That's exactly how long you can spend safely with someone without mask

The recently updated CDC guidelines have clearly explained the speed with which coronavirus can spread.

At present, it has become clear that the most likely way you can catch the new coronavirus consists in crossing droplets, which it is large or aerosolized, expelled from an infected person speaking, coughing or sneezing when you are nearby. In fact, it has become so clear that American disease and prevention control centers (CDC) have even updated their health guidelines to suggest that 15-minute expenses over a six-foot day. the infected person makes youlikely to catch the virus. It is after the CDC conducted a study that concluded that all that it adopted was some short interactions during a day at work for a correctional agent to contract Covid. But the new CDC study also highlights another key factor that comes into play with close contact: if you are wearing a mask. Learn more about the day-to-day implications of new CDC guidelines and areas that should pay extra attention, here are10 states on the overcuts of COVID.

According to medical experts, the recent Report of the CDC can significantly increase the number of "close contacts" that a person meets daily, but also highlights the importance of PPE in the prevention of the spread of the disease. In a joint report compiled with health leaders in Vermont, the CDC found that a 20-year prison employee contracted the virus after 22 short interactions.with infected individuals totaling 17 minutes over a quarter of eight hours. Each of the interactions lasted between 10 and 60 seconds and while the officer was at the same time a fabric mask and protective glasses in each case, there were interactions where the infected people were not.

So, what does it prove? "There is no safe time to be with someone who is not part of your bubble if you do not wear all the masks," according toAshish jha, MD, Dean of the Brown University School of Public Health. "It really iscriticism that people wear masks If you are going to be with someone for a period of time, even if it's less than 15 minutes, "he told CNN.

If you absolutely need to spend time with people with whom you do not live, read more about how theCDC recommends that you can do it safely. And if you fear that you can be sick, know thatIf you can not taste these 2 things, you can have Covid.

Make yourself tested before visiting someone

A female nurse conducts a nasal swab on a young man for a coronavirus test and contact tracing

One of the greatest risks you can put to your friends and family visit you while you are asymptomatic but contagious with coronavirus. If you plan to meet people or attend a small event, make sure you are tested and receive a negative result before leaving.

Bring masks and an additional disinfectant with you

Coronavirus prevention medical surgical masks, gloves and hand sanitizer gel for hand hygiene corona virus protection. Face masks, gloves and hand sanitizer to stop spreading outbreak covid-19

The CDC recommends packing some additional face masks and a hand disinfectant with at least 60% alcohol so that everyone into your group is literally covered in this case. And especially the EPI, checkThe CDC now says that you should wear your mask in these 7 places.

Move your meeting outside

white man and white woman with face masks talking outside

Interior spaces withmediocre ventilation have been proven of time and time again to be one of the most high-risk environments for the spread of the virus. If possible, move your event to aoutdoor space-Port At the very least, try to increase ventilation by opening the windows to introduce fresh air.

Keep six feet away from others

young man and woman greet and say hello to each other while wearing masks and sitting 6 feet apart

Even though the stress of the pandemic may want to want to be as close as possible to your friends or loved ones, you can put them or yourself at risk by omitting from the social distance. Make sure you sit six feet evendiagonal from each other, if possible - to reduce your risk of contamination. And for more regular updates on COVID,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Always wear your mask

Two female friends walking down a Brooklyn alley wearing face masks on a sunny Autumn day, having a quiet conversation.
NicolasmCcomber / iStock

The best medical experts all agree: Wear your mask is the best way to protect your loved ones from being accidentally infected. Even if you go out in a restaurant and you have toRemove your mask to eatThe experts suggest that the rebate between classes or whenever your server approaches the table. And for more where some areas are with the virus, checkThese 5 states show the first signs of another lock.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and thesymptomsto know. Click here for all our COVID-19 covers , and Subscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

Categories: Health
By: lucy-caso
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