These 5 symptoms can predict if you become a long Covid carrier, the study suggests

The symptoms of the long covident, orPeak (SARSELAE POST SARS-COV-2 Infections), can terrorize victims for months, possibly years. Now a newto studyIn the journal examined by peersMedicine of nature Indicates that you may be able to predict if you get it. "Experienceing more than five symptoms during the first week of sickness was associated with a long timeCOVID"Tell researchers. Read to discover the symptoms that researchers have noted - and stay safe, remember:You "should not get" Covid vaccine if you have this condition, says CDC.


You can have fatigue

Woman lying on her bed with her eyes closed.

Fatigue is the most common symptom # 1 in long carriers. "There is no question of whether there is a considerable number of people who have post-viral syndrome that, in many ways, can disabling them for weeks and weeks following the so-called recovery and COMPENSATION OF THE VIRUS "Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, "said last year. "You can see people who have recovered that do not really come back to the normal they have things that are very suggestive of myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome. The brain fog, fatigue and difficulty of Concentrate so it's something we really need to look seriously. "He says $ 1.15 billion has been dedicated to funding to do so.


You may have a headache

depressed Indian woman holding head in hands, sitting alone on couch at home

"A headache is one of the first signs of Covid-19 viruses, but it is also recognized as a symptom that persists long after the end of the disease.Dr. Valeriya Klats, a neurologist and a specialist in headaches with the Hartford Healthcare (HHC)Ayer Institute Headache CenterIn Fairfield County, stated that persistent headaches take many forms, but are generally bad enough that people present for medical care, "reportsHartford Healthcare. "We see a small subset of people who have extended the symptom headache long after the end of their acute disease," she said. "It can be either episodic or a headache everyday everyday. The way we describe is the new" daily persistent headache ". It's very embarrassing patients."


You can have a shortness of breath

Woman having breath difficulties in the living room - Image

"We know that Covid-19 attacks the lungs, causing inflammation. This can leave survivors with persistent shortness of breath. Some people who are recovering from Covid-19 can experience a dry cough or pain to breathing after the disease. Those who had to be placed on a fan can have more serious symptoms, "reportsHackensack Meridian Health. "If you have had Covid-19 and you still have trouble breathing, talk to your doctor with a pulmonary assessment of treatment and rehabilitation to help you rebuild strength," says Laurie Jacobs, MD President of the Department of Internal Medicine at Hackensack University Medical Center.


You can lose your sense of smell

Portrait of young woman smelling a fresh and sweet nectarine

"Nearly a year later, some still have not recovered these senses and, for a proportion of people who have, odors are now distorted: unpleasant perfumes took the place of most delicious", reports reportsNature. "An exam, published last June, Compiled data of 8,438 people with COVID-19 and found that 41% had been reported to loss of smell. In another study, published in August, a team led by the Shima T. Moein researcher at the Institute for Fundamental Sciences in Tehran, Iran, administered a 100-person smell identification test with COVID-19 in which patients sniffed odors and have identified them on a basic multiple choice. Ninety-six percent of participants had olfactory dysfunction and 18% had a total loss of smell (otherwise called Anosmia). "


You can have a persistent cough


"Jess Christian-Roth, 47, said she had symptoms of coronavirus since March when she tested positive for the virus," reports the newspaper of the United States. "She could barely work the distance from her room to the kitchen and hardly had enough breath to hold a conversation ...." Sorry, talking a little bit makes me paste, "she says to theNewspaper. "Even all these months later."


You can have one of these symptoms

sore throat

According to researchers:

  • You may have a sore throat
  • You can have a fever
  • You can have unusual muscle pain
  • You can skip meals
  • You can have chest pain
  • You can have diarrhea
  • You may have a hoarse voice
  • You can have abdominal pain
  • You can have a delirium
  • You can have a combination of these symptoms

"We have found two main models of symptomatology", say to researchers, "people declaring exclusively fatigue, headaches and upper respiratory complaints (shortness of breath, throat, persistent cough and loss of smell) and people with additional multisystem complaints, including continuous fever and gastroenterological symptoms. "If you have known one of these people, contact a health professional and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss out those Without signs that you have already had coronavirus .

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