Dads are less likely to be depressed if they have something

If the new dads have this thing, it can reduce the risk of depression up to a year, finds the study.

We all heard about postpartum depression, aform of depression that, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),A woman on eight in the United States The experience after having a baby. And while we generally consider this condition as something unique to mothers, more men you could expect to also have the postpartum depression report after their child is ne-about 10 percent, According to a study in theAMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. However,New research suggests that dads are less likely to suffer from depression if they are able to take paternity leave so that they can spend time with their newborn child.

For a study published on September 23 in the journalBorders in psychiatry, A group of psychologists observed 881 ethnically various low-income fathers to examine the correlation between the participation of a parent at the beginning of parent and their young childrenDepressive symptoms during the first year of the child. During the study, the study participants were evaluated on the basis of three measures of parental participation: time spent with the child, self-efficacy of parents, and material support. In addition, participants'Depressive symptoms have been evaluated and ranked by the postnatal depression scale of Edinburgh for one month, six months and twelve months after birth.

young father holding baby outside

On the basis of the data collected and observations, the researchers concluded that the fathers who spent more time with their young children had more the parental self-efficacy role, provided more material for the baby one month after Birth, and reported significantly depressive symptoms when the child was one year.

"We found that the fathers who were more involved with their children shortly after their birth wereless likely to be depressed A year later, »Author of the studyOlajid N. Bamishigbin Jr., PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychology in California State University, Long Beach, said in a statement.

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According to the researchers, the results testify to the importance of fathers given the opportunity to spend time with their newborn children and why employers must offer panel paid leave. The benefits of doing so are not limited to the father's mental health, but extend to all members of the family.

"In our study, earlier participation is linked to less depression later. In fact, very important, he suggests that, if fathers are involved with their children early and often, their mental health and health of the entire family unit, could better succeed, "said Bamishigbin in the statement. "That's why we suggest that paid paternity leave policies that can allow fathers the opportunity to participate more with their children and gain trust as a parent early in their lives, without having to worry about their economic security, And can help to allow fathers more opportunities to participate with their children and shape healthier future generations. In turn, this can improve the well-being of the whole family ". And for more insight into your mental health,Here's how you make your depression worse.

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