8 things that mature woman will never do for husband's sake

You definitely heard that a woman should and should not do?

You definitely heard that a woman should and should not do. We often indicate what women's affairs, and which men. In addition, you probably have at least one girlfriend, if not more that values ​​the thoughts and views of your husband more than your own. But why do we generally help them? Who has imposed it. Let's talk about things that mature woman will never do for her husband.

1. change style

If you are comfortable in sneakers, and it prefers the hairpin - no problem, let them be wearing them, if they like it. Change the style for the sake of a gentleman is wise. You have a full right to wear such a garment you like and look like you want.

2. Refuse your own goals

You dreamed of traveling around the world and shoot movies, and he says that a fool and better work in the office? Well, and what kind of person you are in life? You have your goals, your dreams, your life. Only you decide how it's life to live. Mature woman knows that a good man can either support or not interfere. Third is not given.

3. wait for approval

Mature woman knows what he wants and moves to the goal. To wait for your opinions or actions from her husband is not worth it. You are solving for yourself. What will you give it approval at all? For what to postpone your own decisions until it approves a man. It's a waste of time.


If you had a plan to meet relatives, friends, colleagues, a planned visit to a hairdresser or a doctor, and a man suddenly decided that today a wonderful day to meet - do not cancel your plans. Let the next time the meeting in advance, you are an adult, you have our own plans, your life does not spin around it and his whims.

5. Avoid friends

You do not seem strange that there are men who allow themselves to say things like "I do not want you to see this person, she does not like me"? How do they come to mind? Mature woman does not respond to this, nobody needs to point with what people communicate, you are able to determine the actual circle of communication.

6. Sit on a diet

Correct food and sports - For your own health it is great. But when you a man says that you have scored a pilot and you should sit on a diet - it's no longer ok. Mature women do not sit on diets, eating exclusively salads for men.

7. Refuse homeH.Pets

He just doesn't like cats or allergic to dogs? This is not a reason to get rid of your own pet and snap it in good hands. There are medicines against allergies, and a pet is a member of your family. Mature woman will not go to such donations. This is a pet, and tomorrow your relatives today. Let them learn to live or seek other options.

8. Gain children

Some women really want children, others are not yet ready for such liability, and some are not interested in children. When men require children and argue this "your duty" - as a minimum, not correctly. Do not give birth to children through the duty.

Categories: Relationship
Tags: psychology
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