These are the materials you need to do the perfect face mask, say scientists

A new research identifies a combination of materials that make the most effective mask.

The coronavirus has been an object of a new base in all our lives:Facial masks. And if you are cunning and managed toSecure a sewing machine, You might have consideredmask yourself. You have probably read a lot about what you need to use fabrics, but recent research at the University of Chicago has identified the perfect combination for doing theThe most effective house mask: Cotton chiffon, natural silk or flannel.

The research team ledSupratik guha,Professor of molecular engineering At the University of Chicago watched households that materials users best protect aerosol particles. As medical and public health specialists Learn more about how coronavirus gaps, one thing has become increasingly clear:Respiratory droplets cough, sneezing andeven are the main means by which theContagion deviations from person to person.

After testing several combinations of materials, the University of Chicago Researchers have found that a handset-tight woven cotton layer with two polyester chiffon layers and filtered spandex the most spray particles (80 to 99 percent), which. is close toWhat a N95 mask can get. By substituting natural or flannel silk chiffon or using a cotton edge with cotton-stick-stick produces similar results.

"Cotton, the most used material for fabric masks gives better results to higher weaving densities (that is to say., Number of threads) and canMake a significant difference in filtration efficiency, »The authors of the study wrote in their report, published in the journalACS Nano. With regard to chiffon and silk, researchers noted that they have "the combined effect of mechanical electrostatic filtration and. »

It is interesting to note that even if a homemade mask composed of cotton and silk can be effective as a N95 mask, if theFinal result does not match correctlyAnd reveals the gaps of the air around the face, then the efficiency of the mask goes down. And for more information that you need to know about the masks, check10 myths on the face masks you need to know.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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