This is the person who is most likely to give you Covid, material study
A new study indicates that there is a particular person getting other infected.

We spent most of the last nine months feared that the outside world and considering at home one of our paradise alone. But withTransmission of coronavirus households Becoming one of the most common ways that the virus spreads, this reality changes. Now it's not someone at the grocery store or a colleague who is most likely to broadcast Covid to you. According to a new report,theno one most likely to give you Covid is your spouse. Learn more about these recent results and for an update on which the virus is spreading, checkAlmost all the transmission of Covid is going here, says the doctor.
The new meta-analysis of the University of Florida, published in the journalJama Open Open NetworkOn December 14, based on 54 studies covering 20 countries and nearly 78,000 materials. According to the conclusions of the researchers, in several cases out of three - about 37.8% -Patients have passed Covid on their spouses. "The risk of infection was highest for spouses, followed by members of the non-spousal family and other parents, who were all higher than other contacts [near]," wrote the authors.
So, what does this mean that anyone shared a house with someone who has been infected? Read it to see and for an update on the chronology of the vaccine, checkDr. Fauci just said that you can get the Covid vaccine, even earlier.
Read the original article onBetter life.
Adults are most likely to broadcast the virus.

While anyone living under the same roof could potentially extend coronavirus among their roommates, the study stresses that spouses are more likely to infect you with COVID because of a variety of factors: "intimacy, sleeping in the same room, or More or more direct exposure to index cases ", according to the authors of the report. And if you are curious if you could be sick, read it onThe easiest way to say if you have been exposed to COVID.
But they are less likely to pass Covid-19 on the children they live.

Overall, researchers found that 16.6% of all people with COVID-19 in the studies they analyzed adopted the virus on members of their household. But, compared to the high rate of Cvid transmission between spouses, only 16.8 of positive covidant patients transmitted the virus to the children they live. And for more COVID updates regularly,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
People with symptoms were more likely to broadcast the virus.

The study also found that those who showed that those who showed symptoms adopted CVIV-19 to members of their household 18% of the time, while patients who showed no sign of patients broadcast the virus just 0 , 7% of their household contacts. And for more what else is risky during the pandemic, checkYou are 10 times more likely to get Covid here than anywhere else.
You are more likely than not catching someone's virus with whom you live.

Keeping itself protected from coronavirus is one thing in public, but it can be much more difficult to follow the efforts when you areswept in a sense of security by being at home. Unfortunately, a recent study of the disease control and prevention centers (CDC) revealed that 53% of people who lived with a person infected with the new coronavirus caught the disease within seven days. And for more information about this report, seeIt's your chances of becoming Covid if someone from your home has.
You must establish a plan to protect yourself from home infection.

It might be easy to avoid big crowds and wear your face mask in public, but things take a different difficulty level when you are forced to use your living room with the same precautions you would have when A trip to the grocery store. Nevertheless, the experts recommendisolate from all those who are sick At best your capabilities and designate a low risk person to take care of them using additional steps to stay safe.
"You canHave a healthy person leaving sick food and drinks at the door, then will you wash your hands "Tanya Altmann, MD, says CNN. "Wear gloves to pick up empty plates, bring them back to the kitchen and wash them in hot water with soap, or preferably with a dishwasher and wash your hands again."
Looking to reduce your risks even further? "I will keep Windows open in all shared spaces"Skinny, MD, an emergency doctor told CNN. "In addition, an air purifier with a HEPA filter could help. So a humidifier, because viruses persist longer in dry air, especially in the shared space." And for more times on how your region is manifold against the pandemic, checkThat's how the COVID epidemic is in your state.
The port of a mask at home can go a long way.

Although you can take your mask when you walk in your door before feeling like a relief, keeping it around the house could be the key between getting sick and stay healthy. A recent study has even noted thatThreading a surface coating is 79 percent effective To stop the propagation of COVID-19 to other household members when they were used before someone became fully symptomatic.
But this kind of situation also means that everyone to your address will have quarantine completely to stop the spread outside the fireplace. "I recommend that families find friends who can deposit the essential grocery store or medicine, not going to work, and not playing with other children, even outside,"Jenny Radesky, MD, a spokesman for the American Academy of Pediatrics, told CNN. And for a mask you should not wear, check outIf your face mask has one of these, stop using it immediately.

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