If you have these 2 subtle symptoms, there are a good chance you have Covid

A growing research body shows that these symptoms are a clear indicator of coronavirus.

Most COVID symptoms are ambiguous: a cough, a fever or sore throat could give a diagnosis ofinfluenza at bronchitis. But scientists say that two subtle symptoms are now considered a dead gift that you are intended for a COVID test. These symptoms areAgeusia andanosmia: more commonly called loss of taste and smell.

A study published this week inClinical practical neurologyA Journal of the American Academy of Neurology found that 63% of Covid patients admitted to a hospital in Udine, Italy experienced this set of special symptoms. Of these patients, 22% reported that theirLoss of olfactory meaning Was the firstSign of illness. These symptoms lasted between 25 and 30 days on average.

The researchers were hit both by the occurrence rate, which represented two-thirds of their hospitalized-covidized patient population - and the fact that these individualsThe symptoms often surface before others.

"Loss of smell and taste are common in people with COVID-19 infections and our study revealed that these symptoms often occur before other symptoms, such as fever or shortness of breath, "said the study authorFrancesco Bax, MD. "Because of this, clinicians should consider the loss of smell of a patient and taste an early indication of infection, closely monitoring while keeping the patient isolated and possibly quarantined, until A definitive diagnosis can be done. While many people show proof of Covid-19 infection in the lungs, we found that there could be more game than what the lungs of a person can tell us , "Explained Bax.

In particular, this study was not the only one to notice the important role of these two symptoms. A recent review ofEight studies with a combined total of 11,054 topics of study found that nearly 75% of light or ambulatory patients and 81% of severe or hospitalized patients reported loss of taste or odor. In the end, these conclusions could help identify patients at the beginning of an infection and to prevent further spread while patients are otherwise asymptomatic. Read more surprising symptoms to search for, and for more information on current Covid overvid, checkThese states do not do enough to fight Covid, the White House warns.

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Digestive symptoms

woman holding lower stomach possible colon cancer

On aStanford Medical Report Published in the newspaperGastroenterology, a third of the covidant patients presented withGastrointestinal symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite or diarrhea. After collecting data from 116 patients who have tested positive for the coronavirus during the month of March, the researchers found that nearly 32% reported these symptoms, with most cases of "soft".

The study indicated that twenty-two percent of patients lost their appetites, an additional 22% were nausea and vomiting by 22% and 12% had diarrhea.

"In our current cohort of patients, all patients had respiratory symptoms before the development ofGastrointestinal symptoms," notedAlexander Podboy, MD, co-author of the study. "No patient had gastrointestinal symptoms before the development of respiratory symptoms or as its only manifestation of Covid-19."

Ocular infection

Older woman with pinkeye

Conjunctivitis is a surprising symptom of Covid-19 which has been neglected in the first months of the pandemic. A study published in the journalJama Ophthalmology, who analyzed the cases of216 children with COVID-19, found that 22% of cases included "Eye manifestations, including conjunctival discharge, friction of eyes and conjunctive congestion. "

The researchers noted that it was rarely the main symptom and was often accompanied by a cough. And for more information on the decoding of COVID symptoms, discoverIf you have these 2 symptoms of Covid, you could meet at the hospital.

Brain fog

A young man working at a laptop takes off his glasses to rub his eyes with a sleepy, fatigued look

Although not among the most common symptoms, some coovidant patients are experimenting withmemory loss After a virus fight.Aluko Hope, MD, a critical care specialist at the Montefore Hospital in New York, recently told that "a third party" of its coovidant patientsStruggled with brain fog.

Irving Medical Center of Columbia Universitysupports this anecdotal account with their own: "In the last two months in New York, we saw a thread of patients with more serious and persistent symptoms compared to the typical brain fog after aSleepless night. Some of these patients are quite young, in their thirties, "say representatives of the memory clinic there.


Tired man rubbing his eyes or head on the couch

Of course, your exhaustion can be the result ofliterallyAt present, but this could also indicate a medical condition and most likely a diagnosis of COVID-19. After proofreading148 COVID studies, a report of June published in the journalPlos a found that fatigue was the third most often reported the symptom of coronavirus in cases confirmed by the laboratory.

However, if you arevictim of fatigue Alone, there is no need to panic simply. "If you get more symptoms, so it's not just fatigue, but fatigue more body pain plus coughing and fever, it's disturbing,"Andrew Varga, a neuroscientist and a doctor at Mount Sinai's Integrative Sleep Center recently saidThe cup. "The tightness of the chest alone, the fatigue alone - these are less concerning that you areabout to become really sick. "And for an update of locking measures across the United States.These states are blocked again in the middle of COVID.

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