This national gymnasium chain requires everyone to wear masks

The list of national companies requiring masks has just been done longer.

From Walmart to Starbucks, many national channels have begunRequire customers to wear masks When entering the last few weeks and this list has just been a little longer. Monday, July 27, National Gymnasium ChainPlanet Fitness announced that all members and guests have to wear yes, even working. The new policy will come into effect on 1 August toPlanet Fitness' 1,450 locations which are open in the United States, Canada and Australia.

Citing the challenges of the ongoing global health crisis presented by COVID-19 pandemic, CEO of Planet FitnessChris Rondeausaid in a statement: "WThe Elless has never been essential to our collective community today. He added: "Given our leadership position in the industry, we believe that it is our responsibility to further protect our members, our employees and our communities so that we can all focus safely. . on our health, which is more important than ever. "

Some have argued that masks inhibit breathing, and so there are beliefs thatexercise while wearing a dangerous mask. In June, disease control and prevention centers (CDC) addressed this issue, recommending that anyoneWork around other people should wear a mask To help minimize the risk of coronavirus propagation. In an update of July 1, however, the CDC modified theirMask guidelines read:

People who are engaged in high-intensity activities, such as running, may not be able to wear a face in fabric covering if it causes a difficulty in breathing. If it is unable to wear a cover in cloth covering, consider conducting the activity in a location with greater ventilation and a greater air exchange (for example, outside versus inside) and where it is possible to maintain the physical distance of others.


According to an article inBritish newspaper of sports medicine,covering your face during the exercise "Comes with potential breathing and discomfort restriction problems" and requires "balancing benefits compared to possible unwanted events". In the report,Christa Janse van Rensburg, Professor of Scientific Exercise at the University of Pretoria in South Africa and Graduate StudentJessica Hamuy Blanco Remark:

It is unlikely that this is a problem for most people, but can present a problem with higher intensities of exercise, especially for people with underlying health problems. It would be prudent that people with existing heart or pulmonary conditions be exercised at a lower intensity than that usually while wearing a mask, to avoid any unwanted event.

In a recent live interview on Facebook,Anthony Fauci, MD, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), said: "Imask When I'm outside all the time, making sure you do not remove it when I'm close to people. And you know, it does not bother me. I evenmask on. "

He also said, "There was no indication that put a mask on and wear a mask for a considerable period of harmful effects on the exchange of oxygen or anything like that. all."

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So, if youare To wear a mask during exercise, what kind of mask should you wear? In an interview withThe New York Times, RensBurg suggested that people avoid paper masks, surgical and cotton while working, as they canquickly collect the humidity of sweat, which makes them less effective. She advised to opt formasks that "have two layers of fabric or less ... to prevent overheating of the face and any clog of the fabric that could build breathing. And if you want to learn the latest news from the mask, checkYou have to stop believing this myth of common mask, the study says.

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