10 types of cancer upwards

Oral cancer liver cancer, these cancer rates climb.

According toWorld Health Organization (WHO), cancer is the second cause of death on a global scale, just aftercardiopathy. More than 1.8 million new cancer cases should occur in the United States in 2020 only, with about 606,520 deaths, depending on theAmerican Cancer Society (ACS). And risk factors such as excess body weight, smoking and sun exposure have led to an increase in certain types of cancers. Through experts and statistics, we gathered 10 increasing cancer rates you should keep an eye on.

Liver cancer

At doctors appointment physician shows to patient shape of liver with focus on hand with organ. Scene explaining patient causes and localization of diseases of liver, hepatobiliary system, gallbladder

New rateliver cancer cases increase faster than any other cancer, according to theACS. "Liver cancer is the only cancer in the United States with incidence rates that continue to increase each year for men and women", "Chari Cohen, a public health scientist at the Hepatitis B Foundation, saidCancer Today.

But it's not just the United States according to a 2017Jama Report, cases of liver cancer increased by 75% in the world between 1990 and 2015, making it one of the leading causes of cancer deaths worldwide. The most exposed people are people infected with hepatitis C (HCV) virus. The ACS recommends that people born between 1945 and 1965 be tested for HCV, because 75% of people infected with HCV falls into this period of age.

Mouth cancer

Male doctor checking throat of a female patient with the medical stick. Doctor checking a patients throat.

Mouth cancer is also on the rise, affecting men twice the women's rate. ACS estimates a 4% increase in new cases for men in 2020.

The main driving force of the increase is due to rising cancer rates associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection that is transmitted by sexual contact. Fortunately, HPV vaccines can help prevent oral cancers associated with HPV, but theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC) indicated that only 49% of people aged 13 to 17 were up to date with their HPV vaccinations in 2017.

Uterus cancer

woman with possible uterine cancer symptoms

For women, uterus cancer cancer - is something to be wary particularly these days. According toCDCFrom 1999 to 2016, the incidence rates of uterine cancer increased by 12%, while morality rates increased by 21%.

Despite these numbers,Adam Ramin, Medical director ofUrology cancer specialists In Los Angeles, says it's not cancer that has often spoken. "Uterity cancer is not systematically screened during an annual physical woman and because the symptoms associated with it may not be external during his early stages, the types of cancer of the uterus can Not being detected before its late stages when cancer is more difficult to cure "," he says.

Ramin recommends watching abnormal vaginal bleeding apart from your menstrual cycle, as well as maintaining a body weight and a healthy diet.

Skin cancer

woman looking at her skin in the mirror, things husband should notice

According to the ACS,skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States and its figures are just continuing to increase. In 2020, it is estimated that new cases of melanoma - a form of skin cancer - will increase by 7% in men and 4% in women.

The best things you can do for yourself are carriers of sunscreen and get full-fledged analyzes of your dermatologist each year. "Early detection is the most important factor for survival," a dermatologist certified by the BoardMitchell Kline written on his website. "Professional skin projections and annual exams can be a matter of life or death."

Pancreatic cancer

Man with Pancreatic Cancer Diseases That Affect Men

There should be a 3% increase in new cases of pancreas cancer in 2020, according to the ACS-which is such a staggering amount for such a rare type of cancer. Those who smoke are more than twice the risk of pancreatic cancer relative to non-smokers, according toAmerican scientist.

But with smoking rates that fall over the years, what causes the sudden elevation of pancreas cancer? Obesity, declares the oncologistRobert A. Wolff. "Since I practice, I saw a passage of smoking to obesity as a driver. An average patient of the mine has a body mass index between 30 and 35 [obesity is defined as 30 or more ] has diabetes or pre-diabetes, is hypertensive and takes a lipid lowering agent, "said WolffAmerican scientist. "It is thought that this is easy for 30% of pancreas cancer to be avoidable. Reduce obesity, better diet, more exercise, no smoking."

Thyroid cancer

woman visiting female geriatrician for thyroid checkup

Thyroid cancer is also disproportionately rising women at a rate of incidence three times higher than that of men. A 2015MAYO Clinic The study indicated that, over the past 30 years, the number of thyroid cancer cases diagnosed annually has tripled.

However, this sudden overvoltage may not be due to an overwhelming increase in real cases, but rather related to the advances of detection of the disease. "We are confronted with a diagnostic epidemic in thyroid cancer"Juan Brito, MBBS, Professor of Medicine Assistant of the Mayo Clinic and the main author of the study, said in adeclaration. "Now that we know where all these new cases came from, we can design strategies to identify patients with thyroid cancer that can benefit from our treatment."

Lower stomach cancer

man holding stomach while talking to doctor

A 2018 study in theJournal of the National Cancer Institute Reports an increase in lower stomach cancer for US young adults according to their research, while Americans over the age of 50 have undergone a decrease in the incidence of lower stomach cancer rates. Of 2.6%, those under 50 experienced an increased rate of 1.3%. The rise is the most obvious between white women. A possible cause? Antibiotics.

"We are seeing a growing risk of this cancer in people born after 1950 and this coincides with the introduction of antibiotics", leader of the studyM.CONSTANZA CAMONGO Division of the epidemiology and genetics of the National Institute of Cancer of the National Institute (NCI), stated in adeclaration. "The increase in non-gastric gastric cancer (stomach) levels is more pronounced in women than males, and we know that women take more antibiotics than men."

Colon Cancer

woman holding lower stomach possible colon cancer

Another cancer increases disproportionately among young adults at an alarming rate is colon cancer. ACS estimates that 104,610 cases of colon cancer will be diagnosed in 2020. And while more than 55-year-old Americans experienced a decrease of nearly 4% of incidence rates between 2006 and 2015, youth rates Americans increased by almost 2%. The recommended starting age for regular projections was even lowered by 50 to 45 due to colon cancer rates increasing in younger populations.

"This increase in the incidence among younger generations is likely to be pushed in part by the changing prevalence of risk factors, such as obesity and poor nutrition", "Marzieh Araghi, PhD, of theInternational Agency for Cancer Research said in adeclaration. "National programs aimed at promoting healthy diets and physical activity could be the most effective approach to ensuring population-level changes."

Kidney cancer

Man with Kidney Cancer Diseases That Affect Men

Kidney cancer Incidences are still climbing each year. The ACS estimates a total of 73,750 new cases of kidney cancer in 2020, which is probably due to rising obesity rates.

A 2017Roswell Park Cancer Institute Study has revealed an increased risk of 77% to develop kidney cancer cancer cancer - among those who have demonstrated a qualifleSedentary lifestyle.

"We hope that the conclusions like ours will motivate people inactive to engage in a form of physical activity", principal authorKirsten Mysich, Oncology Professor at Roswell Park, said in adeclaration. "You do not have to manage marathons to reduce your risk of cancer, but you have to do something, even small adjustments, such as the taking of stairs instead of the elevator, walking in the block several times to Your time to have lunch or parking The car away from the store when you go to the supermarket. "

Breast cancer

Female doctor looking at test results of her patient. Breast examination. Mammogram. Health care concept, medical insurance. Womens health.

Whilebreast cancerThe incidence rates increased at a lower rate than other types of cancer over the years, they have always increased by 0.3% per year. And although this cancer disproportionately affects women - with the estimated ACS of 276,480 new cases of breast cancer for women for 2020 - Cancer always occurs in men, with about 2,620 new cases for men in 2020.

The good news is that because of the increased awareness of the symptoms and a widespread thrust for projections, breast cancer mortality rates havenot increase. In fact, according to the ACS, the breast cancer mortality rate decreased by 1.3% per year from 2013 to 2017. ActressAngelina JolieThe public decision to undergo a preventive mastectomy in 2013 resulted in a 64% increase in genetic breast cancer tests, according to a 2016 study in theBritish medical newspaper.

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