That's the most likely to give you Covid, a new study says

These two groups of people are responsible for the majority of COVID transmission.

COVID continuesTear across the United States. at a fast pace. Although we are always learning more details on the spread of the virus, researchers have identified who is responsible forspill the virus most of the time. According to a recent study, 59% of all COVID transmissions come from people without any symptoms, preyvalypts or asymptomatic. Learn more about how this group could disseminate coronavirus and for more news about the pandemic,Dr. Faisci has just made this frightening prediction on the U.K. Covid strain.

On the basis of a new study, 35% of the new cases of COVID come from presymptomatic people.

Birthday party in the pandemic. Stay home from quarantine

Presymptomatic people have Covid and are not yetshowing symptoms virus but finally do. According to a study published by theAMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL (Jama) On 7 January, 35% of new covident cases.Pretyptomatic step.

People can have the virus for days before showing no signs of symptoms. "The time of exposure to the appearance of symptom (called incubation period) is considered three to 14 days, althoughThe symptoms usually appear In the four or five days after the exhibition, "According to Harvard Health.

Not only are you contagious before the start of the symptoms, but you are also potentially the most contagious at that time. "Emerging research suggests that people can actually be the most likely to broadcast the virus to others over the 48 hours before starting to feel symptoms," by Harvard Health. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

The study also asserts that 24% of new COVID cases come from asymptomatic people.

30-something asian woman wearing face mask without it covering her nose
Shutterstock / CGN089

Some people will never develop symptoms of Covid - these people are asymptomatic. While researchers had not yet pinned the definitivePercentage of asymptomatic cases, various studies have overwhelmed more than 40%, according to the Advisory Board. TheJama Model revealed that 24% of COVID cases come from these asymptomatic cases. And for the symptoms of coronaviruses that you should know,This strange pain could be the first sign you have COVID, the study says.

The amount of the propagation of people without symptoms calls for more precautions.

A young woman in a disposable face mask is checking a shopping list on a smartphone while there is another woman with shopping cart background

When predependable and asymptomatic propagation is combined, they represent nearly 60% of the propagation of the virus. It is difficult to fight against an invisible virus in some people, but experts say adhere to the precautions, such as wearing a mask and maintaining the social distance, could help control propagation.

"The bottom line controls the pandemic of Covid-19 will really ask to control theSilent transmission pandemic people without symptoms, "co-author of the studyJay C. Butler, the deputy director of the CDC for infectious diseases, saidThe Washington Post. And for more information on the current state of the pandemic,These 3 states have the worst epidemics of COVID worldwide.

The model confirmed what past education suggested about the propagation of COVID.

Portrait of young man with face mask back at work in office after lockdown, working.

JamaThe model confirmed what many other studies have been noted, that people without symptoms of COVID are responsible for the majority of the transmission of the virus. "It's certainly confirmatory, but it's nice to see the confirmation", the epidemiologistMenzies Richard, MD, saysThe Washington Post. And for more coronaviruses,If you have these 4 symptoms, you could have longer immunity in Covid.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and thesymptomsto know.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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