This common feeling could be a sign that you have Covid, doctors warn

Neurological symptoms like this are more common than you think.

Whether it's dehydration or transport disease, everyone has experienced a dizzying spell at a given moment - and despite disorientation and disorientation, only one case of appearance does not generally indicate a deeper problem. But if you have experiencedvertigo during the pandemic of CovidThere are reasons to take note. According to a research of recently published research in theEar, nose & thorat newspaperThis symptom could be a subtle sign that you have coronavirus. And to find out which state is the newest hotspot Covid, discoverThis state is the new epicenter of the Covid pandemic.

In fact, sudden vertigons appear - which can go from the presentation of the light of vertigo - is "one of the mainClinical manifestations of COVID-19, "Researchers explain. While studies have concluded that neurological symptoms are common, affectingeight hospitalized hospitalized cavidant patientsThey are usually treated like thoughts after having symptoms known as cough and fever.

The examination analyzed 14 different studies on the symptoms of 141 coovidants who experienced infected dizziness. In rare cases, the vertigo have been listed as a symptom of patients, but more often, it was accompanied by other symptoms. Anyway, researchers have urged physicians should "remain vigilant, especially when managing non-specific symptoms such as dizziness, as they can beneglected. "

Kaiser Health News (KHH) indicates that this can be particularlyCommon occurrence in the elderly. "With many conditions,The elderly do not present typicalAnd we see that with Covid-19 too, "Camille Vaughan, MD, section of the geriatric and gerontology section at Emorory University told the taking of non-profit news. It notes that elderly patients can become dizzy, disoriented from their environment and more subject to the fall of younger covidant patients.

Of course, even if younot Suspect Covid-19 is behind your spinning sensation, there is a good reason to let your doctor about it. Doctors warn who absent a clear external cause, such as over-exertion during the year,dehydration, or becoming overheated, any case of extreme vertigo or vertigo should be checked by a health professional. Read about four non-coviding explanations for your vertigo and for more information on your neurological symptoms, checkThat's how to say if your headache is Covid.

Read the original article onBetter life.

You have a heart attack or cerebral vascular accident.

man clutching chest in pain

According to the Mayo Clinic, the vertigo are sometimes associated with two worse scenarios: aheart attack Wherecerebral accident. In case of heart attack, you are likely to feel pain or discomfort in the chest or upper back, as well as pain in your arms, neck or jaw. You can also experience nausea, cardiac palpitations, surprising orshortness of breath.

In addition to the vertigo, the American AVC association recommends memorizing these current symptoms of the stroke: face falling difficulties, the weakness of the arm and the vocal difficulty. In the case of one or other of the symptoms, call 9-1-1 for immediate medical assistance. And for more cardiac health, check these17 silent signs of a heart attack of men can not afford to miss.

You have an infection in the inner ear.

Woman suffering from dizziness with difficulty standing up while leaning on wall

Another possible explanation for your vertigo is an interiorear infection-Typically the result of inflammation in the inner ear or nerves that connect your inner ear to your brain. The culprit could also be an infection in the middle ear, which occurs when the air space filled with the air is inflamed.

You encounter side effects to medicines.

Senior woman looking at prescription bottles

According to the American scientist, vertigo is one of theMost common side effects of prescription drugs. "Some of the most popular medicines, including those that controlHypertensionor altering the neurochemistry of the brain, can intensify or cause vertigo up to 30% of patients who take them, the estimated experts, "says the report. If you suspect that your symptom is the result of your doctor, talk with your doctor . And for more information on how your medicine could harm you, discoverIf you have these common disorders, you need to check your medications now.

You have a non-covidant viral infection.

Young woman sitting on couch holding head

As doctors and researchers are quick to explain, Covid-19 is not the only virus that causes vertigo. "Vertigo and vertigo are common general symptoms associated with many viruses, and particularly with the disease accompanied by fever, not just Covid-19, "IAHN GONSENHAUSER, MD, Chief Quality Officer and Patient Safety at the University of Ohio State Medical Center, tells prevention. You can meet a severe cold, influenza , or something else entirely.

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