20 surprising symptoms of Lyme disease that you can not afford to ignore

From extreme fatigue to the threaded feet, it is the various symptoms of complex disease.

When people think of Lyme's disease, which immediately comes to mind is the so-called skin rash that is most often associated with tick disease. However, depending on the disease control and prevention centers (CDC), this migrans rash migrans occurs only in aestimated at 70 to 80% of patients with Lyme, which means up to 30% of people with the disease must rely on other symptoms to obtain an appropriate diagnosis. But unlike other conditions that have revealing signs and symptoms, Lyme disease is on the map with regard to how it manifests itself, which makes it particularly difficult to diagnose.

"It's a fairly complicated infection. There are many non-specific systems - and that's part of the problem," saysKenneth Liegner, MD, aCertified Internist of the New York Board of Directors WHO has been involved in research on Lyme diseases since 1988. "Anyone who thinks everything is cut and dry ... it's certainly not true."

So what can you do to make sure you are not infected? Familiarize yourself with these surprising symptoms, although not rare, you can not afford to neglect. And for more symptoms of something serious, check30 signs of warning that your heart tries to send you.

Irritated throat

Young man with a sore throat

One of the reasons why doctors have so much difficulty in diagnosing people with Lyme disease are because of the frequency at which the disease is manifested as a throat. A 2011 study on similarities between Lyme and other summer illnesses published in the newspaperOrthopedic note that "respiratory symptoms such as sore throatcan occur in non-viral summer infections such as Lyme disease. "And for more on how this symptom relates to Covid-19, check13 symptoms of more common coronaviruses than a throat.

Jaw pain

Man experiencing jaw pain

Does this look like your head is about to explode every time you chew? Well, it could also be a sign that you have a Lyme disease. The association of Lyme disease in New Jersey notes that TMJ-Short for temporomandibular articular dysfunction - is one ofIn many ways that this tick disease can occur in patients.

Sleeping troubles

asian woman awake in bed
Shutterstock / TheVisualsaneed

If you just contract the Lyme disease or you have months, chances are you havesleeping troubles. According to Lymedisase.org, about41% of people with Lyme disease at the early stage have sleep problems, while 66% of patients with chronic Lyme do. And for more information on the side effects of a bad rest, check7 ways to be deprived of sleep for a night affects your body.

Extreme Fatigue

Tired woman on couch

It's normal toFeeling tired After a long day at work. What is not normal gets nine hours of uninterrupted sleep only to wake up and feel like someone kept you from night music. If you notice that no amount of sleep does the case for you, Toufts University School of Medicine ProfessorLinden Hu, MD, note thatThis could be a sign of Lyme disease-Une that could potentially linger for months after being treated.


Woman on the couch with a headache

If you fear that you could have contracted Lyme disease, be sure to monitor the frequency ofyour headaches. According to the CDC, one of the first signs of Lyme disease tends to occur in the first 30 days of a title bite.

And a 2003 study published in the journalPediatricsTwo cases of detailed lyme disease in which patients had headaches. The researchers concluded that "it is important for practitioners to consider Lyme disease when patients have persistent headache", especially in areas where the disease is common.

Articular pain

Older man grabbing his new in paint from his joints

You should not assume that you have regular arthritis related to age, just because you areIn your 50s or 60s. The CDC rather than joint pain is one of the most surprising symptoms of Lyme disease in the late phase. According to a 2013 study published in theJournal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, as much as60% of untreated patients will suffer a so-called Lyme arthritis.


Man sitting on the couch holding his temples feeling stressed
iStock / seb_ra

One of the main reasons why Lyme disease can be so difficult to treat, it is because, in the first 30 days of contraction, it tends to imitate morecommon diseases like influenza. As a certified nurse practitionerJoyce Knestrick, PhD,to explain"In a week of infection, half of people with Lyme disease have symptoms generally associated with influenza as ... vertigo".

Inflammation of the eyes

Mature asian man rubbing his eyes with tiredness

When you are left untreated for several weeks, Lyme disease can even spread to your eyes. Fortunately, the University of Illinois College of Medicine notes that "the involvement of the eye is rare in Lyme disease", but the experts always warn that "Inflammation of the eye can develop. "And for other symptoms related to the view, departure.17 signs of warning that your eyes are trying to talk about your health.

Heart palpitations

checking heart beats and pulse Lyme Disease Symptoms

When the bacteria that cause Lyme disease penetrate in the heart tissue, it causes the Lyme handle. According to the CDC,Symptoms of Lyme Cardite Include shortness of breath, cardiac palpitations and thoracic pain - and although it is generally treatable by antibiotics, the CDC notes that between 1985 and 2018, nine cases of Lyme Cartrais were finally fatal.

Speech disorders

older woman looking anxious as she talks on the phone

Since there is still a lot to learn about Lyme disease - it was only first recognized as its own condition in 1975 - doctors continue to diagnose patients with these on the basis of previously unknown symptoms.

For example, Liegner notes that one of the first people with Lyme disease he met in the late 1980s, presented with "a cerebellar syndrome where she had difficulty walking, her speech was no coordinated and his movements were uncoordinated. " Today there isSeveral studies on the impact of Lyme disease on the cerebellumAnd doctors who specialize in Lyme disease know how to search for these related symptoms when screening for the disease.

Facial paralysis

stroke symptom
Shutterstock / Adam Gregor

According to the Massachusetts Eye and Ear specialty hospital, about 5% of patients with Lymedevelop a form of facial weakness, or facial paralysis, classified by one or both sides of the falling face. Although it looks like Bell's paralysis, the first is caused by a bacterial infection, while this is the result of a virus.

Memory problems

confused older woman lost outside, empty nest

Similar to the deficiency of speech, in many cases,Lyme disease can cause confusion,memory lossand brain fog. As explained by the American Foundation of Lyme Disease, "these [symptoms] are the effects of the chemicals produced by the body in response to an infection or inflammation".

Numbness in the feet

Woman Rubbing Her Foot in Pain Aching Feet

The more Lyme disease must be diagnosed, the symptoms of a worst person are the symptoms of a person. Case in point: according to the foundation of peripheral neuropathy,People with Lyme disease late Can experience "pain, numbness or weakness in the members", which can be debilitating.

Neck stiffness

man with neck and back pain, signs you need a new mattress
Shutterstock / Prostock-Studio

Of course, this steep neck that you feel can be the result of your bad mattress - but it could also be a sign of Lyme disease. The Lyme Foundation of the Bay notes that when some people are first infected, a steep neck - often accompanied by a headache - isone of the first symptoms they encounter.


woman angry using computer

Do you attach friends and family members without any reason? This could be the speaking Lyme. Lyme Bay Lyme Foundation lists mood problems as one of the symptoms of untreated and late Lyme disease.

Hearing problems

woman with gray hair cupping her ear because she is hard of hearing

In a 2018 study published in thePolish newspaper of otolaryngology, researchers analyzed 216 patients with transmitted diseases and found that162 Presented with otolaryngological symptoms-Or those linked to the ear, on the nose and throat. More specifically, 76.5% of patients presented to such symptoms complained of tinnitus and 16.7% complained of hearing loss in an ear.


older man holding his neck
Shutterstock / Sam Worddley

Lyme disease takes emotional toll on its victims and a physical toll. In fact, according to data compiled by LymedisaseE.org, about 62% of patients with chronic lys experimentdepression as one of their main symptoms.


Woman shivering under a blanket because she is so cold

Do you feel exceptionally cold, despite the fact that it's a 90 degree muggy outside? Well, it could be because Lyme disease is ravaged in your system. LymedisaseAse.org rated that about 60% of Lyme patients at the beginning, reporting chills.


Cropped of girl holding her side, suffering from acute liver pain, grey background

People tend to associate hepatitis or hepatic inflammation, with things like alcohol abuse and hepatitis viruses. However, there are several other ways in which your liver can finish by ignitingand Lyme's disease is one of them, as the Mayo clinic emphasizes. Lieger says that if the treatment is delayed, the Lyme disease "can go to virtually any body site, all organ".

Sensitivities in light and sound

Person touching light switch

One of the pioneers of research on Lyme disease isJoseph J. Burrascano Jr., MD. In the first days of the disease, he came with aChecklist that doctors could use to diagnose -And, it includes all the signs above, as well as other symptoms previously observed as sensitivities in light and sound, muscle weakness, erectile dysfunction, and dental pain .

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