The only place in your Covid body lives long after recovery, the study says
Even when your symptoms are gone, the virus can live in your intestine and be transmitted for a while after.

As we initially thought that the new coronavirus was a respiratory disease, Covid-19 quickly turned out to be something much more sinister than that. Even if it usually affects lungs and respiratory tract, it has become clearCoronavirus can affect Many other vital organs. In the last nine months, scientists from around the world have led studies to better understand how the virus attacks the human body. Although there is still a lot to discover,The search now shows that Covid lives in a particular place of your body long after recovering: in your intestine. And in addition to that, it's always potentially contagious.
In a study of 15 coronavirus patients, who were conducted by the Chinese University of Hong Kong andPosted in the medical newspaperIntestineThe researchers found that almost half of the topicsPositive tested for the virus in stool samples-Commanding patients withoutSymptoms related to the stomach such as nausea or diarrhea.
The researchers found that the same patients continued to test positive via their stool for a week after their respiratory tests are negative,Bloomberg reports. In fact, the study co-authorSIEW DOG NGAssistant Dean of Medicine and Associate Director of the University Center for the University's Microbiota Research, told the outlet that a patient was still positive 30 days later.
"We used to think about Sars-Cov-2 as a pulmonary or respiratory disease," said Ng Bloomberg. "But in the last two months, a lot of evidence has emerged thatSARS-COV-2 also affects the intestinal tract. "

Although the medical experts are appropriately agreed that COVID-19 is transmitted mainly through droplets propagated in the air by talking, at coughing or sneezing, the conclusions of the studySupport of editing evidence that the digestive system canalso play a role in the passage of the virus Through humans.
Other surveys shed light on the possibility ofCoronavirus being propagated via the intestinal tract. A report published in August found that a vacant apartment in Guangzhou, China, had beeninfected with CVIVID-19 particles Via the plumbing of another building unit where five people had the virus. And another recent study revealed that two residents of a Hong Kong Apartment Buildingcontracted coronavirus In February throughAn unsealed pipe In the bathroom of one of the infected tenants, despite 10 floors of the other.
Disease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC) also published relevant research in their newspaperEmerging Infectious Diseases, confirming that it is possible that Covid can be transmitted in this way. "Isolation ofSARS-COV-2 infectious in feces Indicates the possibility of fecal transmission or fecal respiratory transmission through aerosolized fecal materials, "wrote CDC in an August report.
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These discoveries have led to major innovations to identify potential epidemics, including theUse of wastewater treatment plants To identify new hot spots of COVID.
In addition, this possibility can make it easier and safer toScreen Some parts of the population for coronavirus- Sector infants, young children and the elderly, where to get a respiratory sample can be difficult or dangerous. And for more information on how Covid remains with you, checkThe 98 symptoms of lasting durable covidants you need to know.

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