If you are this age, you are most likely to infect loved ones with COVID

A new disconcerting study of the CDC highlights that spreads coronavirus at home.

Whether or not they are schools across the United States should reopen in the midst of pandemic coronavirus has been a highly debated subject between those who areeager about a quick return to "Normalcy" and those who areconcerned about the public health risk to put children and teachers in classrooms. Now there is new research that throw a key into the conversation because it extends how children are playing in the transmission of the new coronavirus to other people at home. A recently published study by the disease and prevention centers (CDC) examined young people in South Korea and found thatthose aged 10 to 19 are themost likely to spread coronavirus In their households.

The great contact tracing study has been published inEmerging infectious diseases,A newspaper examined by peers of the CDC. Researchers examined 5,700 people who reported coronavirus symptoms between January 20th to March 27th, which is when South Koreaclosed schools. The researchers then followed nearly 60,000 contacts of origin cases. Overall, "we detected Covid-19 in 11.8% of household contacts; rates were higher for children's contacts than adults," researchers said.

Teenage girl wearing protective mask for school during medical crisis of epidemic virus spreading covid 19

Specifically, the results showed that children in the middle and high school with coronavirus were more likely to transmit the disease. Nearly 19% of contacts that shared a home with sick patients in this age group also contracted COVID. Children under the age of 10 were the least likely to spread the disease (about five percent of their contacts became ill).

The second most likely age group to spread the coronavirus of their household was 70 to 79, which saw 18% of their household contacts became infected. In third cases, 60 to 69 years are 17%.

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It should be noted that researchers have only drawn the contacts of children who felt sick. Therefore, there is a reasonable chance that asymptomatic children gave even more cases than the reported study. "The number of cases could have been underestimated because all asymptomatic patients may not have been identified," notes researchers.

A recent survey conducted by Axios-Ipsos indicates that 71% of American parents believe that it would berisked to send their children to school In the fall, some governors still plan to reopen schools in the coming months. In the meantime, a number of major school systems have already deferred in-person courses for the upcoming school year, including Los Angeles, San Diego and New York. If you are curious, which states are in the most difficult circumstances with the coronavirus, check11 states where locks again is absolutely necessary.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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