If you live in this state, you can get your vaccine Covid earlier

This state departs from the recommendations of the CDC and stems from their shots in a different order.

The deployment of two effective vaccines coronavirus provided the first public boosts optimism that the end of the pandemic is actually in sight. While pharmaceutical companies are working hand in hand with the government and agencies such as the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to get vaccinated Americans, it is also increasingly clear when you might be measuringbe vaccinated. But even if theFixed CDC recommendations who should get their first inoculations, it is for each state to decide exactly how they are distributed and the state is the trend:Texas. Depending on your age and current health condition, you can bet to get vaccinated Covid earlier in the Lone Star State. Read on to see who is eligible for accelerated shooting in Texas, and more on how to prepare, visitThese are the only people who should not get 2 doses of the Covid vaccine.

States, including Texas, following the CDC recommendations for Phase 1a of the immunization process,includes health care workers, EMS workers, and residents of care and nursing homes for long-term care. But on December 21, the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) announced that it had chosen not to follow the CDC recommendations on who would get thenext round of vaccinations during Phase 1b,The week reports. Instead of frontline inoculate essential workers and people over 75 years, Texas has chosen to give its nextthe doses to people 65 and older and all other adults over 16 with serious health conditions, including cancer, chronic kidney disease, heart disease, obesity, the state of organ transplantation, diabetes and disease sickle cell disease, and those who are pregnant.

"The focus onpeople 65 and older or who have comorbidities protect the most vulnerable populations, "Imelda Garcia, President of the vaccine division of the state of Panel and DSHS Commissioner associated laboratory services and Infectious Diseases, said in a press release. "With this approach Texans greatest risk of serious Covid-19 can be protected through the races and ethnic groups, regardless of where they work. »

Texas has yet to complete the implementation of Phase 1a of vaccine distribution. DSHS believes that "it will probably be at least a few weeks" before the 1.9 million people who fall into this category receive their doses and phase 1b can begin.

If you do not live in Texas, read on to see when you might be next in line for your shot in most of the United States, and for the latest news Covid, seeIf you do not do it, your mask will not protect you, the study says.

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Adults over 75 years

Closeup portrait nurse doing injection to senior man

At a panel on 20 December meeting of the CDC expert with the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) decided that Phase 1b should includethose 75 and older because they are "at high risk of morbidity associated Covid-19 and mortality," the panel noted.

This represents an increase from the age of 65 already recommended as a threshold, which adheres to Texas. Adults aged between 65 and 74 must be inoculated into 1c phase under CPIA. And to learn more about the age group most affected by the new strain, seeIf you reached this age, you are more likely to get the new strain Covid.

First responders

Firefighter wearing a mask

Essential workers represent the first time the recommended groups weredivided into different phases. After the meeting of December 20, the ACIP officers decided that the group including the Department of Homeland Security estimated to be as large as 90 million people expected to see some members such as police, firefighters and correctional workers prioritized over other who can not work at home,The New York Times reports. And for more new vaccines, consultIf you are allergic to it, you have to wait to get the vaccine Covid.

Some essential workers

precaution safety for the coronavirus with masks, plexiglass, gloves, and more

Phase 1b also includes "agricultural and food workers, postal service US workers, manufacturing workers, grocery workers, public transport workers, and those working in the sector education (teachers and support staff) as well as child care workers, "according to the recommendations of the ACIP.

The Panel emphasized that the people of these professions have an "increased risk of occupational exposure compared to other categories of essential workers and the benefits of the company to maintain these essential functions." Moreover, some of these industries have "high levels of certain racial minorities and ethnic groups who experienced an impact, morbidity and 19-Covid disproportionate mortality," the ACIP emphasizes. And for more regular updates on the vaccine and the virus,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Adults with high-risk medical conditions

young asian woman hospitalized with coronavirus
Shutterstock / photo_dddd

According to the recommendations of the ACIP, the 1C phase should include persons aged 16 to 64 who are the most vulnerable to Covid because of high-risk conditions. Similar to the list Texas, the CDC defines this group asPeople with diabetesCancer, heart conditions, obesity, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), kidney disease, sickle disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus and anyone immunosuppressed solid organ transplants. This also includes smokers and those who are pregnant. And for more news Covid checkDr. Faisci has just given a warning about the new Covid strain in the United States.

Other essential workers not included in the Phase 1b

a young hispanic woman hands over a curbside order

These essential not included in Phase 1B workers can get their vaccinations in the Phase 1C, including workers "in transportation and logistics, water and wastewater, food services, shelters and housing (construction ), finance (eg the bank), information technology and communications, energy, legal, media, public security (eg engineers) and public health officials. "And over time the size of the pandemic that hits your area, checkThat's how the COVID epidemic is in your state.

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