50 habits approved by the doctor that you should totally fly

Experts know better.

As humans, we are all creatures ofhabit. But often times, habits - smoking, drink, slam the snooze (twice) every morning - are frosted. However, all habits are not negative. In fact, some can actually improve your life. Do not believe us? We consulted a doctors' pantheon to find out which tricks you should take as quickly as possible. Read it for habits approved by health professionals!

Take everything (or the most) of your holidays.

40 things only women over 40 know

You do not need us to tell you that Americans aremore stressed than ever These days-or it can be difficult to relax and mitigate any anxiety built during a day, one week or even a month. Always,Recent Research suggests that more thanhalf From all Americans do not take advantage of all their holidays allocated.

Glenn H. Englander, MDa doctor atGastrobroup of palm beaches In Florida, exhorts that if you have the vacation time stocked, you should put it for good use - for the good of your health. Not only makes a trip a total explosion, but theAmerican Institute of Stress Names Stress in the workplace as a leading factor for poor health.

Back in a sauna.

sauna has safe health benefits as workout, study says

Thesauna is more than a place to leave your muscles relax after a terrible workout. "Saunas help the body to detoxify you, the skin is the most important elimination organ and has been demonstrated to reduce stress and risk of traits," saysDr. Richard Harristhe founder ofHiger, a well-being clinic based on Houston. "The saunas cause that the body increases a specific protein, called" heat shock "proteins, which have many health benefits."

In addition, according to a 2018 study published inProcedure of the Mayo ClinicSaunas can help improve cardiovascular function, change your lipid profiles to improve and reduce arterial rigidity and blood pressure levels.

Drink water when you are hungry.

energy before noon

"When I feel hungry, I drink water. If I drink water before eating, I do not eat so much -and it prevents thirst, "saysDr. Monique can, a family doctor certified by the Council in Memphis, Tennessee. As you feel thirsty, it means that you are "actually already dehydrated," says May. Stay ahead of the game by raging a glass of water every time you want a snack. And if you always hung up 20 minutes after that, the time generally accepted, your brain must be "catch up" your stomach, then reach a bite.

In fact, drink more water in general.

Black woman of middle age drinks water, smart person habits

However, a lot of water you drink, you do not drink enough. You have undoubtedly heard the Council ", drink eight cups of 8 ounces a day." But you really want to drink at least 50% more than that. In fact, theMAYO Clinic Go to recommend that women drink about 11 cups of fluid per day, while men should consume a weighing15. (To be fair, "fluid" includes liquids that are in your food too.)

If the tracking of exact numbers is not your thing, however, there is an easier test to make sure that you are not dehydrated: "I remain well hydrated by drinking enough water every day so that my urine is Claire and dark yellow, "says can.

Always wear sunglasses, even if it's cloudy.

a woman wearing a tan trench coat and ray-ban sunglasses walking on a city street during a cloudy day

If it's sunny, you should wear sunglasses. Cloudy? Yes, you should always wear sunglasses. DRIZLY? Rainy? Snowy? Yes, YEP and YEP. According to optometrists at theGlenmore Landing Vision Center, Ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B rays are present on days covered. If you are outside a certain capacity, make sure to protect your eyes.

Shop on the edges of the grocery store.

man dancing in a grocery store, annoying things people do

How is your grocery store fitted? Does the natural stream lead you to the center, where all the chips and biscuits and other processed foods? Well, there is an easier and sadder solution approved by the doctor. "I'm trying to stick to the banks of the store," saysJessalynn G. Adam, MD. "This is where all fresh and unprocessed ingredients are."

And park next to the entrance.

Shopping Cart in the Middle of a Parking Lot {Free Acts of Kindness}

For an easy way to sneak in an additional exercise, park as far from the entrance of the grocery store as possible. Remember: "We have been designed as a kind of physical and efficient activity," saysBert Mandelbaum, MDA sports medicine specialist and the co-chair of medical affairs in Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute in Los Angeles, California. "And yet, we now live in an environment that offers a decrease in opportunities to be active."


Man Buying Salad products you should always buy generic

Sorry, but your parents took place with that "Eat your vegetables". As theU.s. Ministry of Agriculture said,fruits and vegetablesAre responsible for essential nutrients, such as food fiber, potassium, folic acid and vitamins A and C. In addition, they do not lack unhealthy additives and can easily attack in any diet. . "I make sure to eat at least five portions of fruits and vegetables every day," saysLisa Doggett, MD. "And usually many more than five!"

Opt-in text reminders.

In 2015, a study published inJama Examined the effectiveness of opt-in text alerts on health levels. Those who translate into the system - which triggered four messages a week, all intended to help people make positive lifestyle changes - have experienced lower LDL cholesterol levels, systolic blood pressure and indices body mass. They were also more likely to exercise more and quit smoking. Today, there are applications - likeHabitaca,collar, andDwelling"It's basically to do the same thing for the general public. Send texts!

Note every thing you eat.

Food Log for Weight Loss {Weight Loss Secrets}

Whether you use an application or a simple pen, write everything you eat - and yes, we meanall-Cause make a huge difference in the way you approach your diet. AsMarissa Wertheimer, M., RecountMy southern health, keeping a strict trace of what it consumes has a big difference to help keep a healthy diet.

Try the "Rule 80/20".

words that reveal age boost metabolism

"Our stomach is in fact satisfied about 20 minutes before we are aware,"writing Dr. Brad McKay, a general practitioner in Australia. "If you tend to eat quickly, you will use this 20 minute delay between intestinal and cerebral communication to eat too much."

To fight against that, try the 80/20 rule. Here's how it works: Eat 80% of your normal part, and then pause for 20 minutes. If you are always hungry after this point, do not hesitate to have the rest. However, if you are not hungry and you have opportunities, this will be the case, then save it for later.

Newspaper every day.

woman sitting in a cafe writing new years resolutions in a journal

Lower the pen and buffer, people and take a hobby approved by the doctor, you may have striped in college: logging. "I do not always write a lot, but it helps me to treat the events of the day, to follow all the health problems that appear and feel a feeling of closure and completeness at the end of the day," Doggett declared. "I think the newspaper is a bigStress management tactics and an important way to get personal ideas. "

Make goals - and keep track of them.


Logging is excellent to keep track of your emotions, but it can also be an incomparable tool for keeping your life in employment, planning and your job.organized. "I keep a newspaper with my goals in the short and long term and follow my weekly progress," says Adam. "I am a visual person, then be able to see my progress (or his absence) is the key to me."

Do not forget to socialize.


"Give the family priority with family and friends," McKay writes. "When you find yourself, make sure it's a quality duration together. Find people who think in the same way as in the same way. Nourish relationships with others and if you need help, Ask for it. "

Maintain an active sex life.


McKay suggests having sex at least twice a week. "It will make you happier and help manage your stress levels," he writes. "There is also evidence that regular sex decreases the risk of prostate cancer for older guys."

Clear your mind with deep breathing.

adults take

Everyone needs a break from time to time or even doctors. "I take 30 seconds for re-center," saysMichael Sinel®, a clinical teacher attending the Department of UCLA Medicine. "It can be done simply by taking three deep deep breaths, inhaling for four seconds and expiring for six seconds. It helps me clean my mind so that I can focus."

Take time for relaxation.

60s slang no one uses

If you want to keep your cortisol (this is the hormone hormone hormone) low, reload your batteries is the key. "I'm time for relaxation, whether traveling or I'm just going to have a monthly facial and a massage," says May. "It is essential to preventBurnout and depression. "


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"It's an important tool for me to cope with stress and anxiety, and it helps me to sleep better," explains Doggett of the ancient practice of meditation. "I used meditation tactics with patients and I think that helps them too."

In particular, do it by connecting to nature.

man meditating in the lawn

"A daily meditation of gratitude - in which I connect to nature at sunrise and at sunset for 20 minutes - allows me to release anxiety and sensitize the public to things for which I am grateful," declares SINEL.

Download a meditation application.

young woman on cell phone

You can not seem to find time, energy or motivation to meditate? There is an application for that.Nataska K. Sriraman, MD, suggestsHeadache, an iOS and Android application that helps guide users through the basic steps of meditation. "The importance of mediation is not stressed enough in terms of well-being," she says. "Whether you use an application or take just a few minutes to be with your thoughts before starting a busy day, it's essential for well-being and personal care."

Switches by bike (if applicable).

a hipster man wearing flannel and biking

Of course, those who live several outputs of the highway withdrawn from their office can not cycle. But, if you are capable, it's an easy way to make sure you move daily. Even just a short bike ride can melt calories and trigger the flow of mood-booming endorphins. (Bonus: you will mitigate yourcarbon footprint, too much!)

"I often teach a ride between patients and I sometimes go for even as short as 10 minutes", saysDaniel Ganjian, MD, a pediatrician of the Saint John Providence Health Center in Santa Monica, California. "I also use a bike to go between the different hospitals in which I turn on patients and keep my white coat on your trip. It's rather the view to see!"

And always wear a helmet.

Mom helping her son put on a helmet.

The importance of carrying a well-adjusted bike helmet can not be underestimated, says Ganjian. "Of course, I wear my helmet to protect me," he says. "And to teach spectators the importance of cycling safety." Neglect the helmet, and you put yourself at risk of cerebral concussion, fluttering trauma and other serious brain injuries.


older woman on computer, learning a language is good for your brain

"Recover!" Not just a common form of parental swimmers - this is expert advice. According toCleveland ClinicThis can reduce the tension on all ligaments, minimize any normal wear on the joints and even prevent polyarthritis at the beginning of the appearance. Not bad for an easy usual everyday!

And get up every 30 minutes.

woman eating popcorn laying on the couch watching TV

"I do not like to sit for more than 30 minutes at a time," says Harris. "I recommend to my clients to define timers to get up and move every 30 minutes for at least 30 seconds. Recent studies show that being sedentary all day [can cancel] the beneficial impact of the exercise. " In addition, hunching on a computer monitor for eight hours a day can wreak absolute havoc onyour back of the back. If your desktop allows, try getting a standing desk.

Cook your own meals.

mother and kids cooking healthy dinner

A breakfast package in the morning, a lunch salad, maybe a quick bite on the way back ... It has never been so easy to buy your meals on the move. But it is also much less healthy to cook your own food, where you are able to control each ingredient that goes into the dish - and in your body - up to the exact content of sodium. "I'm trying to prepare my own meals as much as I can, and make lunches for my family during the week," says Adam.

Spend more time outside.

heart attack after 40

A 2009 study in theJournal of epidemiology and community health I found that if you are a city dweller, the more time you spend outside the greenery (a park, land or even a Verdou public space), the better you are healthy. The researchers note that those who have more green space close to the house were at a lower risk of obesity, anxiety and depression than those who lived in urban environments.

Get a form of exercise every day.

elderly couple happily exercising

It is imperative to enter into the habit ofexercise- At least one form of aerobic physical movement or anaerobic - every day. "I exercise every day - Whether a race with my wife, a tranquil walk, a stimulating hike," says Mandelbaum.

Put workouts on your calendar.

calendar things to throw away

"I exercise at the same times the same days every week," says Adam. "In this way, it's part of my routine and I do not forget and lacks time. If it is not integrated into your schedule, it's easy to brush on the side." Thus, put yoga sessions on your calendar, set alerts on your phone for spin classes, plan weight lifting sessions, as if they are business lunches - all that allows you to put you in The mentality that, such as working commitments and appointments of doctors, training sessions are immobile. aspect of your schedule.

For more difficult bones, enter HIIT.

High Intensity Workout Class

Anthony Kouri, MD, an orthopedic surgeon at the University of Toledo Medical Center, said that, while the exercise has many benefits, you do not have to work for long periods for better bone health. "Research suggests that high-intensity exercise in short bursts can improve bone mineral density," he said. "Those who participate in one to two minutes of high-intensity weight activity, every day has 4% of better bone health than those who make less than a minute of physical activity."

Reduce your alcohol consumption.

friends chatting at a cocktail party on a rooftop

According toNational Library of the United StatesYour average drink has about 150 calories. (This number can go up and down if you drink beer,wine, or liquor, but slightly marginally.) The thing is, these calories are "empty" calories, which means that their nutritional performance represents exactly Zilch. That's why Doggett glue a few rules when it comes to drinking.

"I drink alcohol rarely and I avoid sweet-sugary drinks," she says. (Yes, gaseous drinks have just as many empty calories as Booze.) For maximum health, theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend limiting yourself to a glass a day if you are a woman, and two if you are a man.

Or even limit alcohol consumption on special occasions.

woman and man laughing in conversation at a cocktail party, bad jokes

Or, if CDC's alcohol consumption guidelines are too exact for your tastes, lift a rule of England. "I reduced alcohol to dinners only," he says.

Remember to follow a custom vitamin plan.

gummy vitamins dentist

"As a doctor of internal medicine, I stay healthy by taking the right combination of vitamins," saysArielle Levitan, MD, co-founder of the custom vitamin clinicVitamin and co-author ofThe vitamin solution: two doctors identify confusion on vitamins and your health. "All-in-one personalized vitamin is based on my diet, lifestyle and individual health concerns. Finding the right nutrients to take care of my individual needs is essential to my overall health." By examining your diet and performing nutritional tests, your doctor can help you identify all the nutrients you miss.

Supplement your diet with calcium and vitamin D.


"Many people do not feel the effects of vitamin D deficiency until it's too late," Kouri said. "Fractures of the hip and vertebrals in the elderlyare devastating woundsand have a real risk of death as a result. It is important to prevent these things from happening and simply taking calcium and vitamin d daily. Think there as an additional insurance for your future.

POP of magnesium.

magnesium supplements

Carolyn Dean, MD, NDA cerebral health expert, diet and nutrition and the author of365 ways to strengthen your cerebral power: advice, exercise, advice-Says that it is essential to get used to add magnesium to your diet. "Significant specific brain receivers for learning and memory depend on magnesium for their settlement," she says. "In addition, it is difficult to have a good night's sleep without enough magnesium, because the magnesium facilitates the production of melatonin (sleep hormone). Studies have shown that magnesium [can help] you get a sleep deep and relaxing. "

Take a slow walk.

couple walking and talking together, healthier man

Hates jogging, but want all health benefits? Easy: Go for a walk! "A light evening light is beneficial in many ways. This helps you slow down, relax and get into a state of mind. In addition, you can take the time to think about things, observe the vicinity and socialize with people, "saysLina Velikova, MD. "It may seem simple, but in the world of fast pace, we live 30 minutes a day for a slow walk for physical and mental health."

As happens, in Italy, slow walks are integrated into culture. Before dinner, the Italians tend to take a quiet walk (known asPassage), A chance to work a tiny appetite before enjoying fresh Mediterranean cuisine. Small wonderItalians rank systematically Among the healthiest citizens of the world, year after year.

Swap calories from saturated grease with whole food options.

millennials eating avocado toast, smart person habits

According to a 2015 study in theJournal of the American Cardiology CollegeIt is not enough to simply reduce saturated greases, especially if you replace them with refined carbohydrates and sugars. Those who are at risk more risk of cardiovascular disease than those who choose to eat full foods ofpolyunsaturated fats (walnuts, sunflower seeds, tofu, soy) andNon-transformed whole grains (Barley, oats, quinoa, whole wheat bread).

Eat more fish.

thyroid foods Raw salmon

"Fish and seafood contain many proteins to help strengthen your healthy muscles and greases that reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke," writes McKay.

Always check the nutrition label.

a chip aisle in the grocery store featuring junk food and snack food like lays and ruffles potato chips

We all love a bag of laundry or flying from time to time. But if you are not used to checking the labels on your snacks, you'd better. TheNational Institute on Aging Says that the nutrition labels offer a wealth of information that you may not realize on the food you are about to fall on the wolf. By reading diligently, you can stay well ahead of all allergies or other food restrictions.

Pass the soda diet.

four cans of diet coke

Diet Soda may seem a healthier alternative to the usual stuff; After all, he has zero calories and "no sugar". But a 2009 study published inDiabetic treatments I found that those who drink sodomy dietetics daily are at a much higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who do not. Instead of entering another gas drink, consider going to fresh fruit juice - or better yet, another glass of water.

Coupe on red meat.

a nice juicy steak is delicious, but it can also lead you to an early death.

If you are a meat lover, it can be difficult to let aKobe beef steak. But, according to theNational health institutes, load on red meat can be detrimental to your cardiovascular health. The good news is that you do not need to completely eliminate business. According toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, eat meat once or twice a week does not increase your risk. "I always have a juicy hamburger from time to time!" Says May, who cuts his meat consumption.

And on sugar and grease to increase your energy levels.

Things You Believed That Aren't True

Yes, sweet treats and fatty foods are delicious. They are also horrible for you-mentallyand physically. "It's crazy how many people underestimate the negative effect of sugar and fat on human bodies," says Velikova. "If you consume too much, you will often feel tired and lack energy."

Make sure you sleep enough - every night.

woman sleeping in her bed, health questions after 40

With the pareakneck's pace of this day and age, it can be difficult to settle andGet an adequate sleep every night. But "sleep enough sleep is crucial," says May. "I aim to have at least six hours a night." Although six can work for some, if you really want to make sure you make a sufficient amount, pull a little higher. TheNational Sleep Foundation recommends from seven to seven tonine hours per night.

Exercise when you get up.

woman and man running together

"Exercise is my stress lift, my antidepressant and helps prevent anxiety," says Doggett. It's a habit she took over more than 20 years ago, when she was a medical student and quickly started doing itfirst thing in the morning. "I run, swim or do another aerobic activity every morning just after I get up. I do bodybuilding exercises twice a week. I think exercise is the most important thing I do for my health - from afar".

Turn your drive routines.

man and woman doing deadlifts to build muscle

Doing the same training or exercise can lead to boredom and professional exhaustion over time. To prevent you from falling into a rut, can suggest changing things. "I exercise at least three to five times a week and make a variety of activities, such as spin class, yoga and kickboxing," she says. "I also like dancing too."

In addition, according to theAmerican Heart AssociationPeriodically switching routines can help you conquer all fitness trays that may appear as a result of muscle memory. You can not seem to beat a 7:25 mile? Start making bike workouts. You do not seem to light up more than 10 sweater ups in a set? Take a Vinyasa class. Each way to keep your body "riddle" will help you sharpen muscles that you did not even know you had.

Go over and beyond the recommendations of exercises.

walking is the best exercise

TheUS Department of Health and Human Services Recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise weekly. It is a proven way to reduce your chances of cardiovascular disease and heart failure. However, according to a 2015 study published in the journalTraffic, those who have crossed the recommended guidelines - two tofour times the amount, to be exact, their risk has decreased considerably.

Sit when you eat.

Woman Eating Salad

"When you eat meals while sitting, you tend to eat more slowly, enjoy what you eat and can even finish eating less"Lisa Young, PhD, Professor of Nutrition at the University of New York, written forHuffPost. "When you eat standing, you often do not make you eat."

Young notes that if you take a habit and take your time at the table, your health will be better for that.

Try to eat restricted weather.

Woman Eating Whole Grain Bread Habits That Increase Flu Risk

"Most people think that most people think when they think that intermittent fast," says Harris. "The most popular method is the 16/8 method, where you eat all your calories in an 8-hour and fast window the 16 other hours of the day. TRE is a great tool for teaching a suitable food and can help to re -Gregate the desire for appetite. It is also an effective tool for fat loss. "

Avoid transformed meat.

Man Eating a Hamburger, things you should never say to your spouse

Americans love bacon and sausage, ham and hot dogs too. But a 2018 study inTrafficwho watchedlife expectancyAnd how it relates to the health habits of people, found that there was a correlation to eat processed meats and a reduced life expectancy. The participants got a better "healthy" score if they avoided such salty processed meats.

Wash your face before going to bed.


At night, everything is too easy to ignore the washing of your face and head right in bed. But, to take it from theNational Sleep FoundationThis is one of the worst movements you can do for skin health. By neglecting how to wash your face, you increase the risk of experiencing bursts and eye infections, and are more likely to causewrinkles.

Examine your habits - and abruptly bad!

man watching tv drinking a beer

Whether cracking a cold on the couch after work or join your friends on a smoky pause, if you do something fairly regularly, it will crystalize in the habit. "Look for models in your behavior and [see] What triggers unhealthy habits you want to edit"Lisa Marsch, PhD, RecountNih News Healthy. "You can develop ways to disrupt these models and create new ones." And for more everyday movements to slam in your routine, here is here33 easy daily habits that will make you a smarter person.

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