That's how much it is really safe to fly right now, Harvard's new study says

The new search measures the danger of catching Covid on an airplane compared to the restoration or purchase of groceries.

The United States has reached a record of October 30 of 90,000 new cases of daily COVIDs, the equivalent of more than a new case per second. Combine that with the fact that coronavirus is currentlyEngages in 42 states, and it is clear that we are in the middle of another wave of the deadly pandemic. But withThanksgiving right at the corner of the street And the beloved winter holidays are not long after, travelers weighed the risks of taking their usual flights at home for the festivities this year. According toThe New York Times, the latest data available compiled by Data Analytics FIRMENT OAG indicate that 1.1 million people in the United States haveReserved aerial travel for the month of November. In comparison, in 2019 at this point, 10.7 million people had booked flights from Thanksgiving. However, the nerve flyers have received a help of confidence this week with a new study on Harvard advising thatFlight is a low-risk activity in terms of COVID. In fact, this can be safer than grocery stores or go out for dinner. Read to read more and for updating the current state of the pandemic, checkThese 10 states begin to leave again.

The flight is low risk, but there is a warning ...

woman wearing a mask looks out the window at an airport

The study, financed by airlines for America (a consortium of aircraft and equipment manufacturers and airport operators including American Airlines, United Airlines, Delta Air Lines and other), has been carried out by researchers among the public health team of aviation at Harvard Public Health School. After examining in the question, they found that "there waslittle evidence to this day of the transmission of the disease on board, "According to Reuters.

The researchers noted that, despite the public concern of the cleanliness of the air, you breathe on an airplane, the ventilation systems of the existing aircraft refreshing the air of the cab every two to three minutes and remove more than 99% Particles that can cause COVID-19. (For the context, it's about five to six times faster than the air is distributed in hospital rooms.) And for more information on how you can stay safe, checkThis thing is better to protect you from COVID than your mask.

Security protocols are needed to fly to stay safe.

Travelers on a plane wearing face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic

Specifically, Harvard researchers determined that the risk of transmission can be "reduced at very low levels through the combination of layered infection control measures". It is a significant caution because the risk remains as long as the airlines and passengers adhere to a raft of security measures: the mandatewearing masksBoosted aircraft cleaning and boarding procedures to avoid queues and bottlenecks. And for more where you should wear a mask, checkThe CDC now says that you should wear your mask in these 7 places.

Other studies have come to the same conclusion about flying in the middle of Covid.

young white man sitting at airport wearing face mask
Shutterstock / Davuja

A similar recent study of the United States Department - Which United has given the flight time to be determined that even if a sick passenger was in the seat next to you, there is only 0.003%chance to infect you, as long as you wear the two masks. But this research was under fire. And for details, seeYou can always catch Covid in this "safe" place, which warns.

But flying is not 100% safe.

COVID-19 Pandemic border closures. Young woman on the plane returning home city after being stuck in a foreign country as governments have restricted travel to stop the coronavirus spread.

In response to the Study of Private Defense, Customer Manager United AirlinesToby Enqvist Declared: "Your chances of Covid exhibition on a plane united are almost non-existent, even if your flight is full," which resulted in the World Health Organization (WHO) stating that the risk exists. "The fact thatTransmission is not widely documented In the published literature, however, does not mean that it does not happen, "he told Reuters, highlighting at least two cases when transmitting in flight.

Of course, travelers should not be complacent. Harvard's report emphasizes that there is still a risk of contagious passengers butdo not show any symptoms Opt to fly and infect others. And for more signs, you could be sick, discoverIf you have these 2 symptoms of Covid, you could meet at the hospital .

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