That's what happens to your body when you are Hippover
Experts say your body works overtime to cancel the effects of alcohol.

AThe night of drinking could seem fun"It's up to what you are struck with an inevitable hangover the next morning. Suddenly, you are exhausted, your head beats, and you can hardly do it in bed. But why do you feel so bad after a night to drink? According to experts, it's because of what happens to your body when you are Hippover.
According toGiuseppe Aragona, MD, a general practitioner andmedical adviser To the doctor on prescription, a hangover is "fundamentally, the process of your body trying to eliminate toxins." He says people usually feel bad because their bodies work overtime to eliminate alcohol. Read it to find out what exactly happens to your body when you are the Hippover and for more important health news, you need to know,This is what happens when you do not brush your teeth once a day.
1 Your body is dehydrated.

Have you ever noticed how thirsty you are when you wake up after a night to drink? Because because your body is dehydrated,Leann Poston, MD, a licensed doctor andMedical Communications Writer, Explain. Poston says that alcohol removes the release of vasopressin, which is a hormone that indicates the kidneys to keep on fluids. The removal of this hormone causes increased urine for a night to drink, causing mild dehydration the next day. And if you want to avoid dehydration, learnThe myth on drinking water you need to stop believing.
2 Your mouth becomes dry.

This dehydration can lead to a drought in the short term, as well asAs long-term dental problems, according toMax Harland, adental expert and co-founder of Dentaly.
"When dehydrated, people do not produce the optimal volumes of saliva to lubricate their mouth," he says. "The saliva contains vital nutrients like calcium that maintains healthy teeth and they are also responsible for the harmful" wash "bacterium that can cause inflammation and a dental carriage. So, experiment regularlyhangover Can actually lead to an increased risk of gum disease and dental caries. "And for ways to stop your teeth from dealing with more problems,Here's how often you should really change your toothbrush, say dentists.
3 Your stomach is irritated.

According toChun tang, MRCGP, ageneral practitioner For Pall Mall Medical, alcohol can also irritate your gastrointestinal tract for days, especially if you have performed post-oral vomiting. So your stomach may not feel good the next morning or the following days after vomiting and feelings of nausea can cause inflammation. And for more role than your stomach plays in your general well-being,That's all your stomach tries to talk about your health.
4 Your head is more prone to pain.

These hangover headaches are not unusual. In reality,Trista Best, Rd, aregistered dietitian Working with a balance one, says that these headaches can be caused by two factors: your dehydration of the hangover can give you a headache, otherwise you may encounter a headache as "result of Alcohol causing blood vessels to expand ". And whether you should cut, discoverThe surprising way to say that you have too much to drink.
5 Your eyes become sensitive to light.

Poston says that sensitivity to light is a symptom of running hangover. According to Neurrocore, it may not be a direct result of your eyes. Most scientists think it's because our brain tries to "over-compensate" and "overtimulate" afteralcohol depicts them. Unfortunately, this surprimulation is probably what makes you more sensitive to light after a night of intense food. And for more useful information,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
6 You feel more tired than normal.

You will probably feel more tired during your hangover, but stay outdoors until it can be part of that. Tang says you're more tired because your sleep was "poor quality". According to the National Sleep Foundation, it is because "like hepatic enzymes metabolize alcohol during the night and the blood alcohol level decreases", people are more likely to suffer sleep disturbances and a decrease in the quality of sleep. And for more reasons, you risk sleeping badly, This is the worst position you can sleep, says experts .

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