Dr. Fauci says how to avoid Covid right now

"People die because they are infected and they are sick and there are more infections," he said.

Nearly 500,000 Americans died ofCOVID-19 [Feminine andDr. Anthony FauciThe first infectious infectious expert of the nation and the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases are alarmed. "These are real numbers," he says, and despite the levels of cases dropped, new forms more communicable to the virus can aggravate things. "We can not be complacent about it because there are variations, namely mutations, which could actually go back to it again." Read on how to see how you can avoid getting sick and die - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Get your vaccine when it is available for you - Sure it promises

Our batting average ranked from last month but that's the reality

Dr. Fauci says thevaccine is safe and effective; You do not be afraid that it has been developed in less than a year, he says. "It's historic," he admitted. "The sequence of the new virus was made public on January 9, 2020. And in December of last year, the first doses have entered the weapons of people following a plural vaccine - as there were Two, which show the effectiveness of 94 to 95% in most of the circumstances of vaccinology, it would have taken several years to accomplish. And so people do not get the wrong impression: speed does not sacrifice security, nor sacrificed, scientific integrity. It was a reflection of really breathtaking progress in the science of vaccine platform technology and the huge amount of investment that was manufactured at doses mainly manufactured Vaccine. "


Wear your mask, even if you have been vaccinated

Female doctor or nurse giving shot or vaccine to a patient's shoulder. Vaccination and prevention against flu or virus pandemic.

"You should wear a mask", even if you got your vaccine, "said Fauci. "And the reason is that the main end point of the effectiveness of vaccination was whether it prevented you from getting a clinically recognizable disease. This prevents you from becoming a severe disease. But what we do not know yet is that it prevents you from getting an asymptomatic infection. In other words, does the vaccine prevent you from getting the virus that breeds in your nasal pharynx? So, since we do not know yet, it is recommended to wear a mask ".


Avoid "crowds in gathering settings, especially inside"

Group Of Friends Sitting Around Table Having Dinner Party

"You want to stay away from places like bars where people gather - and in some places, you even see barrier closing authorities," said Fuci said in the past. But the same goes for groups of family-family or friends - inside in houses. If you do not get home with the person, do not let them enter.


Observe "Physical Distanciation"

Elderly woman with protective face mask/gloves talking with a friend

Even though I wear a mask, always stay at six feet. The CDC explains why clearly: "Covid-19 spreads mainly in people in close contact (about 6 feet) for a prolonged period. Spread occurs when an infected person touches, sneezes or talks and droplets of their mouths or From their nose are launched in the air and land in the mouth or nose of people nearby. Droplets can also be inhaled in the lungs. "


You must follow these measurements at least until the fall

Shopper with mask standing in line to buy groceries due to coronavirus pandemic in grocery store

"Until we get the overwhelming majority of people in the population, and I imagine that would be about 70 to 85% - if we have vaccinated them, we will arrive at a level of what we call. immunity from the flock, which means that there "I would be very useful for the virus to circulate in the community," said Fauci. "When this happens, you could then withdraw a bit about the measures of Public health, but until this happens, there are still many viruses flowing in the community. And that's why we continue to highlight that people respect by public health measures. "

RELATED: If you feel it, you may have ever had Covid, "said Dr. Fauci


How to survive this pandemic

Women hands holding hand sanitizer with alcohol spray and surgical mask.

As for yourself, follow the fundamentals of Fauci and help put an end to this thrust, no matter where you live-wear a facial mask, the social distance, avoiding big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice good hygiene of the hand, vaccinate yourself when it is Available for you and protect your life and life of your life. others, do not visit any of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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