US guidelines for how much you should drink daily can change

A federal committee recommends more alcohol moderation.

During several months, it was difficult to everyone - the stress of the coronavirus pandemic, the isolation of quarantine, the disturbance of our normal daily routines and, for many people, the loss of work. It's not a surprise thatDrink has been on the riseBut there are serious consequences for health at on-soking. And drink too much might be easier to do than before. In fact, US food guidelines can change to suggest thatMen should be limited to a single glass a day.

According toWall Street newspaper, a federal committee proposed that US government's food guidelines for AmericansReduce the recommended drink limit for men Two drinks to one, match guidance "a glass a day" for women. Americans have actually beendrink more during the pandemicAnd the researchers now believe that our current "moderate beverage" design is defective.

"We looked at cancer deaths,heart diseaseand more than 60 alcohol conditions. Whatever the kind of study you look, two drinks a day are associated with a higher risk of death than drinking a drink a day, "researcher at the University of Boston and a member of the committeeTimothy Naimi, MD, saysWall Street newspaper. "In the context of a health document, why would you like to approve that people drank up to a level in which mortality increases?"

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The Department of the United States of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Social Services will review the Federal Committee's recommendations prior to any modification of the American Food Guidelines by the end of the year. ThroughWall Street newspaperThese guidelines are updated every five years, but the recommendation of a two-beverage limit for men (and the limit of a drink for women) has been in place since 1990.

Although the committee proposed the change of July, they were not the first to suggest the Government's current guidelines forModerate consumption could cause sanitary complicationsincludingcardiopathy, stroke and cancer. A June study published in theLiquor and Drug Studies Journal determined that people who drank according to government guidelines weremore likely to cancer and death that those who have not drunk at all.

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Of course, theRisks of drinking too much Damage caused to liver have long been created, a compromised immune system and sleep disturbances are just some of the many potential complications. The question is now, how much does it cost? According toDariush MozaffrierDean of the Friedman Science and Policy Nutrition School of the University of Tufts, the recommendations of the Federal Committee are accurate, which means that men may want to consider reducing, even before the guidelines American food officially change.

"They conclude appropriately that two drinks are worse than for men," he saidWall Street newspaper, "and we now have enough data to say that because of the prejudice to alcohol on cancers,Liver diseases, accidents and other things. "And for more ways to stay healthy, learn50 signs of poor health men should never ignore.

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