Is ultra-filtered milk helpful to buy? What do you want to know

We are asking experts if the higher price label of ultra filtered milk relative to traditional milk worth it.

Ultra-filtered milk may seem just another drink in the sea ofTypes of dairy milk (and, not to mention,Alternatives of milk)

Between biological, supplied with grass and lactose-free, the ultra-filtered milk is really different from other varieties, or did the dairy industry simply invented from confusing us even more? Let's take a look at what it is, its advantages, which should drink it and some of the best products to buy.

What is the ultra-filtered milk?

The ultra-filtered milk is composed of milk milk. It comes from a cow and provides natural vitamins, minerals, proteins and sugars, such as milk milk that you are currently crushing your cereals every morning. But the quantities of some nutrients differ.

How can this happen? Magic cows? As exciting as it would be, the difference in nutrients occurs as a result of a process called ultra-filtration.

Ultra-filtered milk is basically your old milk that is transmitted under pressure through a thin membrane. This separates, orfilters, water and lactose (sugar) of other milk components.

Processors essentially eliminate some of the natural water and sugar. What remains behind islactose-free milk who hasMore protein,more calcium, andLess sugar. Many suitable for taste is more creamy and rich compared to ordinary milk.

Ultra-filtered milk against traditional milk

Below you will find an estimated nutritional comparison of the traditional milk of 2% milk and 2% of ultra-filtered milk:

Nutrientrating milk filtering milkCalcium283 mg380 mgProtein8 g13 gTotal12 G6 G

Who would benefit from drinking ultra-filtered milk?

Drinking ultra-filtered milk is a simple way to sneak in some additional proteins and calcium in its diet while reducing sugar consumption.

Specific populations likely to benefit from ultra-filtered milk consumption to drink:

  • people with aLactose intolerancewhoAvoid dairy productsbut want to taste a creamy glass of milk milk
  • Women at risk of osteoporosis and fight with adequate calcium taking
  • athletes which are turning to protein drinks for the recovery of the exercise
  • Families trying to limit sugar contribution in the way of life of their children
  • Adults and children with diabetes who monitor their carbohydrate consumption
  • people who are instructed by their doctor to avoid all whole milk But do not like the taste of low fat options
  • Chocolate lovers who want chocolate milk But avoid it due to the sugar content (8 ounces of ultra-filter chocolate milk provides approximately 13 grams of sugar, while traditional chocolate milk provides about 27 grams of sugar)

The best ultra-filtered dairy products to buy.

Ultra-filtered milk is in a variety of products, including drinks,Post-training shakes, and evenHealthy ice cream. Keep in mind that some products that are made with ultra-filtered milk as using the ingredientArtificial sweeteners As a potassium acesulfam to help keep the sugar content of the low product. If you avoid artificial ingredients, make sure to check product labels.

You want to try ultra-filtered dairy products for yourself? Check these products for a nutritional boost without sugar and additional lactose.

1. Fairlife's milk

fairlife milk
Courtesy of the instatacart

Fairlife's milk has a full range of ultra-filtered dairy products that includes creams, protein shakes and milk with added DHA. A unique product that can be a life of rescue for Fairlife Smart snacks loaded days. With 15 grams of protein, 5 grams of fiber and 40% of calcium recommended daily consumption, these oral snacks are a simple and convenient way to sneak into some additional nutrients without charging your body with too much sugar.

2. Slate

slate chocolate milk

The slate is on mission to give chocolate milk a clean slate. Chocolate milk has a reputation for being too high in sugar and being a children's glass. Lovers of chocolate milk can rejoice, because an option adapted to adults is now lower than sugar, delivered in an elegant aluminum bobbin and is found in varieties you will find in the school cafeteria. (Think: the espresso-chocolate milk.) They do not necessarily have to be refrigerated and are stable of the shelf for a year, which makes them nearby to embark on your work bag at night before a day of job.

3. Halo superior ice cream

halo top peanut butter chocolate
Halo Top courtesy

Halo Top uses ultra-filtration technology to their advantage and have understood how to make an incredible tasting dessert below sugar than ordinary ice cream. Their newly launchedHalo Top Keto Series Provides only 5 to 10 grams of net carbohydrates and is located in unique varieties such as chocolate cheesecake and donut jelly. A low sugar,user-friendly dessertThis tastes good? Sign me up!

4. Biological valley

organic valley milk
Courtesy of the instatacart

The organic valley makes the first and only biological certified ultra-filtered milk. They provide dairy products from family farms across the country and guarantee that farms will raise livestock.

The organic valley makes four varieties of ultra-filter milk: skimmed, 2%, all and chocolate. They soften the variety of chocolate with organic cane sugar and biological fruit, so you do not have to worry about finding anything to find anything artificial.

Categories: Groceries
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