These articles will be more expensive after coronavirus

You can go to do not buy these items earlier because their prices are about to skyrocket.

Pandemic coronavirus has sent almost all industries into a frantic state of change, with restaurants and smallBrick and mortar staketers left and right. However, for a selected subset of products and services, a sudden rise in demand has led to dramatic price changes - and not to the consumer. Want to know what you will pay through the nose in the near future? Continue reading to find out which economists say they are more expensive after coronavirus. And for more insight of how the pandemic changes the retail landscape, check these7 things you will never see retail shops after coronavirus.

Event Tickets


Baseball games at concerts, tickets to live events will be much more prison in the near future.

"There will be a lot of demand for pents for sports events, concerts and shows," saysPratek agarwal, creator ofSmart economist. "I hope that once people are vaccinated, they will want to relive these pre-pandemic experiences." Want to know when you sing again on your favorite songs?Here's when experts say it will be safe to go to a concert.


teenage girl lying on the sofa while on her phone

Hoping to mark a deal on the last phone or tablet? You may have to wait a while for prices to come down again.

"On the basis of the promotional activity we see in the retail sector, we anticipate that the utilitarian retail [including] is likely to see the continuous demand and resilience of pricing," saidJordan Elkind, VP detail prospects on the customer data platformAmp.

Beauty products

womans hand pulling out a lipstick from makeup stand

While many industries have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic, the demand for beauty products has increased in the midst of CVIV-19, that some economists predict will lead to increased pricing.

According to the Retail Monitor of the Amperity, theThe health and beauty markets saw a growth of year to the next 128% At the end of April, the increased demand for these products triggers a price increase.


young white woman talking to butcher in grocery store
Shutterstock / Minerva Studio

Although the meat can come back slowly but surely in grocery shelves, these steaks and chops will not come cheap. According to a Cobank May 2020 report,Retail price of beef and pork products could be up to 20% higher than last year.

Fitness equipment

an old man doing warm up exercising on the treadmill, home hazards

If you rushed to buy a treadmill when these stays at home hit, you are in good company.

"Since mid-March, we have seen a steady increase in consumer spending through the home and lifestyle categories for products such as sports goods," saysErika Blanc, Communications and Corporate Marketing Manager at the Online Points Financing CorporationTo affirm. This will probably encourage an increase in the pricing of fitness equipment.

So, how does demand have increased? According to a report of 31 March of Adobe Analytics,The online fitness equipment commands increased by 55% Between January 1 and March 1 alone. And if you want to stay healthy, make sure you know you knowThe exercise that makes your courage of coronavirus.

Home Office Equipment

young indian woman wearing headphones in home office while working from home
Shutterstock / Fizkes

However, home gymnasiums are far from the only household investment person who flows from money in-or the only products that will probably increase the post-pandemic pandemic. Offices standing at computer monitors,Home Office Equipment is likely to be much more expensive in the near future.

White says that home office equipment orders jumped 200% in April and that economists expect these categories to continue to be high, even if people come back to a semblance of normality ".


A Full length of happy couple placing sofa in living room of new home

Since many people depend on the majority of their time at home, having a well furnished space never seemed so important. And with the rise in demand will probably come an increase in prices.

"Americans have been focused on buying items that make their homes more comfortable living", including furniture, says white. According to a press release of the Wayfair online merchandise retailer, the company has seen More of their annual average annual sales increase in April. And if you are looking for articles you can get for a song, These articles will be cheaper after coronavirus .

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