If your symptoms appear in this order, you probably have COVID, the study says
These four common symptoms might indicate that you have been infected - if they occur in this order.

Although there is a widevariety of symptoms Covid patients reported that researchers started finding models. In fact, a new study broke down the order in which discernible symptoms and objective covid symptoms will probably appear. If you are infected with a case that is not asymptomatic, you are likely to experimentFever, then pain of coughs and muscles, followed by nausea and / or vomiting, then from diarrhea.
The disease caused by theCoronavirus usually follows this path, according to the study published in theBorder public health Journal on August 13th. First a patient develops a fever, then upper respiratory symptoms, and finally, symptoms of the upper gastrointestinal tract, then lower. The least likely path, according to this study, would be the first diarrhea, then nausea and / or vomiting, followed by cough and finally fever.
But the order seems to be usually the same, no matter where it starts. For example, if a first symptom of a Covid patient is diarrhea, their other symptoms will follow as indicated above, then the diarrhea followed by the fever, then a pain at cough and muscles, and finally, nausea and nausea and / or vomiting.
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Researchers note that discerning the likely order of coronavirus symptoms is important fordistinguish these cases from other respiratory diseases. After all, the World Health Organization (WHO) and disease and prevention control centers (CDC) recommendAsk your doctor of COVID-19 If youStart living a cough and feverWhether they are two common symptoms of influenza.
"The importance of knowing the first symptoms is rooted in the need to stop the propagation of COVID-19, a disease of two to three times more transmitted than the flu and causes flamboyants of clusters," reads the study. "There is an increased risk of Covid-19 being transmitted, both faster, faster testing and social distancing are important, especially when social and quarantine measurements are relaxed."
Fortunately for diagnosis, researchers found that the order in which new coronavirus symptoms differ from influenza and other coronavirus-based illnesses such as the Middle East respiratory syndrome and syndrome and syndrome severe acute respiratory (SARS). According to the study, the flu usually comes with a cough,not a fever, like coronavirus. Like influenza, seas and SARS are similar to those of coronavirus but differ in that the order of diarrhea comesbefore Nausea and / or vomiting.

To compare their COVID data more directly to these other respiratory diseases, researchers also added sore throat, myalgia and headache - all reported symptoms of these diseases - their calculations in another model. However, even when studying these symptoms alongside the four originals, they found that the motive remains the same. The fever isusually the first symptom, followed by cough. And then, in the set of seven symptoms, sore throat, myalgia and headache generally appear next, but without particular order. Then, like the original set, nausea and / or vomiting are the second at the last symptom, followed by diarrhea, like the last. And for more information on how Covid can affect your body, checkThe 98 symptoms of lasting durable covidants you need to know.

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