The way you talk about time could totally change, based on new sleep research

Experts say that this major change could make Americans healthier.

Over the last decade, the debate on keeping or notEconomy of the day has gained steam. Although some people are favorable for the "spring forward", many health experts have long argued that the negative effects of time change outweigh the benefits. Recently, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) has issued a declaration of position fully calling for the elimination of daylight (DST) of daylight, on the basis of the new research on the sleep.

According to the aasm, the time of daylight, which has been mandated in most squares since 1918 - comes with a lot of public health and safety risks. In Position Paper 26 August in theClinical Sleep Medicine Journal, AASME cites an abundance of evidence that demonstrates theNegative consequences associated with DST, to which they believe bears the dissolution of the change of time.

AASME emphasizes that DST isnot aligned with human circadian biology as well as the standard time is. "The impacts of delayed and black cycle natural light on human activity could lead to a circadian misalignment, which has been associated with some studies that have increasedrisk of cardiovascular diseaseMetabolic syndrome and other health risks, "says the study.

Woman can't sleep during daylight saving time

The negative consequences of DST have been well documented in previous research. According to a 2014 study published inBmjOn Monday after change of time, hospitals report 24%Increased cardiac visits Across the country. Another study, published inEpidemiology In 2017, found that there were 11%Spike in depressive episodes During the transition of daylight at the standard time. And a 2020 study inCurrent biology showed 6%Increased accidents of the deadly car The week following the temporal transition, which represents approximately 28 additional deaths annually.

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"The permanent normal time of the year is the best choice to best match our Sleew-circadian cycle", Senior AuthorAdeel Rishi, MD, says in a statement. "The savings time of daylight leads more darkness in the morning and more light in the evening,disrupt the natural pace of the body. "

Apart from research, most Americans are in favor of this proposed change. The AASM conducted an investigation in July and found that 63% of US adults support the abolition of seasonal time changes and sticking to a fixed time. In addition, several good reputation medical organizations have approved the AMASM motion to get rid of the DST, including the American Academy of Cardiovascular Sleep Medicine, the World Sleep Society, the Company of Behavioral Sleep Medicine and the National Security Council. And for more negative effects of DST, discover10 ways of daylight saving time is bad for your health.

Categories: Health
Tags: News / sleep
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