Do not eat enough of this nutrient can be as deadly as smoking, says a new study

You may want to separate the flax seeds.

Although there is no unforeseen way to expand your life, some behaviors will improve yourchances of living longer as well as those who can do the opposite.

It is not surprising that smoking is part of the last category. While healthy healthy activities like exercise regularly, eat aBalanced dietand stay connected to people around you canhelp prolong your life. From now on, according to new research, do not give up enough of this nutrient in your diet could make you shorten your life, have a small OMEGA-3 index could shorten your life from nearly five years. In other words, you may want to go to the alley of seafood and pick up someSalmon.

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Forthe study, Published inThe American Journal of Clinical NutritionThe researchers examined the Omega-3 indices (a measure of the percentage of the total fatty acids of someone are omega-3 fatty acids) of more than 2,000 people and used this to assess their risk of death. The researchers noted that, the higher the OMEGA-3 index, the lower the risk.

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"The easiest way to say that this is, all things being equal and, of course, they are never-members of an omega-3 index within 20% of the highest 20% of the population lived about 4.7 years older, or after the age of 65 as people with an omega-3 index in the lowest 20%, "Co-author William S. Harris, PhD, Faha saidEat this, not that!

In a previous study, Harris added: "We found that being a smoker, not, shortened his life of about the same number of years as a weak omega-3 index (against high) . " It prevents these results do not mean that you can cancel damage caused by smoking throughFish oil supplements, he also supports existing research aroundOMEGA-3 fatty acids and longevity.

So, how can you apply this knowledge to your own health, you can ask? The first author of the study, Michael I. McBurney, PhD, FCNS-SCN, FASN, has recommendations.

"Life does not come with guarantees and the modification of its omega-3 status does not automatically confer good health," he noted. Nevertheless, he suggests that you get your blood levels tested to see if you need moreEPA and DHA in your diet. Once you have made changes to your diet, whether by supplements or eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, get from 3 to 5 months later. He added: "The customization of your OMEGA-3 status is 1-2 tests."

This type of test is available via a range of different suppliers, although it can be expensive. Meanwhile, if you do not eatRich rich omega-3It certainly did not hurt to start.

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