17 health dangers hidden disruptive in your garden
Bugs and plants and pools, oh my!

While even something as simple as a grocery trip may seem like a dangerous activity during the coronavirus pandemic, there are countless ways that you can put your well-being at risk without even reporting. In fact, there are manyPeril potential sources very close to the house Whether you think - many of these dangers are just in your garden.
Toxic plants with bugs whose bites can land you at the hospital, read it to discover the greatest sources of danger hidden on your property. And if you want to keep you safe, practice these15 things you need to do every time you leave your house, according to the CDC.
1 Mosquitoes

Whilemosquito tits Are a rite of passage in summer, it does not mean that each bite is necessarily benign. "Mosquitoes are common throughout the United States and can transport and spread a wide variety of diseases to humans and animals," saysSteve Durham, an entomologist and certified president ofTermite & Pest environment In Texas, noting that mosquitoes can transmit Zika, West Nile virus, dengue, malaria and chikungunya.
2 Ticks

These deer in your yard can be beautiful, but they can wear seriously dangerous diseases if they host ticks. Unfortunately, it's rather likely that theyare hosting ticks wearing diseases, see as rates ofDiseases transmitted on ticks in the United States more than doubled between 2004 and 2016.
Although ticks can abreasing many diseases, Lyme disease is the most common, mainly diagnosed in the Northeast and the Midwest, according toDavid Cutler,MARYLANDFamily medicine doctor at the Saint John Providence Health Center in Santa Monica, California. "Be on the lookout for a rash that looks like a bullseye", advises Cutler. "Your primary care doctor can deal with antibiotics, but if it has not been treated for years, this can lead to chronic fatigue, ills / pains in your joints and more serious complications." And if you have been bitten by a tick, make sure you know these20 surprising symptoms of Lyme disease that you can not afford to ignore.
3 wasps

If you plan to try to take off a wasp nest yourself, you may want to reconsider. "The greatest danger in the yard of a person [is] wasps," says the entomologistJohn Melchior, founder ofControl of the harmful kapture in northern New Jersey. "These are the only cause for which we had to take technicians in the hospital." And for more timely stories delivered in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
4 Black Widow Spiders

Black widow spiders are just as scary as their name suggests. According toPenn State College of Agricultural Sciences Department of EntomologyThese spiders have been found worldwide in warm climates - can cause a tip of blood pressure, muscle pain and difficulties to breathe simply by biting you.
5 Spiders of brown recluses

Although you can not even notice a brown recluse spider bite first, the side effects that it causes the latest will certainly not fly under the radar. According toControl of the poison of the National Capital, an untreated brunette disclaimer spider bite can cause tissue and crate scars on the wound site that remain even after healing your body. And for more frightening crawlies to avoid any case, checkThe 50 most dangerous bugs in America.
6 Backwater

These puddles in your yard can be more dangerous than you have never imagined. "[Standing water] attracts mosquitoes [and] puts you at the risk of mosquito disease", including the West Nile virus, saysKirsten Bechtel,MARYLAND, an expert in medical medicine medicinal pediatric medicine and trauma prevention.
7 Toxic algae

Although you like the way your pond on your garden, there may be serious health risks hidden in this water. "Urban pollution can cause dangerous quality conditions of water quality to develop naturally in lakes and ponds in your garden," said biologistErin Stewart ofSolitude Lake Management In Virginia Beach, Virginia. Stewart explains that Cyanobacteria, blue-green alga, can produce harmful toxins that can cause symptoms such as liver damage, headaches, muscle pain and skin irritation, just to name a few.
8 Swimming pools

After birth defects, disease control and prevention centers (CDC) indicate thatNoyade is the leading cause of death in children between 1 and 4 years old.
So what can you do to keep your children safe when they swim in your pool? "Put a door on all four sides, so the youngest children can not fall in when adults do not look," says Bechtel. In addition to ensuring that your children understand water safety and have taken swimming lessons, "do not keep the floats in the pool because they can attract anxiety that are interested in their bright colors and can hide A toddler that may have fallen into the pool, "she claims.
9 Trampoline

Of course, they are fun, but trampolines are a bigger risk for your health that you could never imagine. In fact, according to the National Monitoring System of the Commission of the Committee on Consumer Products Safety Commission (Neiss), there was more than123 029 Injuries related to trampoline in the United States in 2019 alone.
"There are many dangers to trampolines," saysDanelle Fisher,MARYLAND, Vice President of Pediatrics at the Saint John Providence Health Center in Santa Monica, California, including in other riders, falling on trampoline sources, or falling entirely from the trampoline. "These wounds, broken bones, sprains, braincoms and numerous bruises occur at a high speed due to the strength of the rebound," says Fisher.
10 Climbing equipment

Jungle gymnasiums and other playground facilities are great when your children have to spend energy. However, you must beExtra caring to supervise your children when they play outside these contracts. Neiss data revealed that there were more than 222, 0.527 game material injuries in the United States in 2019 alone.
11 Lawn mowers

One of the greatest dangers of your garden is, quite ironically, the thing you use to keep it livable: the lawn mower. According to the NEIS report, lawn mowers are responsible for 77., 244 US injuries each year, so be careful whenever it's time to cut and tame your grass.
12 Electrical garden tools

These electric hedge cutters and weeds can be practical, but they can be quite dangerous if you are not careful. In fact, according to the Neiss report, the electricity power tools caused more than 23,239 injuries in 2019 only.
13 Grilling

He literally pays - to know what you do before shooting the BBQ. NESS found that grilling and stoves contributed to 19,865 injuries in 2019 and according to the US fire administration, grilling causedAbout $ 37 million in property damage from 2006 to 2008 only.
14 Oleander

These beautiful flowering laurel orific flowers in your yard could actually be dangerous. Although the oyster is mainly fatal for animals, a 2010 study published inHeart views I revealed that, in a 21-year-old woman, the ingestion of Oleander has caused vomiting, lightness, blocking in the ventricle of his heart and an irregular heart rate. Tragically, in 2000, two toddler Californians evenDeceased Oleander's consumption.
15 Belladonna

Although it carries pretty flowers and attempts that looks like blueberries, do not confuse Belladonna for a harmless plant. Although before modern times, it has been frequently used as anesthetic and component of cosmetics, scientists now know thatThe plant is very toxic and can cause all cardiac and respiratory distress to the central dysfunction of the nervous system.
16 Venerable sumac

"When outsidegardening, look for plants like poisoned oak, "Cutler advises". Most people are allergic to oils of these plants and can develop a rash, itching and light bulbs in areas that come into contact with oils. "
If you enter into contact with poison oak oils, it is important to note thatwash one's hands may not be enough to stop a reaction in its tracks. According to Cutler, poison oak oils can stick to all of the footwear of pets, so you can still end up having days of reaction after your exhibition if you are not careful.
17 Holly berries

These pretty branches and berries that you decorate your home with Christmastime could spell real problems if you consume them. According toNational Capital Poison Center, Eating holly berries can cause drowsiness, dehydration, vomiting and diarrhea. And although some animals eat them, your pets should not; Plants can cause similar unpleasant symptoms in your four-legged friends. And if you want to get the most out of your outdoor space, see these20 ways of Genius to dive your garden.