That's how to know if your stuffy nose could be Covid

Is your nasal congestion a sign of coronavirus or is it caused by your allergies?

Everyone gets clogged or casual poured nose. And there ismany reasons that are the case-Do a sinus infection to a septum deviated with a cold. Even stress can cause congestion. But one of the most likely causes of the boring nasal symptom is seasonal allergies. However, sinceSymptoms of COVID-19 Also assign your nose and sinuses, you do not want to brush or do not take it seriously. It's better to be sure by sorry, as they say. Read it to discover how you can determine if your congestion is a symptom of covidation - or at least something more serious than your allergies. And for more signs of illness to search, know outIf you have these 2 symptoms of Covid, you could meet at the hospital.

Your stuffy nose does not meet allergy medications.

allergy medication mixing alcohol

AllergySara Narayan, MD, wrote in an article for the Emerson Hospital of Massachusetts, a sign surefire that your nasal congestion could becaused by COVID East when taking allergy medications and this does not provide any relief. It's a pretty good indication that yourcluttered nose is caused by something other than allergies. And to help treat coronaviruses if you are infected, checkThis common medicine could save you fatal covid complications.

You do not have a history of seasonal allergies

pollen allergy

Never had seasonal allergies before? Then you probably do not have them either. Depending on how long your congestion persists and whatOther symptoms You have, you could have a cold, the flu and, yes, even Covid, although Narayan says it's rare. And for more useful information delivered in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

You have a fever.

black man checking his temperature and making a phone call

If you have a fever in addition to your stuffy nose, you definitely want to consider seeing a doctor. According to Narayan, allergies do not have a fever almost never. However, the symptom is very common in influenza cases, as well as the new coronavirus. Of course, these two diseases should be taken very seriously. And for advice on the distinction of the other, know thatThis "farfelu" symptom means you have Covid, not the flu.

You have bodily pain.

Woman rubbing aching back

The same goes for body pain, Narayan writes. You will almost never live the symptom due to allergies, but very often with Covid. And find out more about where the virus is heading, check10 states on the overcuts of COVID.

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