The easiest 50 ways to beat stress in 2020

These simple stress relief tips will help you make this year the most relaxed.

Lift your hand if you are stressed just about all the time. In 2019Swallow Survey, 55% of US adults reported having a stress during the majority of the day, which says you are quite alone. "In the world at the fast pace of today, the stress is extremely common. Unfortunately, very few people recognizeThe toll stress takes both the mind and the body, "saysDanielle Sassone, an integrative health coach of certified nutrition atEMP180. "Our bodies are designed to handle small stress doses, but we are not equipped to handle constant, long-term and chronic stress." To make sure that you stay without stress and healthy in 2020, judte some of these easy ways to beat stress.

To go for a walk.

Woman going for a walk

Any exercise is excellent to relieve stress, including something low impact like walking. A 2019 study published inBorders in psychology found one20 minutes walk a day can help reduce your stress hormones. "Exercise is a great way to free stress on everyday life, even if it's just a walk around the block," saysKelly Noonan Gores, a well-being expert based in Los Angeles. "The exercise not only burns calories, but it comes out of the stagnant energy moving through the circulation and detoxification systems. Exercise and movement also release endorphins from your brain, which has a soothing effect and positive."

Practice the grounding.

Feet walking in grass

Unless you live in a hot zone all year round, you may need to remember until the summer for this technique. But it certainly worthwhile to wait. "Paste your barefoot on the grass for 20 minutes or go to the beach and walk barefoot in the sand. It's called grounding or grounding," says Noonan Gores. "Our ancestors used to walk barefoot and slept on the ground, giving them a constant connection to the negative ion load of the earth. This negative charge has considerable health benefits for us, to reduce blood pressure to Reduce anxiety, depression and stress. " It checks: Some small studies have shown the benefits, as well as a 2019 study published in the journal.To explore.

Make people watching.

Woman drinking coffee on a park bench while people watching

People look to relieve stress? It sounds strange, but do not hit him before trying it. "People who monitor can be a powerful exercise of relativity. I can sit on a park bench and watch people from afar and know that they all have their own set of problems related to the stress they wear with them "said the mental health expertKC GOODING, the Director of Business Development atNew wellness method. This can also be a very ocular opening. When you see the problems that others treat, it can sometimes seem like yours seems very small.

And listen to your environment.

Woman smilling during a sunset taking in nature sounds

Sometimes, relieving stress is as simple as sitting quietly and listening to your environment. "Keep your eyes closed and listen to the nearest noise to you. It may be your breath, or the person sitting near you. Then you leave the ears follow the next noise. Really hear it. So the Next and the next one, "says California-based celebrity coachJuliet Kaska. "Find out what the farthest sound is that you can register." Even a few minutes will help you calm your body and allow you to relax.

Laughing laughter.

Friends laughing

Laughter is really the best cure for stress. Whether you watch your favorite comedy or spend time with friends, laugh it, will instantly help you feel a little better. "The benefits of laughter can not be underestimated", cardiologistBenico Barzilai, MD, says theCleveland Clinic. "Laughter leads to an immediate reduction of the negative body response to stress and causes the blood vessels of the body - including the heart - to increase blood flow as needed."

Have a Sesh karaoke.

Man singing karaoke with friends

A 2018 pilot study ofIowa State Universityfound that those who sing feel positive and less stressed while doing so, as well as more relaxed afterwards. "Like laughter, the skin is a melody produces these well-being hormones," says Sassone. "The imposition when the song can come from endorphins, or it could come from oxytocine, another hormone released during the song that has been found to mitigate anxiety and stress."

To eat chocolate.

Woman happily eating chocolate bar

Name a more delicious way of fighting stress. Results of two 2018 studies ofLoma Linda University I found that eating dark chocolate - the kind of at least 70% cocoa-can help relieve stress, as well as help memory, mood and immunity. This is due to all cocoa flavonoids, which are antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents that can benefit from the brain.

Get a massage.

instant mood boosters

To feel overwhelmed at work? Use your lunch break to get a massage. Do never underestimate healing and stress relief from touch power, especially when it comes from someone who knows exactly what they do.

Or give yourself one.

Hand pouring oil for massage

Of course, you do not need to pay big dollars to get a massage. You can relieve stress by giving you one at home. "Give yourself a daily massage of Abhyanga oil," says Kaska. "Start your toes and slowly climb your body. In addition to helping to fight dry skin, this will help calm the nervous system and improve the long-term elasticity and aging of your skin." It recommends using grape oil after a shower or using sesame oil before a shower.

Sniff a few calming odors.

older latina woman smelling a fresh towel near the washing machine

Sometimes you can make your stress disappear as easily as you sniff a soothing scent. "Inspire calming odors, slowly and deeply, a few times in a row," says Sassone. "Lavender oil or peppermint, fresh laundry, fresh air, cover your child ... All that helps you relax." TheCleveland Clinic says that perfumes can also affect all of your anxiety levels to your mood, then start sniffing as soon as possible.

Get out with furry friends.

Man with his dog

Pets are great best friends - especially because they canhelp you fight stress. According toAssociation of anxiety and depression of America"The effect of the animal" is real. It has been shown that possessing pets has helped to mitigate stress, anxiety, depression and to make you healthier and happier. But even after spending five minutes with a puppy, you do not need any search to tell you that. "Pet lovers know how to have a pet can help reduce stress and improve your mood. Their fur is so soft and hug, which is instantly calm," says Sassone. "Interact with love with pets also helps release oxytocin, feel-good hormone."

Get your hug on.

Couple cuddling in bed

The best part of Cuddling is that it helps you get rid of stress with literally no effort. A 2014 study published in the journalPsychological science found that getting closer andhugging could help with stress.

Breath of optimistic air.

Girl listening to music

To what extent do you feel after listening to your favorite playlist? Probably crazy enough. A 2013 study published in the journalPlos a Found there is a simple reason for this: it helps to reduce stress. "Music can have a profound effect on emotions and body, making it an effective tool for stress management," says Sassone. "Faster music can make you feel more alert and better concentrate, optimistic music can make you feel more optimistic and more positive about life, and a slower tempo can calm your mind and relax your muscles , make you feel soothed while releasing the stress of the day. "

Be more conscious.

Mindful woman drinking tea

Full consciousness - focusing your attention on your emotions instead of ignoring them - can do wonders to relieve stress. "Even short periods of conscious attention can have a positive impact on health and well-being," "psychologistRezvan Ameli, PhD, says theNational health institutes(NIH). "No matter what we do, we can always take the time to put our attention on our breathing and body and stay there for a short time.

Accept your ugly mood.

instant mood boosters

Full consciousness means coming into contact with your emotions, and sometimes it can be difficult. If you feel weak, do not let it stress you. "Everyone falls," saysAllison Kanter Agliata, an authorized psychologist and an executive management coach. "It's a normal feeling of experiencing and you have to have a few stocks to enjoy your peaks. Rather than avoiding that, try to sit down and understand the cause of your bad mood. Take the time to reflect And to examine the areas of your life that require improvement in order to better understand what has an impact on your feelings. "

Give yourself a boost of endorphins.

Girl dancing in her kitchen

You do not need to do the typical exercise-The crowns or a HIIT class to get an endorphin boost. It's as easy as dancing, cycling, making yoga: whatever the activity you prefer. "Virtually any form of exercise or movement can help reduce stress," says Sassone. "The movement increases endorphins and endorphins bring feelings of euphoria and general well-being, which is why exercise is often associated with stress relief."


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Before doing exercise, you should stretch. Extends "Help you circulate your blood on your muscles", explains the fitness trainerCarol Michaels. "This releases these endorphins mentioned above. Stretching and yoga also helps you become aware and focused. It pulls you in the moment. Instead of worrying about tomorrow or regret yesterday, you are in the present moment. You can you feel calm, in control, and centered. "

To do yoga.

instant mood boosters

Any form of exercise is beneficial for stress relief, but yoga has special benefits. "I have never finished doing a yoga class or my own yoga practice and worse than before," saysShawn Radcliffe, Yoga teacher and health writer. "Like other forms of exercise, yoga stimulates endorphins. Meditation and mindfulness associated with yoga have also proved benefits to improve mood."

Make a high intensity exercise.

Man doing rope exercise

While yoga is great and has certainly beenproved to help relieve stress, Sometimes you need something high energy to really take this weight of your chest. "When I'm really swallowed on something and I can not stop my brain from observing, I'm going to run a race," says Kaska. "I need it to be more than a jog. It must include a kind of hills or challenge sprints, which forces my brain to focus on something else than I'm stressed."

Or do a fast exercise.

black man doing sit ups on a hardwood floor at home

The fastest way to deliver an explosion of pleasure to your brain is with fast physical exercise and it does not have to serve a trip to the gym. "I say to all my clients, if you can make a quick 10 squats wherever you are - at your desktop, Starbucks waiting, or even in the target while shopping - it releases dopamine and serotonin directly on your brain and you will feel instantly happier and to be in a better mood, "says addiction therapistCali Estes, founder ofThe dependency coach. "I think it's the fastest way, the cheapest and most effective way to naturally get this dopamine serotonin."

Go running.

instant mood boosters

As Kaska notes the personal experience, running can do wonders for stress. Michaels extols also his virtues. "Running is a fantastic calorie burner and it's great to improve your fitness. It's also something that almost everyone can do," she says. "It does not necessarily have to be about performance, speed and distance. You can simply kiss the sport like fitness jogger. The health benefits are the same. If you are new to run, combine- The with periods of walking. The goal is to help strengthen your mental and physical health. "

Make goals.

Woman writing goals in her journal

Sometimes the stress can come from the unknown. Taking the time to set goals for yourself, you could improve your mental health of more resources. "When people set goals for themselves, they have a positive meaning of the commitment, believe they are in control and are optimistic," health psychologistAnn Webster, PhD, saysHarvard Medicine. These goals can be in your career, your relationships, your health - really everything you want.

And stop procrastinating.

Man happily doing work on his laptop at home

This could feel good in the moment you need to do things you need, but you know you'll be stressed once it comes time to catch up. To make sure you put an end to your bad habits, have a plan.Kati Morton, a licensed therapist based in Los Angeles, said in aYoutube video that it recommends keeping your short task lists and working every day, which guarantees yougo on a project earlier than possible. "Also, reward your progress along the way.

But stop the multitasking.

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A major source of stress for the average person of these constant claim and distractions is the multi-component pulse. During the juggling, a number of projects could make you think that you have done a lot at the moment, it is probably more likely that you are. "The multitasking has become the norm that led to people who feel exhausted without [accomplish] a lot," saysJoe Bates, author ofMake your brain Hum: 12 weeks to a smarter than you. "Why? Because their concentration is divided on too much to do one thing to do one thing about one thing. Mediocrity or" Just getting through feelings can start feeling overwhelmed. Instead, concentrate -You on a task at a time and give yourself time to rest between the projects.

Decline your space.

Girl folding laundry on couch

When your space is cluttered, whether it's your home or your office, you are obliged to feel uncomfortable. "When we have these physical representations of incomplete - like a stack of paperwork or laundry, it activates few messages of worry in our subconscious. This is like stress," says Kaska. Stay non-stress this year, take a day andWrinkle with clutter in your life By cleaning, check the tasks in your task list and get rid of everything you do not need.

Meditate every day.

Man meditating with earphones

The study study showed how much meditation can contribute to your mental health. That's why Noonan Gores describes it as a daily mental hygiene. "Just as important as to shower from the dirt, sweat and energy accumulated from our physical bodies every day, so we must also shower and wash the mental stress, the tension and negativity we accumulate In our mind, "she says. To get rid of your stress, Noonan Gores recommends working up to 20 minutes of meditation a day." Your heart rate slows down, your blood pressure drop, your brain and your heart enter a Consistent state, and your brain frees all kinds of healing chemistry into your body. "

Practice deep breathing.

Man taking a deep breath on a park bench

According toMichigan medicine, deep breathing is one of the most effective ways (and easiest!) DESTRESSORS. "When you breathe deeply, he sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. The brain then sends this message to your body, "says Sassone. "Stress symptoms - such as increased heart rate, rapid breathing and high blood pressure - all diminish when you breathe deeply to relax."

When you feel stressed, Sassone says to close your eyes and slowly inspire into your nose, count up to 4, 6 or 8 as you inspire. Then, pause at the top of the breath and release it with an expiration for 4, 6 or 8 seconds. "Do this three to five times when the tensions are high," she says. "After several repetitions, you should feel more relaxed and be able to advance with a much quieter state of mind."

And conscious breathing.

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Of course, it's not just about breathing deeply. Try to combine this practice with full consciousness. Lifestyle expertJennifer Winsor, who writes the well-being blogWaves and willows, suggest that you "find yourself" to find a quiet space and make you comfortably sitting, if possible. Close your eyes, take a deep inhale and slow expiration and observe how your body feels. Try to consciously relax your shoulders and any other area where tensions feel. Continue taking deep inhalations, each time long and long and long exhalations. "Watch and be aware of the positive changes in your body and your voltage and stress release that occur.

Spend time with the people you like.

Friends laughing and eating

When you are really stressed, spend time with the people you like can make a huge difference to help you feel lighter. "We know many different studies that have narrow personal relationships - people with whom you can talk, with whom you can share your feelings - can be helpful", researcher on stressJanice Kiecolt-Glaser, PhD, says theNih. "Spend time with family and friends to maintain these relationships may be one of the most crucial things you can do as a stress reducer."

Get out and be social.

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Spend time with friends could signify leave the house, which can be difficult when you feel submerged. "People who often refuse social opportunities because they do not feel like that" leave their mood affect their behavior, "says Agliata. "But the behavior can really influence your mood if you force yourself to go out. Remember at that time that your friends had to hang around and you ended up having fun?"

Or call a friend.

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Feel too stressed to go out there, but always eager about the relief of the tension of human interaction? Give a friend or family member a call just to see how they do or talk about your day. Hear a voice on the other line is a great way to push you into a better state of mind. In some cases, even a text message may be enough to get you back on track.

Chat with a stranger.

young woman smiling with her computer and coffee talking to another woman at a coffee shop

Or maybe you can talk to someone you do not know. The simple idea may seem stressful, but it could really reduce your anxiety. "Talking to foreigners is scientifically proven to improve mood, increase happiness and pay it forward: the joy of connection is contagious," saysJennie Ann Freiman, MD. "Humans are social animals needing human engagement - the lost genre with digital connections. Daily displacements, grocery stores or walks are of great opportunities to relate new perspectives, fresh ideas and new dividends to mood."

Talk it over.

Male friends talking over coffee

Sometimes stress stack because you do not have to talk about your problems. Although this can be difficult, the property says an effective way to relieve this pressure sharing the burden. "It's good to let others know how we feel. There should be no shame of being human," he says. "Take the phone, talk to your friends or spouse, or maybe talk with a therapist."

Show the kindness towards others.

Man giving a woman flowers

When youhelp others, you also help yourself. And this sentence could only be accurate when it comes to relieving stress. In a 2015 study ofYaleThe researchers found that those who made acts of kindness every day were less stressed. "Simple acts, in kind to others are an effective way to relieve stress and focus on the needs of others," says good. "When you take the time to truly consider someone else's needs and what you can do to help them, the burden of your stress-related problems becomes secondary."

Learn to say no.

Man saying no with his hands crossed

Detach plans, more work from your boss and family obligations are difficult - and the more you say yes, the more stressed you will be. Do it your mission this year to say "no" a little more often. According toMAYO ClinicBy putting too much on your plate is a recipe for the disaster for your mental health and say not selfish. If you need a break, be honest with people in your life. You should never feel guilty of taking care of you.

Disconnect technology.

Man reading a book in the park

Disconnect from your phone, your laptop and other technologies as often as possible, you can help you train. "We are flooded with information these days and the majority of it is negative and delegated. That's why it is so important to disconnect from all our electronics. Our mind can not simply not handle stress With the streaming of social media and news 24/7 ", says Noonan Gores." Limiting screen time, taking fresh air breaks throughout the day and turn off the technical devices at least one Time Before going to bed will reduce stress all and improve mental and physical health. "

Get green.

Picnic in the park

It's not easy all year, but once the weather goes well, take full advantage of spending time in a green space. According toWashington University, spend time in parks and other green communities, even if they are small-can help mitigate stress. Breathe in this fresh air any chance you get.

Look at nature.

latina woman at laptop in office looking out the window

While being outdoors among trees and grass offers many benefits for mental health, it's not always easy logically. Fortunately, just look through the window in natural environments, or even watching images of nature, can help you relax and put you in the best mood.

Give yourself a cold burst.

close up of hands under running water in a bathroom sink

A hot shower can do wonders on stress, but maybe a cold shine. "No snow? Towards cold water in a bucket and a step for a few seconds," says the authorMilana Perepyolkina. "Not at home? Open the tap with cold water and keep your hands underwater for a few seconds. Save some of this water on your face. You will feel refreshed, energized and in the best mood."

Take a nap.

instant mood boosters

The mental (and physical) benefits to take a brief native power in the afternoon have been widely documented. If you feel drained and submerged, a 10 minute rest is usually enough to recharge your batteries and help you feel a lot better for the rest of the day.

Practice gratitude.

Woman using a gratitude journal

Practice gratitude makes you feel better all around-Commelux less stressed. According toUC Davis Health, practicing gratitude has been linked to a 23% reduction in hormonal stress cortisol. "In the morning or the evening, take out your gratitude newspaper and write what you are grateful," says Noonan Gores. "A gratitude practice will bring you out of the stress response and create new ways of positive neurons. This forms your brain away from this trend in worst case scenarios. This creates better mental health and better resilience. emotional, which means a better ability to stay calm and handle stress. "


instant mood boosters

It's so simple, you would think it could not work as well as necessary. "Research has shown that when we smile, whether it's a fake smile or a fake, it's the real deal, does our brain frees good endorphins throughout our body," says Winsor. "Use your body's automatic response to your advantage and tips your brain to make you feel happier. It might feel clumsy at first, but try to put a big huge smile and see for yourself as your mood is instantly stimulated. " Do not you already even calm?

And make sure you start the day with a smile.

young black woman smiling in the morning

Just as you should do some stretching and exercising in the morning, Winsor suggests starting your day in the right place emotionally by making sections to smile. "Start the day with big sources first time in the morning and you will give yourself an increase in positive energy and start the day to feel energetic," she says. It will leave you in a better position to deal with everything. stress that comes from your way.

Place your jaw.

instant mood boosters

You may want to make sure that no one looks at you when you do this one. "Drop your jaw suddenly", declares the corporate coach and the authorMarlene Caroselli. "Breathe as you do. Shrugs up the shoulders and rotate them completely back, before, at the top, down the generous smooth circles as high, broad and beautiful that you can do them. Then bring back your shoulders At the normal position. "It might seem odd, but try it. You will feel better and more relaxed when you're done.

Find a hobby you like.

Woman cooking happily in kitchen

If you do not have a hobby outside your day job, it's time to find one. A 2015 study published in theAnnals of behavioral medicine have found that those engaged in leisure were 34% less stressed while doing them, and they lasted hard vibrations for hours. "Cook, paint, draw - all you enjoy. Use your hands to create is a great way to distract your mind and help you enter a state of being quieter," says Sassone. "Regardless of a person's skill level, take the time to create is likely to reduce stress hormone levels. So find the thing you love and do more about that."

Eat healthier greases.

close up plate of salmon over rice and lentils with green beans

Your diet can have a major impact on your mood and level of stress.Elizabeth Tratner, which practices integrative medicine, points to many studies showing the link between "good fats and moods". According to Tracner, researchers have seen a significant reduction in the risk of depression in those who maintain a Mediterranean style plan. "Conversely, a low consumption of eminent components of the Mediterranean diet, such as olive oil and omega-3 fatty acids, was associated with higher depression rates in a study," she says. "So when you start eating healthier greases, your mood is improving."

Coupé on caffeine.

Man drinking water at work

Coffee could help you wake up in the morning, but it also emphasizes your body. According toOhio State UniversityPrevious research has shown that caffeine can more than double the levels of cortisol, thus increasing your stress levels. In addition to this, drinking too much coffee can lead to aggravation of anxiety, nervousness and other problems. Although this is not the case for everyone, it could be worth consideringto make a break To see if you notice changes in your mental health.

And have a green drink.

instant mood boosters

Few health foods offer as many good things to your body as quickly as a green drink. Filled with fibers and other beneficial vitamins, one of them will increase your mood in a sustainable way. This could get used to it, but it could be a surprising path to emphasize relief.

Take a shower.

black man with his back to camera shampooing his hair in the shower

If you have not experimented with the power to relieve the stress of a shower, you are away. Even a quick shower can give you a mental restart and you feel like you started a new day, smoothing some of the anxieties and frustrations you feel.

And take time for yourself.

Man relaxing watching tv on his couch

Do not feel guilty ofTake time for yourself, Whether it's a 10-minute break at work or cancel plans for a night of relaxation at home. According toAmerican Institute of Stress, "Me Temps" can look like what you want. This can exercise, monitor a movie, or drink your favorite tea - all that makes you happy and helps you find your calm.

Additional reporting by Alex Daniel.

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