Here are how many long coronavirus germs remain in the tunes just talking
You discuss with other people every day - but the conversation could keep the pandemic of COVID-19.

While many people know that Covid-19 can be widespreadRespiratory droplets that land on surfaces After a cough or sneeze, new research suggest that activity most of us participate daily could contribute to new infections. According to a recent study, the speech diffuse coronavirus.
The study, published on May 13 in theActs of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, reveals thatThe law that speaks can transmit Covid-19. So, how much a risk is really suitable for?
The researchers of the study have discovered that talking in a loud voice can introduce thousands of fluid droplets containing viral material in the air each second. Even cooler, these droplets are always detectable in the air for 14 minutes in an environment with stagnant air, which directs the researchers of the study to signal that "there is a substantial probability that normal speech causes the Transmission of airborne viruses in confined environments ".
This is particularly troubling because many infected people with coronavirus areAsymptomatic carriers, which means a normal conversation in farm neighborhoods with another person could easily cause the virus spread. Although the exact number of asymptomatic carriers has not yet been determined, reports suggest that the numbers can be disturbed. A March study of passengers on the princess cruise diamond published inEurosurveillance found that 17.9% ofPeople with coronaviruses aboard the ship were asymptomatic, while a small April study of pregnant women published inNew England Journal of Medicine revealed that 87.9 of theWomen who have tested positive for coronavirus were asymptomatic at the time of the tests.
Although these figures may appear as if coronavirus contraction is a lost conclusion, there are ways to mitigate the risk of speaking. In an April review of 31 studies published for the pre-imprint ofMedrxiv, the researchers found thatThe port of masks gave some protection measure If sick people and people wore them. In fact, one of the studies included revealed that among a group of roommates with a sick member, who all wore masks, the viral transmission rate was reduced to 19%.
So do not be afraid to keep the conversations that flow when you are able toStart seeing friends and family members Even - just keep these hands washed, thoseMasks onand maintain a certain physical distance for the moment. And before resuming your usual activities, make sure you know these9 errors that you should not do when reopening.

This type of blood is protective against Covid, the study says