The best 10 ways to quit smoking that you have never tried

If you want to be smokeless in the middle of the pandemic coronavirus, try these tips to stop smoking.

With regard to bad habits, smoking is easily one of the worst: it increases your blood pressure and heart rate, thicken your blood and inhibits the amount of oxygen flowing in your body narrowing your arteries. All these factors greatly increase yourchance of heart attack or cerebral vascular accident. In reality,have just a cigarette a day can considerably shorten your life. Even knowing that all horrible health problems can not cause, however, once you are addicted to nicotine, quitting is not as simple as it sounds. But there is no better time to stop smoking that now in the middle of thecoronavirus pandemicWhen you stay healthy - and keep your lungs strong - is essential. So even if you have had difficulties in your past attempts to stop smoking, there is still hope of success with these 10 ways to quit smoking that you have never tried. And for more on why it's important to crack cigarettes as soon as possible, learn the10 health risks that you can not afford to take in the middle of the coronavirus.

Change your brand.

close-up of cigarette pack

Fiona Lamb, aClinical Hypnotherapist specializing in addiction, suggests changing your cigarette brand, because "if they taste differently to what you are used to, it will start breaking your habits, make them more malleable to change in the long run."

Return your first cigarette of the day.

Smoking, Bad addiction, Ashtray & Cigarette

According to the lamb, another necessary part of the process is to bring together the desire to delay your first cigarette of the day. In doing so "gets your addiction to nicotine, because it forces your body to go longer in the day without this," she says. And for more things that you have to eliminate from your life right now, here's7 experts of bad habits still say worse at the age of coronavirus.

Coupé on caffeine.

Man making fresh coffee

Depending on the lamb, you should also try to reduce your caffeine consumption. "Large quantities of coffee per day increase the amount of tension in your already frenetic nervous system," she says. And a 2007 study of the side-cited published in the magazineNicotine and tobacco search found that caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea and soda can actuallyImprove the taste of cigarettes.

Drink more milk.

jar pouring glass of milk into cup

Maybe the most unusual offers of abandoned hack lamb are this: Drink a glass of milk with each cigarette.

According to the same 2007 study, while alcohol and coffee seem to improve the taste of cigarettes, dairy products such as milk and cheese allow them to taste. So, if you are looking to stop smoking, try to pair your next smoke with a glass of whole milk. You may be surprised to find how fast you end up putting this cigarette and brush your teeth. And for more advice, you have to pay attention, make sure you know these9 terrible health tricks to ignore right now, according to experts.

Eat more fruits and vegetables.

fruits and vegetables

In addition to dairy products, the 2007 study revealed that 16% of participants reported that fruits and vegetables have considerably aggravated the taste of cigarettes. In addition to adding these foods to your diet, you may also want to drink more water or juice, which has also aggravated the taste of cigarettes from 14% of the participants in the study.

Change your habits.

Couple rearranging furniture in their living room moving a couch together

Much of nicotine addiction is centered on the ritual and specific environments and situations in which you will find smoking to be the most enjoyable or comforting. That's why the website left recommends changing things in your daily routine forReduce your desire to smoke.

"The same places, the same countries, cafes or foods can remember smoking and bring an agreement," says the abandonment support site. "Try to create new smokeless memories. If your common breakfast is having a coffee and a cigarette, break the connection by trying a new breakfast in a different location. Change the furniture around or clean up Spring. Break habits can help you say goodbye to smoke for good. "

Explore alternative therapies.

Woman undergoing hypnotherapy

The fact is that when it comes to hitting your addiction with nicotine, there is no longer safely to do it successfully. Some methods work wonders for some, but do nothing for others. It's up to you to experiment different approaches to find the one that works best for you personally. And although there is not a ton of scientific evidence that proves the effectiveness ofAlternative therapiesMany smokers have found things like acupuncture, hypnosis, magnetic therapy, cold laser therapy, yoga and meditation to be extremely useful in their journey to become smokeless.

Try behavioral support.

adult man making gestures while he talks to a group of people

Stop smoking, like getting rid of any other chemical dependence, is a challenge that is made even more difficult when you try to do it alone. Finding additional support for boards, smoking cessation groups and other similar resources can greatly improve your chances of success. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) even has a website designed forhelp you stop With tools such as a free hotline, text programs and live discussion feature, so you do not need to go through this difficult process.


Woman doing an ab exercise workout in the living room

As simple as it sounds, stop telling you thatto take a walk When you feel that you feel a desire to come can actually reduce the desire to smoke. "You had a desire? Take a walk, do you sections or take a bike ride," says the site. "Exercise is one of the best ways to break the desires and relieve stress and l 'anxiety. Take a new sport or exercise and do what you appreciate. "

Choose a stop date.

woman circling date on a calendar, bad parenting advice

None of the methods described in this article will be useful if you do not commit to the decision you are going to leave - or at least you will give you all your part in your attempt to do it. Once you have made this decision, start choosing a date when you start to leave the process and stay there!

To stand responsible standing, in anticipation of your downtime, theAmerican Cancer Society Recommends taking certain measures, including telling your friends, your family and colleagues on your downtime; Decide if you are going to go "Cold Turkey" or use nicotine substitutes or medicines; And if you tried to stop smoking before, think about things that worked for you and things that do not have it. Finally, remember that this cavation does not arrive from day to day, it is a very good trip. Do not be discouraged.

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