25 extremely effective means of reducing your blood pressure naturally

The middle Naps of the afternoon are very encouraged!

According toCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC), about 70% of all patients with their first heart attack have high blood pressure, also called hypertension. In addition, the organization reports that in 2013, more than 360,000 deaths in America listed hypertension as a leading or contributory cause.

Obviously, hypertension is a serious risk factor with respect tocardiopathy. However, there are easy ways to handle high blood pressure - many of which involve prescription drugs in any way. If you are worried about your BP alarming, keep reading to learn how you can reduce your natural blood pressure.

Eat dark chocolate.

Older Woman Eating a Bar of Chocolate Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

A good way to reduce your blood pressure is naturally with dark chocolate. Seriously: a Harvard study presented at theScientific session of the American Heart Association on Cardiovascular Disease In 2011, he found that eating just a small square of the sweet daily treaty can succeed in blood pressure for people with hypertension.

Although dark chocolate has its advantages, you should always be careful not to do it too much.Robert Greenfield, MD, Medical director of non-invasive cardiology and cardiac rehabilitation in Memorialcare Heart & Vascular Institute in California, warns that "although dark chocolate has natural antioxidants," should not "rely on this product [full of carbohydrates."

Look at your weight.

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Work on your waist Could also help reduce your blood pressure. In fact, theAmerican Heart Association Note that for overweight people ", the loss of five to 10 pounds can help reduce your blood pressure." According to Greenfield, "Weight Management" is one of the "best recommendations" when it comes to getting your blood pressure.

Eat more nuts.

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If you are struggling with high blood pressure and want to avoid drugs, it could do you feel like nuts. A 2019 study published in theJournal of the American Heart Association I found that people who added nuts to their diet were able to reduce their blood pressure, although the researchers of the study are uncertain if it is due to the fatty acid content of the nuts or another Nutrient.

Take a tea break.

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"Certainly," Tea Time "has great advantages by offering a break during the day," says Greenfield. "This stress reducer alone can help fight against blood pressure." And not only that, but not onlystudies Have shown that tea varieties ranging from tea to black tea hibiscus have the potential to reduce blood pressure with their antioxidant properties.

Get your sleep apnea under control.

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Your partner complains abouthow do you snore When are you sorry? If this is the case, you may want to see a doctor sleep to get your noisy nocturnal habits under control - not just for your partner's sleep, but also for your blood pressure.

"There is a very strong link between sleeping syndromes and high blood pressure," says Greenfield. "In fact, a resistant source of hypertension is sleep apnea. Many overweight people develop both sleep apnea and hypertension, and both [of] these conditions can be corrected by the reduction weight."

Follow a Mediterranean diet.

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"TheDiet (Plan approaches to stop hypertension) and the Mediterranean regime are the best regimes for the control of cardiovascular health and blood pressure, "says Greenfield.

Indeed, a 2019 study published in the newspaperHypertension Discovered that after 12 months on a Mediterranean diet, the elderly saw a reduction in systolic blood pressure (that is, the pressure when your heart pumbers) of an average of 5.5 millimeters of Mercury (MMHG).

Eat blueberries every day.

Woman Eating Blueberries Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

A cup of blueberries is just about everything you need to eat every day to reduce your systolic blood pressure, according to a 2019 study published in theJournal of Gérontology. When the scientists of the study had healthy volunteers consume the equivalent of 200 grams of blueberries every day for a month, the average participant saw a reduction in 5 mmHg arterial pressure. Mortgage researchers a large part of this benefit is due to anthocyanas in blueberries, which also give fruit their dark shade.

And nibble on a watermelon too!

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If you are not a big fan of blueberries, so plan to take your watermelon intake instead. A 2014 study published in theAmerican Journal of Hypertensionhas found that over the 12 weeks, overweight people who have received two types of watermelon extract have seen improvements in their twoarterial pressure and cardiac stress.

Take more Naps from middle afternoons.

Old black man in khakis and button down napping on yellow couch Lower Blood Pressure Naturally
Lightfield Studios / Shutterstock

Plaque Made more than giving you a very necessary energy jerk. By study of 2019 published in theJournal of the American Cardiology College, the people who took a nap of noon saw a significant reduction in their systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure (that is to say the pressure when your heart is at rest between the beats). More specifically, over the 24 hours of 24 hours, the people who have knotted had average systolic blood pressure readings of 5.3 mmHg lower than those that remained awake.

Find a yoga class that you like.

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Shutterstock / 4h Production

Yoga is good for your muscles, your mind and your blood pressure. In a 2013 study published in the newspaperPsychosomatic medicineThe researchers have discovered that the reduction of stress based on mindfulness - who involvedmeditation, yoga and body sweeping exert a reduced systolic blood pressure of nearly 5 mmHg and a diastolic blood pressure of nearly 2 mmHg.

Go outside!

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You can easily avoid blood pressure medications simply by spending more time outside. In a 2014 study of theSouthampton UniversityThe researchers have discovered that sunlight can alter amounts of nitric oxide in the skin and blood, which in turn reduces blood pressure.

Limit your alcohol consumption.

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People looking to naturally reduce their blood pressure should aim for "moderate alcohol consumption", declaresDavid Cutler, MD, a family medicine doctor at the Saint John Providence Health Center of California. As theMAYO Clinic Notes, large drinkers who stop indulging as often as the 4 mmHg reduction in systolic blood pressure.

Go to the gymnasium in the morning.

Woman Running on a Treadmill at the Gym {Health Mistakes}

Define your alarm 30 minutes earlier than usual so that you cango to the gym before going to work. Research published in 2019 in the journalHypertension Found that the men and women who went to the gym and walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes before the work saw an average reduction in 8-hour arterial pressure of 3.4 mmHg.

And get up from your office frequently throughout the day.

Black Man Looking at his Phone while he Walks to Work Healthy Man

If you want to seriously improve your blood pressure, make sure you move during the day in addition to hitting the gym in the morning. Although individuals who worked in AM. have been able to reduce their blood pressure, theHypertension study revealed that those who workedand Makes a point for getting up and moving throughout the day saw an additional reduction of 1.7 mmHg.

Enjoy other foods rich in potassium.

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Potassium foods are highly recommended for hypertensive people. In a 2005 study published in the journalHypertensionThe researchers tested the effects of potassium chloride and potassium citrate on hypertensive individuals and found that substances could fill the systolic blood pressure of 11 mmHg and 13 mmHg respectively. Bananas, spinach, potatoes, sepetenciers, potatoes, orange juice, yogurts and kidney beans are bananas, spinach, potatoes and kidney beans.

Watch for your sodium consumption.

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"Reduce your sodium consumption" If you want to reduce your blood pressure, says Cutler. Why? According toAmerican Heart AssociationThe excess sodium in your blood causes an increase in fluids in your blood vessels, which leads to more circulating blood and thus an increase in blood pressure. "It's like lighting the water supply to a garden hose - the pressure in the pipe increases while more water serves through it," explains the organization. To aimno more than 2,300 mg sodium per day, according to the CDC.

Eat less often.

mother and kids cooking healthy dinner

Regardless of the health you are trying to be when you eat, it's incredibly likely that you consume much more sodium than you think. A 2017 study published in the journalAppetite By concluding that the average adult consumed 1,292 mg of sodium during each meal they have eaten in a restaurant, although 90% of the adults surveyed underestimated the amount of sodium in their food by an average of 1 013 mg. Since you can not control your sodium consumption if you do not know how much sodium you actually eat, it is better to stay at home-cooked meals until your BP is under control.

Keep your vitamin C levels in check.

woman drinking orange juice, stomach symptoms
Shutterstock / anek.soowannamoom

With regard to the reduction of your natural blood pressure, vitamin C is your best friend. In a 2012 meta-analysis published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical NutritionThe researchers concluded that the consumption of about 500 mg per day of vitamin C - the equivalent of about six cups of orange juice - can reduce by nearly 4 mmHg in the short term.

Spice your meals with pepper peppers.

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The spicer the dish, the more the blood pressure takes advantage. It is according to the research published in the issue of August 2010 ofCell metabolism, which found that the long-term consumption of capsaicin - one of the main components of pepper peppers can reduce the BP.

Listen to more relaxing music.

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If you want to reduce your blood pressure, so swap this aggressive rock music for more apt tracks. Research presented at theAmerican Heart Association 62th Annual Annual Council Conference for High Arterial Research In 2008, in 2008, when subjects listened to 12 minutes of relaxing music three times a week for four months, they lowered their 9 mmHg systolic BP.

Stop smoking.

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Not surprisingly, smoking is just as bad for your blood pressure than for, well, just about all other aspects of your health. According toMAYO Clinic, your BP increases for several minutes each time youto smoke a cigaretteAnd give up this vice can limit these tips and help keep your BP in a normal systematic range.

Go crazy about garlic.

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You do not have to give up garlic to get your blood pressure under control. On the contrary, garlic is one of the best things you can add to your diet if you want to tame your hypertension. A 2011 document published in the journalPharmacognosy Review Note that the bulbous plant "It is believed to increase the production of nitric oxide, resulting in smooth muscle relaxation and vasodilatation", which is the expansion of the blood vessels.

Take a probiotic supplement.

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Protect your heart with a probiotic supplement. A 2014 meta-analysis published in the journalHypertension Analyzed nine tests and found that the overall use of probiotics has reduced systolic BP of 3.56 mmHg and diastolic BP of 2.38 mmHg.

Take the stairs.

woman walking up steps in heels

Opt to skip the elevator for stairs as much as possible. A 2018 study published in the magazineMenopause found that when hypertensive women set up 192 steps two to five times a day, they could lower their blood pressureand Improve their leg strength. Winner!

Keep your stress levels under control.

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According toAmerican Heart AssociationThe hormones that the body releases during periods of stress (such as cortisol and adrenaline) "prepare the body of the" response "fighting or flying" by limiting the blood vessels - and it temporarily increases blood pressure. Therefore,Learn to limit your stress levels Could be equally effective at a cure for hypertension as a medicine. And for ways to stay calm, check these12 genius tips to transform anxiety into excitement.

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