The best (and worst) Slytherin traits
You may not know so familiar with their buyout qualities.

Regarding the four Hogwarts houses, Slytherin obtains the worst rap. While some people like to hate with a pouffle, most of the anger is directed to Serpent Dark wizards It produces and its somewhat recommendable members. If you are not a fan of this house, it is not entirely unjustified - it is the house to which Lord Voldemort belonged, after all. But when you look at the overview, those of Serpentherin have both good and bad qualities. Read the continuation to find out which best and the worst Slytherin rings.
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What does it mean to be a sly?

Slytherin was founded by Salazar Slytherin, a sorcerer considered one of the best of his age and a particularly talented in Légiliance (an art similar to mental reading). Salazar was also a parselmouth - which means that he was able to speak to snakes - so the snake is symbolized by the snake and has the colors of the silver and green house. The common room is located near Hogwarts dungeons, decorated with green lamps, dark chairs and leather sofas. The large room extends under the large lake, which throws everything in a green shade.
Those who find themselves in the Slytherin are "cunning folk", according to the sorting hat, willing to "use all means to reach their ends". However, there is a little shadow on this house thanks to the position of Salazar on students born in Muggle. The founder deserved these students and argued that they should not be admitted to Hogwarts or taught the magic arts. His views disagreed him with the other three founders of Hogwarts and prompted him to leave school for good.
Although it can leave a little bad taste in your mouth, Salazar's position is not necessarily representative of his house as a whole.
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The best Slytherin features

The goats are ambitious.
Perhaps the best known serpentherin trait is ambition. The snakes are ready to do what it takes to achieve their goals, even if it means a little to follow the rules.
Several sneaky have become chosen chiefs, including Phineas Nigellus Black and Severus Snape. But ambiosity is not synonymous with power: Scorpius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy's son presented in Harry Potter and the cursed child , is particularly representative.
Scorpius' ambition does not force him to look for the highest rank - he just wants to excel academically and learn as much as he can. As the Wizarding World website says, Scorpius proves that it is not because its objectives seem "smaller" less important .
Caprines are cunning.
Like it or not, having a cunning nature can make you advance in life - and Slytherins use this to their advantage. They show skills to find ways to get what they want, even if it means ignoring the rules. (This is something that Harry Potter, who was sorted in Gryffindor, certainly represents - and this is one of the reasons why the sorting hat almost judged a Slytherin.)
Horace Slughorn is one of the most cunning characters, using his many connections to get what he wants. "Collector" known to students, Slughorn is looking for students from the most talented Hogwarts with which he can influence and associate later.
As Dumbledore says it Harry Potter and the Blood Prince mixed , Slughorn "never wanted to occupy the throne itself." Rather, he prefers the "rear seat", where "there is more room to spread".
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Caprines can be courageous.
One of the most redeemed snake features is bravery. We often associate this with daring gryffindors, but Snape, Regulus Black and even Draco present their bravery throughout the series.
SNAPE serves as a double agent for the entire series. Although he chose to become a death eater from the start, he made the mistake of his tracks after Lily Potter - whatever he liked as long as he knew it - was murdered by Voldemort. He then risks his life repeatedly to protect Harry and save the world from wizards in general.
Regulus, Harry's godfather, Sirius Black, also demonstrates bravery by betraying Voldemort and stealing one of his horcruxes with plans to destroy him. And while you might say that Draco acts out of fear, when he decides not to reveal Harry's identity at Malfoy Manor Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , it may also be the way Draco rebelled against Voldemort and even his own family.
Caprines can be loving.
When you look at characters like Voldemort and Dolores Umbridge, it is easy to say that Slytherins do not really have the capacity to love. But that's not the truth.
Several snakes demonstrate their dedication to others in the whole Harry Potter series. Narcissa Malfoy, Draco's mother, is ready to do anything to protect her son. It is far from perfect, but Narcissa is a key actor in the Hogwarts battle. Due to her devotion and her love for her son, she betrays Voldemort by lying and saying that Harry is dead.
Andromeda Tonks (née Black) abandoned her family because of her love for Ted Tonks - A sorcerer born Muggle. She defies the negative stereotypes of the Slytherin in this direction, rather representing the kindness, the compassion and the devotion that those of this house can have.
Everything in the life of Snape is also entirely linked to his unconditional love for Lily, including his role in the safety of Harry during his stay at Hogwarts.

The goats are intelligent.
While nobody signs Gregory Goyle or Vincent Crabbe for a university competition, those of Serpentherin House are often known for their intelligence. Snape, of course, is a brilliant and qualified potion master in different areas of magic, including the Legillimemnicy. Slughorn, too, was talented in potions - to prepare the delicate and intelligent Felicis Felicis Potion when using his links with his advantage. We would also want not to mention Salazar Slytherin himself: although defective, his intelligence and his talent should not be overlooked.
The goats are ingenious.
Completing their cunning and ambitious nature, the goats are ingenious. When Draco is loaded by Voldemort to kill Dumbledore, he discovers how to bring the eaters of death into Hogwarts castle. He repairs a damaged flight cabinet that is found in the requirement room, which has a twin in Borgin and Burkes, allowing dark wizards to bypass the Hogwarts restrictions on the device.
Looking at the chronology of Snape, it is clear that it is fast and intelligent while working as a spy. Just before his death, he is able to communicate his story to Harry through his tears, which are then used in pensive.
Caprines can take care of.
Although we do not congratulate Voldemort for his leadership skills, he certainly has them, winning an important and faithful audience in his quest for ultimate power. Draco, too, is a natural leader, serving as chief of his trio with Crabbe and Goyle, and later being prefect.
As a head of the Slug club, Slughorn is one of the most positive leaders to get out of Slytherin. Slughorn is looking for talented students to supervise (although to promote connections that will also be beneficial to him).
Caprines have a sense of humor.
To complete the list of positive snake traits is the fact that they generally have a sense of humor. Some members of this house believe that "humor" is associated with the intimidation and the discount of others, but this is certainly not always the case.
Albus Potter, Harry's second eldest son, is fast with a joke, especially when he is with his best friend, Scorpius. Albus leans towards the sarcasm The cursed child , specifically when Scorpius recommends sending a message to baby Harry Potter and screaming "helps". Scorpius concedes that the plan "could traumatize the baby slightly" - and illustrate his sense of dry humor, Albus answers: "Only slightly".
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The worst Slytherin features

Caprines can be mean.
A serpentherine detriment is that they are not always the nicest (and this can be an understatement). Draco is a well -known tyrant during his years at Hogwarts, and his father, Lucius Malfoy, is no different. Lucius is actively cruel to Harry and constantly lower the Weasley family for their financial situation. Worse still, the treatment of Lucius of his well-being, Dobby, is clearly abusive. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
Dolores Umbridge is another cruel and sadistic character, without fear of torturing students as a punishment. It puts a blind faith in the authority, first for the Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge, then to those who took later, while trying to gain power for itself. While Harry ends up venerating Snape at the end of the series, it is also right to say that the master of potions was sometimes incredibly cruel, both for Harry and for other students who were not at home.
In addition, there are serpentherins who are undoubtedly bad - not just bad: Voldemort and his devoted follower and the Bellatrix Paramor immediately come to mind.
Caprines are manipulative.
The clever nature and ambition of serpentherins also mean that they can be somewhat manipulative. Lucius Malfoy displays this trait quite often, making networking with his contacts at the Ministry of Magic to take control and advance his own social position.
After Voldemort fell from power the first time, Malfoy does not appeal on the side which, according to him, will serve it better, claiming to have seen the light and regret his eater time. (Later, he ended up joining Voldermort, illustrating his approach to the "beautiful weather" of life more.)
Caprines can be loose.
Unfortunately, Slytherins do not always defend what is good. During the Battle of Hogwarts, a majority of this house decided not to fight Voldemort, with only a few (led by Slughorn) remaining behind to defend the school. Pansy Parkinson is particularly loose, calling for those of Hogwarts to return Harry to Voldemort in exchange for mercy.
Umbridge, too, shows his cards when Harry and Hermione lead her on a false path in the prohibited forest. While launching hurtful insults to the centaurs who live in the forest, she groaned and also stops before she was swept away.
Caprines can be arrogant .
Those of Serpentherin House are respected for their insurance, even if it is a fault (cough, cough, tom riddle). But that often borders arrogance and a false feeling of superiority. The observation of Umbridge is not broken down, and Bellatrix Lestrange likes to taunt others because of its position on the purity of the blood.
Draco is also extremely arrogant, boasts openly with its richness. His father Lucius even offers each member of the Slytherin team a new 2001 Nimbus, which "wins" Draco instead of Seeker.
And Voldemort is the image of arrogance. Throughout his life, he is in an endless quest for immortality - and this desire ends up being his fall.

Caprines can be unsatisfied.
On the other hand, not all the nasturtiums are arrogant - they can also be quite unsatisfied. Once Draco is enlisted by Voldemort to kill Dumbledore, he is really shaken and realizes that he is above his head with the task. His son Scorpius inherits some of these insecurities, but the Scorpius are mainly due to speculation that he could be Voldemort's son.
Snape was also quite precarious as a child and lived a lonely life. This lack of confidence and desire to avoid being ordinary is probably what attracted him to Voldemort.
Caprines are not the best with rejection.
Because goat can be full of themselves, they do not manage rejection well. Take the Bloody Baron, the ghost of the Slytherin house, who killed Helena Ravegle when she did not return her affections. Slughorn too is disconcerted when he cannot immediately "collect" Harry The prince half-blood . It is so disturbed that he gave in to Dumbledore's request to return to Hogwarts as a teacher.
Caprines can have bad temperatures.
Bellatrix Lestrange is a Slytherin with some positive features. Instead, it is known for its dangerous temperament, which often leads to violence. When she believes that Harry, Hermione and Ron may have stolen something with her Gingotts chest, she flies with the handful and torture Hermione to get answers.
Snape is known to lose his composure from time to time, especially when Harry or other gryffindors are involved. One of the main examples of this occurs in Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix During the Harry Occlume lessons. Harry accidentally considers one of Snape's memories, leaving Snape is "white rage". Snape ends up throwing Harry on the ground before taking him out of his office.
One of the most formidable snake temperatures, of course, is Voldemort. His violent explosions can be so extreme that they often culminate in murder - and at that time, even those who are faithful to him are not sure.
Caprines are sometimes harmful.
Salazar SERSERIN has established a precedent with his views of witches and sorcerers born Muggle - and this prejudice has brought to many members of his house. Malfoys, Lestanges and of course, Voldemort, believe that they are superior to Muggles and Muggles.
However, this is not always the case, because Slughorn has an affinity for Lily Potter, born in Muggles. At the same time, Slughorn emphasizes Harry that he was surprised by his abilities The prince half-blood . Fortunately, he catches up and confirms that he has no prejudice, shaking up other Muggles who were among his "favorites".
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Notable snakes

- Draco Malfoy: Harry Nemesis at Hogwarts. Draco likes the intimidation of other students, especially those who were born from Muggles.
- Lord Voldemort (Tom Riddle): The powerful dark sorcerer Harry fights to save the magic world. Voldemort is the direct descendant of Salazar Serpenton.
- Horace Slughorn: Master potions at Hogwarts. Slughorn is known to pick students to be members of the "Slug Club".
- Severus Rogue: Potions Master and Slytherin chief at Hogwarts. Snape later turns out to be a double agent, working as a spy for Dumbledore.
- Albus Severus Potter: Harry's son who ends up being sorted in Slytherin The cursed child .
- Salazar Slytherin: The founder of Slytherin House. A talented sorcerer who favored cunning and ambitious students.

Slytherin can have his right part of dark witches and witches, but he also presents some of the most courageous and most intelligent. Author J.K. Voile even declared That the snakes are not "all bad" and "slughorn galloping with the snakes" during the battle of Hogwarts makes her smile.
"They had left to get reinforcements first ... But yes, they returned, they returned to fight," said Rowling, adding that it could have been a wise decision. "I am sure that many people would say" well, it's common sense, right? Isn't it intelligent, to go out, get more people and come back with them? ""
So if you are a Slytherin member, proudly wear your green and your money. Those in this house do not stop when it comes to achieving their objectives - and ultimately, it is a decisive feature that we cannot help admire.

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