The surprising age when you are most likely to catch an IST, the study says

Simply because you are older and wiser do not want you to say are immunized. In fact, it is quite the opposite.

From the first days of sexual classes, students learn that the risk ofCatch sexually transmitted infection (STI) is always present. Of course, this fact remains true in the rest of our life, as we becomeMore comfortable with the intimate obtaining. But a new study finds that the knowledge we take when we are younger can not stay in adulthood. According to a new report of theShift Sexual Health Initiative,Those over 45 years old are actually the most likely to catch an IST.Continue reading to find out why, and seeorPeople can be more at risk, seeMost promiscuous state in America.

The researchers behind the SHIFT study examined a group of about 800 adults in England, Belgium and the Netherlands. And, according to CNN, they found that "major changes" in sexual behavior in recent years have resulted in an increase in the number of elderly sexually active "but a lotConsider struggling the possibility of IST. "

Researchers have also been able to shed light on issues that have probably created the problem to start. Continue reading to find out what revealed the report, and more about sex and relationships, seeIt's the age when married men are more likely to cheat.

Read the original article onBetter life.

Average adults are less likely to consider ISTs.

Senior couple crossing the road on a city street. They are walking with shopping bags while Christmas shopping.

Researchers emphasize that social issues prevent people with middle-aged access to the type of information or resources needed to ensure their safety.

"More than 45 years at most risk are generally those who enter new relationships after a period of monogamy, often after menopause, when pregnancy is no longer a consideration, but give little reflection to the STIs,"Ian TyndallAssociate Professor at the University of Chichester in R., who is affiliated with the project, said in a statement. And for more familiarity with the taboo subject, knowingExactly how often you should talk about sex with your partner.

And they are also less likely to treat STIs.

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The study also showed that shame and social stigma was one of the main reasons for the elderly were less likely to demand treatment, education or assistance in the IST. This is partly because it is common practice for the medical community to think that there is less risks than people as many doctors suppose do not engage with new romantic partners.

"A great obstacle to access to the services of people is social stigma, and the assumptions that the elderly are asexual and that sex is no longer part of their lives. This really limits awareness of sexual health services in this group, "Tess Hartland, Research assistant with the SHIFT project, told CNN. , Here's and for more health than you should get the30 myths worst healthy women who will not die.

The system may be in the absence of those who has never had sex education at school.

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Part of the lack of knowledge among more than 45 years maybe because these people have received limited access to sex education in their early years and are less comfortable with the subject of gender in general.

"A lot of services and promotion of sexual health is really suitable for young people," Hartland told CNN. "Many respondents prefer to go to their [general doctor] or their doctor rather than a specific sexual health service. This means that these doctors do not necessarily have a specialization in sexual health. Of course, it is quite a sensitive subject and can be quite difficult to raise, as a health professional, to someone who is over 45, "she explained. And for more advice and facts about sexual health,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

And those of the lower socio-economic status are particularly sensitive to sexually transmitted infections.

Middle aged couple sitting at home looking at their finance problems
David Prado Perucha / Shutterstock

The report did not just find someone to be put average to a higher probability of catching an IST. He also noted that the socio-economic disadvantaged people were more likely to contract an infection.

"Homelessness, sex workers, non-Aboriginal language speakers and migrants, are even more likely to be unaware of their sexual health and unable to access appropriate services," Ruth Lowry , A researcher on the University of Essex project in R., said in a statement. And to keep your happy love and healthy life, here is 50 ways to have a healthy sex life after 40 .

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