Walmart finally start selling this in the 50 states

This very important article is now available in Walmart stores in each state.

The magnitude to which Walmart works can be difficult to fully appreciate. The company employs 2.2 million people around the world (1.5 million in the United States) and for the year ending January 31, 2020, they reported a total income of$ 524 billion. Much of the store's success comes down to a constant adoption of new products and movements in new areas, and the last could be one of the Biggest-Walmart has just announced that during the annual registration period from October 15 to December 7,They will sell health insurance plans.

Health insurance schemes will be offered by Wal-Mart in the 50 states and in Washington, DC with the company announcing thatWalmart Insurance Provide Medicare Plans (Part D, Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement Plans Offered by Humana, United Hyealthcare, Hymn Blue Cross Blue Shield, Amerigroup, Simply Health, Wellcare (Centenne), Clover Health and From the blue arkansas and blue shield. More carriers can be added in the future.

The ad is based on Wal-Mart Insurance Services LLC, which launched in July 2020. It was a significant breakthrough in the health space for Wal-Mart, which already worksHealth centers Through the United States, providing low-cost and transparent dental care with relatively low prices. Further awayWalmart Clinic will be deployed In the Jacksonville, Florida and Chicago, Illinois areas in the near future. Earlier this year, the company has also launchedan insurance agency In Dallas focusing on health insurance.

It is a period of intense competition and upheaval in the health insurance industry that insurers face rising costs after a year of delayed surgeries andelective procedures that have been put on hold During the Covid-19 pandemic. Other patients canceled visits to the doctor because of the virus, with a bottleneck of the resulting medical work. "We want customers to feel confident in choosing a health insurance plan that best suits their needs, budget and lifestyle,"David Sullivan, General Manager of Insurance Services Wal-Mart, said in a statement. "We want to be a trusted partner in their health care path. »

For more recent changes from the largest retailer in America, read the following. And if you want to know when shopping (and when not), check outThis is the absolute time worse shop at Wal-Mart, Say employees.

They stopped selling the Flag of Mississippi.

Walmart cart in the store

By the end of June, in response to the Movement of the Lives Black Matter, Wal-Mart announced that itdid not sell the flag of Mississippi, Because of the confederated flag in a view which is a part of its design. And for more movements of the company, consultWalmart and Target derive these controversial items from their stores.

They stopped locking multicultural beauty products.

Walmart superstore in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
Sam Dao / Alamy Photo

In addition, in response to the murder ofGeorge Floydand the racial injustices it brought to the avant-garde, Wal-Mart announced in June that would end the policy ofPut multicultural beauty products in locked cases, In the midst of the complaints that the practice was discriminatory.

They launched a new "high" clothing line.

free assembly, new clothing line at Walmart

On a less serious note in September, Wal-Mart announced the launch of aAny new fashion line who has two years in the manufactureAssembly called free. And for more scores the world's largest retailer, see20 Incredible Interior Decoration Walmart Articles.

And they started delivering by drone.


Still in September, Walmart announced a pilot program for the provision of grocery and household productsby automated drones. The drone delivery program was tested on September 9 in Fayetteville, North Carolina. And for more information up to date on Walmart and more,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

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