammatory markets".

Eat a lot of garlic.

garlic press healthy sex after 40

Curiously, some people credited garlic with their solid immune systems. For example, in the book of Stone, then-51 years oldSusan BrownSaid that once she started consuming garlic systematically, she stopped getting sick. Every time I think I fell ill, I start with the garlic three times a day, and within 24 hours I feel good, "Brown said.

The Brown method does not seem to be a placebo effect, either: a 2014 study of theUniversity of Copenhagen Has showed that there is a chemical compound in the garlic called Ajoene that actually prevents bacteria from harming the immune system.

Take vitamins.

Woman taking vitamins
iStock / Vitapix

A man in his 70s says in the book of Stone that he swears by supplements, saying that he takes "every vitamin [every supplement] known to the man" -Ranganing of Saw Palmetto and Pygeum, for fish oil and DHEA. And according to a study of 2010 published in the journalNature Critical ImmunologyThere is evidence that they work - at least when it comes toVitamins A and D, that the study says "have an unexpected and crucial effect on the immune response". And if you wonder if you do not get enough of a certain nutrient, check20 surprising signs that you have vitamin deficiency.

Get a lot of rest.

exhausted man napping on couch

In the book of Stone,Sarnoff Mednick, PhD, the late director of the Social Science Research Institute of the University of Southern California who died at age 87, credited with never descending with colds or the influenza to the coat. And if Mednick's impressive impressive do not convince you to get some solid shudeye, it could: in 2017, researchers atSleep Center of Medicine at the University of WashingtonI studied 11 pairs of identical twins and found that those with shorter sleep periods had lower immune systems.

Manage your stress levels.

anxious, sad, or depressed man sitting on a couch, depression, depressed, anxiety, stress, worried, worry, health questions after 40

"I do not let stress in my life, even when it really tries, really hard to penetrate it,"Susan Smith Jones said in the book of Stone. Jones has devoted his life to both the teaching and practice of holistic health, and obviously, the healer without stress and stress withoutnever necessary to take medication.

The relationship between stress and the immune system is so strong, in fact that theAmerican Association of Psychology (APA) even appointed the study of it: psychonuroimmunology.

Practicing yoga.

closeup of woman doing yoga

Self-proclaimed "spiritual hippie", "Felice Rhiannon, whose only serious illness is a genetic blood disorder, is a firm believer in theBenefits for Yoga Health. "Traditionally, yoga posts have been learned to prepare the body to meditation," she explained to the stone, which means that your body is more relaxed and better able to fight against infections.

A 2011 study published in theYoga International JournalConfirms that the theory: the researchers have found that when students have carried out yoga for 35 minutes a day for 12 weeks, their immune systems were not negatively affected by stress as those of control topics.

Make sure you get enough vitamin C.

woman drinking orange juice, stomach symptoms
Shutterstock / anek.soowannamoom

It's not a secret thatVitamin C is good for the immune system. AndSusan Rennau, a nursing coordinator who has not been sick since 2006, swears by the nutrient when it comes to his health. "Since I started taking the c, there were three or four times, I felt that I could start putting my throat, but then it goes," A-T -The stated to the stone.

Consumes the brewer yeast every morning.

Brewer's yeast dietary supplement tablets

It might seem strange, but it works forBarbara Pritzkat. The surveyor who rarely gains sick beverages is a form of product powder every morning and, as she told the stone, she created it for her good health.Webmd Also note that the brewer yeast is a good source of vitamin B and protein and can "improve body defenses against viral pulmonary infections such as influenza and common cold". So it's definitely worth trying to try.

Always look at life on the right side.

older woman smiling outside, make yourself more attractive

Gail EvansI spent several decades working at CNN, not once she took a day of illness. In the book of Stone, she credits her success without illness at "benign negligence", saying, "If I feel bad, I know I can conquer it immediately. It's attitude."

Of course, a positive attitude will not get rid of a cancerous mass, but there is evidence suggesting thatOptimism can benefit from the immune system. A 2010 study published inPsychological science I found that when students in the law were injected with a dose of Mormadia viruses, their immunity has increased with their optimism.

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