These are the 4 places that people went before receiving Covid, the study says

These four spots could be risky locations for coronavirus transmission.

WithNational businesses reopenedThe health experts are trying to discern the safest spots and that could be of concern. Now, a new study of disease control and prevention centers (CDC) has identified theLocations reopened This can pose the highest risk of COVID transmission. The study revealed that there were four places in particular that could be a threat to public health. Of all the study participants who went to these institutions, there was a higher percentage of positive COVID test results than negative test results.

To conduct their research, the CDC has examined COVID cases out of 11 health facilities in the United States and found that the majority of patients had been in close contact with a case of confirmed Covid, either in one of these four places.

In their conclusions, the CDC posted the patient's ratio of health facilities that received negative COVID test results from the positive results. There were more positive test results for people who have visited these locations as negative results. Due to the percentage of positive COVID cases associated with these locations, it is worth extremely careful before visiting them. And for more risky activities to avoid, here is24 things you do every day that put you at risk of Covid.

Church / Religious gatherings

People wearing masks in church

COS of COVID positive: 7.8%

Negative covid cases: 5%

And for more places, you may want to avoid,Dr. Fauci says you should not go here before a year after a vaccine.


Man wearing a mask in the gym

COS of COVID Positive: 7.8%

Negative covid cases: 6.3%

And if you go to the gym,This is the worst absolute place to go to your gym during the coronavirus.

Bars / cafes

Coffee shop open during coronavirus


Negative covid cases: 5%

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Waitress wearing mask in restaurant

COS of COVID Positive: 40.9%

Negative covid cases: 27.7%

And for more on the dangers of eating,The CDC says it's how much meals increases your risk of covidation.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and thesymptomsto know.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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