Covid can live for a month on these 2 items you touch every day
New discoveries suggest that the new coronavirus is even more robust than we thought.

Since the Covid-19 pandemic has begun, public health campaigns have emphasized the need for caution around the surfaces where the virus can live and be supported. And well that we now know that Covid spreads mainly of the person to the person, contaminated surfaces are the reason why we were encouraged toWash hands more frequently and longer. Although it is easy to get the LAX on these preventive measures, because we owe further in the pandemic, new research outside Australia found that not onlyCan the virus survive At room temperature up to 28 days, but it does on some surfaces better than others. And two of the most at-risk articles are unfortunately things we touch every day:Cash and phone. Read to find out why and for more virus tips, know thatIf you can not feel these 2 things, you can have Covid.
The study, of the National Agency of Australian National Science CSIRO, has been published in theVirology newspaperIn October and the researchers found that the sweetest surfaces of cellular telephony screens and banknotes allow Covid to live longer. Degree of particular concern was how muchstronger than the virus was influenza, which has survived only 17 days under the same conditions.
"Our results show that SARS-COV-2 can remain infectious over surfaces for long periods of time, reinforcing the need for good practices such as handwashing and regular hand cleaning surfaces"Debbie Eagles, MD, co-author of the study, said in a declaration. "At 20 degrees Celsius, which concerns the ambient temperature, we found that the virus was extremely robust, surviving for 28 days on smooth surfaces such as glass found on mobile phone screens and plastic banknotes." (For a comparison, 20 degrees Celsius equals 68 degrees Fahrenheit.)
Although non-laboratory conditions would make more difficult than the virus survived in this long (tests were made in the dark at the Australian Center for the preparation of diseases, whileUV light is known to kill Covid), it's a separate reminder ofThe importance of cleaning your phone regularly and efficiently and usingcontactless payment instead of money as possible.
Although coronavirus is mainly distributed by droplets released by an infected person, this new study also shows the need to know the other surfaces that the virus can live, like those who follow here. And if you are not sure what you have fallen, know thatThis "farfelu" symptom means you have Covid, not the flu.

CSIRO researchers also tested the cotton fabric virus and 20 degrees Celsius, Covid lived on these items for 14 days. "The reduction in the majority of cotton viruses occurred very quickly after the application of the virus, suggesting an immediate adsorption effect", notes researchers. At 40 degrees Celsius (or 104 Fahrenheit), the virus was not detected over 24 hours of cotton, so wash this linen on Hot! For more advice like this about the virus, it'sThe worst thing you do with your laundry at the moment, says CDC.

Studies seem to suggest that the cardboard is one of the safer materials where COVID is concerned. "TheThe virus usually does not like living on surfaces who have a lot of holes or small microscopic grooves, crates or cranny ", a specialist in infectious diseases,Frank Esper, MD, said Cleveland's clinic. "He loves very smooth surfaces, like door buttons," he added, echoing the conclusions of Australian researchers.
Research published in theNew England Journal of Medicine In April also suggests that theThe virus could survive for only 24 hours on the cardboard in normal circumstances. "As you can imagine, the cardboard has small microscopic holes, so the virus does not like it much," said Esper. And for more information up-to-date on the pandemic,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Laboratory tests published in the Medical ReviewThe lancetIn April found that theCoronavirus could survive For six days on plastic surfaces (around the same time as stainless steel), which was much longer than the tissue paper and treated wood studied. "SARS-COV-2 was more stable on smooth surfaces", the authors of theLancet also found. And for more key advice on the preservation of the bay virus, here is50 security tips Covid essentials the CDC wants you to know.
Your skin

Researchers in Japan have recently studied the life of the virus on human skin. The ethical guarantees meant that scientists could not test the living human subjects themselves, so they used a skin model, with materials collected from autopsies. Their conclusions, published in the newspaper Clinical Infectious Diseases In October, found that the Coronavirus survived For 9.04 hours on the skin, against 1.82 hours for the Alf flu virus.
However, the good news is that the two viruses have been rendered inactive on the skin after using a 80% of ethanol hand disinfectant . "Hygiene of the appropriate hands ... leads to fast viral inactivation [of SARS-COV-2] and can reduce the high risk of contact infections," said the authors. And to make sure your hands are clean, know that You have not been rubbing in your hand disinfectant properly, says CDC .