The surprising way to say that you had too much to drink, the study says

Recent research shows that your phone can actually be used to track your level of alcohol consumption.

Most of us have been present before: you leave another drink or order the next round, and suddenly, you feel a little coming as you did not think. At the moment, it can be difficult to gauger how much alcohol is in your system - and how it canaffect your body. Fortunately, recent research shows that there is a surprising and simple way to say that you have had too much drink.Your smartphone can actually follow and alert you when you are intoxicated.

A new study published in theLiquor and Drug Studies Journal found that your phone, which calculates your steps through integrated health applications, can alsoDetect when your way of walking changes due to intoxication. This could help people drink responsibly and reduce drunken driving accidents that takeMore than 10,000 US lives every year.

"We havePowerful sensors we wear with us wherever we go, "saysBrian suffoletto, MD, the principal researcher. "We have to learn how to use them to better serve public health." After losing a friend in an alcohol accident and driving in the college and attending related injuries as an emergency doctor, Suffoletto has devoted the last decade of his career to find numerical solutions to prevent more than wrong with excessive alcohol consumption.

depressed man drinking whiskey

Suffolatto and a team of researchers from the University of Medicine at Pittsburgh University have conducted an experience where 22 topics aged 21 to 43 have received a vodka cocktail for an hour until they were Reached a concentration of alcohol to cut the alcohol of 0.2% (much higher than the legal limit of 0.08% to be conducted under influence in the United States).

The scientists then analyzed the breathtaking alcohol concentration of the volunteers for seven hours because they took walking tests with a smartphone attached to their lower back. The participants were invited to walk on 10 steps in a straight line, to turn around and up 10 steps. During each task, the phone measured acceleration and movements.

The result? About 90% of the time, the changes of approach could determine when an alcohol concentration at a person's breath had exceeded 0.08%.

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"This controlled laboratory study shows that ourPhones can be useful for identifying "signatures" of functional impairments related to alcohol"," Suffoletto said. However, he noted that most people do not wear their phones on their lower back, so that additional research will be carried out in which topics hold phones in their hands and pockets.

"In five years, I would like to imagine a world in which if people come out with friends and drink at risky levels, they get an alert to the first sign of depreciation and are sent strategies to help them stop drinking and Protect from the top -tir events such as driving, interpersonal violence and unprotected sex, "Suffoletto said. And for more ways of alcohol can affect you, discoverEven drink this a lot every day can harm your health, the study says.

Categories: Health
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